community solar rate rider schedule no 500

Community Solar Rate Rider: Schedule No. 500 February 13, 2018 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Community Solar Rate Rider: Schedule No. 500 February 13, 2018 1 Community Solar Agenda Design Principles Program Highlights Pricing Methodology Example Customer Impact Conclusion Next Steps 2 Design Principles

  1. Community Solar Rate Rider: Schedule No. 500 February 13, 2018 1

  2. Community Solar Agenda • Design Principles • Program Highlights • Pricing Methodology • Example Customer Impact • Conclusion • Next Steps 2

  3. Design Principles • Market Research and focus groups resulted in diverse opinion on program structure and pricing design • Consistent with Strategic Directive 2: • Maintain fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory rates as stated in Nebraska Revised Statute § 70-655 • Equitably assign costs across and within all customer classes • Pursue rate process and structure changes to reflect the cost of energy when it is used • Offer flexibility and options; and • Ease of understanding 3

  4. Design Principles • Transparent and based on actual production and prior year Southwest Power Pool (SPP) day ahead market pricing • Valuation is consistent with how the market values current or future OPPD generation assets • Foundations of the design principles would be scalable to accommodate potential future states of large scale adoption of Distributed Energy Resources • The Brattle Group agrees the methodology complies with reasonable and prudent ratemaking principles 4

  5. Program Highlights • Program will require a refundable deposit upon enrollment that could be forfeited for early program departure • Contract term – five, ten or twenty year contract • Customer chooses offset between 10% - 50% of usage – When combined with OPPD’s existing and planned wind resources, the program would allow participating customers the ability to achieve approximately a ‘100% renewable’ portfolio on an annual basis by 2021 • Annual customer kWh consumption would be approximately equal to annual kWh generation from renewable resources • Inter hour production will be from OPPDs existing generation portfolio 5

  6. Pricing Methodology • No consistent pricing structure exists at the national, regional or even state level • Greatest pricing variations are related to the credit value participants receive. Some examples include: – Full retail rate: consistent with net metering, but results in significant subsidization by non participants – Embedded cost of generation: simple approach, but gives solar equal capacity credit compared to baseload units – “Value of Solar”: diverse interpretations that lack a uniform calculation methodology 6

  7. Pricing Methodology • A Southwest Power Pool (SPP) market based approach • The value expected to be received if all energy from the Community Solar Facility were sold into the SPP Market. – Energy priced on prior year actual SPP day ahead prices – Capacity factor based on SPP accreditation value – Capacity value based on the District’s next marginal generation • Structure allows all financial and environmental benefits from a Community Solar Project to be passed on to the customers who participate in the program. 7

  8. Pricing Methodology • Valuation is based on market values from SPP • The valuation consists of two value streams: – Energy • Actual hourly annual community solar production from the prior year – Accredited Capacity • Annual levelized value of next marginal generation • Credit Calculation: ((D*S)+(V*C)) – D: SPP day ahead hourly market prices from previous year – S: Hourly production shape for community solar – V: Annual levelized value of next marginal generation – C: SPP accredited capacity value • Formula will be updated annually 8

  9. Production Shape to Average Hourly SPP Price 0.600 $0.030 0.500 $0.025 Hourly Market Price 0.400 $0.020 kW output 0.300 $0.015 0.200 $0.010 0.100 $0.005 0.000 $0.000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Hours of the Day Avg. output of 1 kW AC solar system* Ave. of 2016 Day Ahead Hourly Price** *Average NREL Production shape for OPPD service territory **2016 SPP Day Ahead Annual Hourly Pricing 9

  10. Production Shape to Load on Peak 80% 2,500 70% 2,000 during system peak Solar production 60% Capacity Factor of Solar System Load in MW 50% 1,500 40% 1,000 30% 20% 500 10% 0% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Hours of the Day Expected output of 1 kW AC solar system on 2016 Peak Day* System Load in MW on 2016 Peak Day** *NREL Production shape for OPPD service territory on 8-11-16 **2016 OPPD system load on Peak Day 8-11-16 10

  11. SPP Capacity Accreditation Dispatchable 100% 100% 100% 100% 80% 60% 40% Intermittent 20% 20% 15% 0% Coal Gas Nuclear Solar Wind* * Highest current accreditation value for existing OPPD wind facilities in accordance with standing Southwest Power Pool accreditation policies. Wind & solar accreditation policies require three years of production generation. 11

  12. Example Cost to Participants Several factors will influence the cost to participate, including: • Cost per kWh – Final cost of community solar project from competing developers, including interconnection • Market Values – The market based credit value that will be updated annually – Valuation changes are affected by SPP accreditation policies, energy prices and asset performance • Tiered Subscription Levels – Customers annual usage – How much of their annual usage the customer wants to offset with community solar generation 12

  13. Example Cost to Participants Below is an illustrative examples of each category: Cost per kWh • Illustrative cost of the yet to be awarded interconnected community solar project  7.5 cents per kwh – PPA expected to be executed in Q2 of 2018 • The approximate market based credit value that will be updated annually  3.6 cents per kWh Subscription Level • Customer annual usage  11,000 kwh • How much of their annual usage the customer wants to offset with community solar  10% Ranges are representative. In aggregation, the above assumptions would result in a 3% bill increase 13

  14. Example Cost to Participants % Bill Increase Based on % of Energy Offset by The Average Customer* 20% 17% Expected Percentage Bill Increase 15% 13% 10% 10% 7% 5% 3% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% Tiers of Program Participation * Figures are estimates based on representative PPA costs. Actual PPA costs will change outcome of analysis. 14

  15. Conclusion • Credit value will be tied as closely to SPP market value as possible to pass along all ‘gains and costs’ to participants • Participation in program is voluntary • Management’s proposed value is – Consistent with Strategic Directives (SD): • SD 2 Rates • SD 13 Stakeholder Outreach and Communication – Lower than some other programs – Meets OPPD requirement of a fair, reasonable and non- discriminatory standard • Proposed pricing lays the foundation for future DER adoption by valuing the assets and energy like the market values the assets and energy 15

  16. Next Steps • Customer comment period begins today and will conclude prior to the next board meeting – Via • Public comments will be reported to the Board • During the March board meeting, Management will report back on public comments and seek a Board Resolution requesting approval of the Community Solar Rate Rider Schedule No. 500 16

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