comparing cancer models using gene expression of genetic

Comparing cancer models using gene expression of genetic pathways - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Comparing cancer models using gene expression of genetic pathways and other gene lists Tauno Metsalu Data mining research seminar 17.12.2012 Introduction Before testing a drug on human, it has to be tested and effective on a simpler

  1. Comparing cancer models using gene expression of genetic pathways and other gene lists Tauno Metsalu Data mining research seminar 17.12.2012

  2. Introduction • Before testing a drug on human, it has to be tested and effective on a simpler model • Most potential drugs lack the expected efficacy on human, even when working properly on a model • It is important to understand the exact aspects how models could be improved

  3. Drug development pipeline

  4. Model systems

  5. Cell line as a model system • Cheaper • Stays alive for longer • Less variable • Differs from real cancer! • How much and in which sense does it differ?

  6. Collected expression data

  7. Microarrays (1)

  8. Microarrays (2)

  9. Gene lists • We use two different ways to define gene lists • Pathways – groups of genes with a specific biological function (KEGG database) • Interaction partners – we take all interaction partners of a specified gene (FunCoup database)

  10. Similarity • Absolute similarity – Spearman’s correlation converted into 0-1 scale • Relative similarity – relative rank of absolute similarity among all gene lists (used just for better intuition)

  11. Data integration InParanoid ortholog mapping mouse samples human samples mouse human pathway pathway genes genes green: pairwise data comparisons used

  12. Analysis • We used two different genes as basis: EGFR and MTOR • They have enough data for both gene list definitions (pathways and interaction partners)

  13. EGFR

  14. MTOR

  15. Summary • We proposed a pipeline to compare cancer models • It is possible to integrate data from different platforms and species (human and mouse) • MTOR is better retained in cancer models than EGFR

  16. Acknowledgements • Prof Jaak Vilo • Priit Adler • Raivo Kolde

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