Company’s Profile
Who o are we? Business Solutions Group (BSG) is a Saudi based consulting firm specializing in event management and marketing. BSG provides innovative event management solutions according to international standards, and supported by a knowledgeable team and an effective/efficient marketing communications strategy plan to deliver high reach of various targeted segments, and build strong brand equity for the event.
Visio ion, n, Mission ion & V & Val alues To To be be a leadin eading eve event nt ma manage nagement ment company ompany that that deli delivers vers high high quality uality, val value ue-dr driven ven servi vice ces while focusi using on on the unique ueness ss of of our our clients’ projec ect. Visio ion To en To ensure sure cl clien ent sati satisfaction sfaction an and loyal oyalty ty by by deli deliver vering ng ef effe fect ctive ve an and ef effi ficien ent event’s manag manageme ement nt sol solut ution ons ba backed ed by by know nowled edgeable eable te team am who who ha have ve re resp spec ectable table & truste tru sted relation relationship hip wi with th vario various su supp ppliers, ers, and sup suppor porte ted by by late atest st te tech chnologie nologies and and manag manageme ement nt pr proce ocess. With th us us yo you can can ex expa pand nd yo your ur ne netw twork ork to to achie achieve ve bu busin sines ess Missio sion gr growth wth. We We don’t just “make” event nts happen en. We We make the event nt you need, d, happen pen. Commit mitment ment to to customer omer servi vice ce & satisfa fact ction on. • Integrit rity • Transp spar aren ency cy • Creativit ativity • Value ues Atte tention tion to to detail ail • Building ding relati ations onship hip & netw tworki rking •
Ou Our Se Services ices Event t Planning, g, Management B2B Conference ces s Printing g & Promotional al / and Execu cution ion & Meetings Gift Items Integr grated ed Marketing ing Sponsors’ Findings Marketing ing Consulting g Communica ication ions s (IMC) C) and Marketing ing and Training Consulting
Event Planning, Management and Execution We search for the opportunities in the business markets, gain insights about the events industry. Event nt Planning ing We define target sectors, and then we start the planning process to propose the right event that & Crea eation tion answers our client’s business and marketing needs We have a specialized team to prepare the necessary forms for registration, provide high-quality Regis istra tratio tion electronic and self-registration systems and prepare rules & regulations and all procedures for Systems ems the event’s registration process. We provide services for Hotel’s reservations and negotiate for renting the venue of events, Reser erva vation ions according to the requirements of our clients and taking into account the nature of the event. Our Management ent services include event’s venue decorations/branding and other reservations related needs. We launch campaigns to attract visitors and specialized guests, provide smart registration Crowd owd systems for them, and we work to receive and manage crowds by directing and managing their Management ent presence flexibly in the event Venue. We facilitate and complete procedures and protocol for receiving international delegations and VIPs through executive Hospita italit lity offices in the airports providing cars for internal transportation, coordinating their agendas and securing hotel services for Servic vices es guest accommodations, managing and organizing tourist trips, include support in shipping and securing goods. Event nt We have a dedicated team to execute and manage the event and the protocol to ensure a high-quality Execu cutio tion organizational outputs that exceed the expectations of event’s owners, the sponsors, the visitors, and VIP attendees. Post-Event Event We provide event documentation services that include photography, video and live broadcast services using the Docum umentin enting latest technologies, montage services, and event’s reporting Officia icial l Building on our strong relationships network, we identify ministries, authorities, and official Supp pport governmental bodies to secure their full support for the event.
B2B Conferences & Meetings B2B-mee meeti ting ngs are pre-arranged, targeted appointments dedicated to get buyers/investors and exhibitors to meet. The B2B-meetings are an ideal way for all type of businesses, to build connections and to find new clients and potential cooperation partners/investors. At Bu Busin siness ss Sol Solut ution ons Group roup, we plan, prepare, coordinate and execute B2B meetings for businessmen and investors with private and public sectors’ institutions to discover commercial & investment opportunities available to achieve successful business deals that contribute to their business growth
Printing & Promotional/Gift Items We work closely with our suppliers/partners to design and print all promotional and point of sales / branding materials needed for the event. Also, we design and provide gifts and prizes/awards
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) Consulting Our dedicated marketing and creative teams will work together with our valuable clients to design the identity of the event and develop the content of the event’s communication message. We develop the official website for the event, provide databases for the target audience. We develop the integrated marketing communications (IMC) strategy and mix such as: Advertising (Offline & Online), public relations, press releases, e-mail campaigns, SMS messages and social media campaigns. We, also, develop and produce promotional short documentaries videos. We propose media mix (Offline & Online) strategy and plan to reach effectively the event’s target segment(s).
Sponsors’ Findings and Marketing Our marketing and sales teams will define the list of potential sponsors for the event, and prepare and design the various types of sponsorship packages that meet the event’s business objectives and attract as many as possible numbers of sponsors. Our strong networking and relationship will play a vital role in succeeding to bring maximum number of sponsors to the event. Marketing and selling the sponsorship packages is a very delicate operation and should always achieve a “Win Win ” results for both the event’s organizers and the sponsors. Our strong relationship
Marketing Consulting and Training Our strategic marketing consulting experts team is ready to assist organizations to conduct marketing mix diagnostic/audit, review its marketing plan (if available), prepare the marketing strategy and plan, and provide marketing related training programs that provide the organization’s marketing team with knowledge and tools to improve their strategic marketing planning and strategy implementation skills to achieve, business, sales and marketing objectives
Our Business Partners Riyadh dh Jubail il Univer iversit sity Minist istry of Minist istry of Minist istry of Minist istry of Munic icipal ipal SAUDI I Chamber ber College llege Inter erior ior Healt lth Education on and Rura ral l Affa fair irs CUSTO STOMS MS SAMI MI Nava vant ntia Inter erna nation ional l HUAWEI EI Saudi di Exhib hibit ition ion & Eye e Of Riyadh dh the e Globa bal l Asso socia iation ion of Kotler ler Impact pact Nava val l Indus ustries ies Orga rganiz nization ion for Conve nvent ntion ion Burea eau the e Exhib hibit ition n Indus ustry ry Standa ndardiza dization ion KPMG MG MEGA Cons nsult ultation ions The Ara rabic bic Union ion for r Flem eming ing OLVA Cons nsult ulting ing BII World rld Exhi hibi bitions ns and Inter erna nation ional l Conf nfer erences es
Contact us +966 -11-455 5521 +966 – 53- 657 0150 7532 Riyadh 12462 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia @bsgexpo Business Solution Group +966 - 55 - 622 7330
www ww.bsg
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