Community Planning and Mid-Argyll, Kintyre and Islay Area Committee Brian Barker Policy and Strategy Manager Argyll and Bute Council
Community planning – a tangled web? Community Assembly (The Biennial Conference) Community Planning Partnership (CPP) (Chaired by Argyll and Bute Council) CPP Management Committee (Chaired by Scottish Natural Heritage) Strategic Themes Area Partnerships (Chaired by Argyll and Bute Council, NHS, Argyll (Pilot partnership currently in progress in Bute and Islands Enterprise and Scottish Enterprise and Cowal. Future form will depend on Dunbartonshire) outcome of an evaluation in 2006) Other partnerships Local forums (For example: Community Safety; Biodiversity; (Part of the pilot project. Only operational in Community Regeneration (former SIP); Advice Bute and Cowal. Future dependent on Network; Choose Life; DriveSafe; etc) evaluation)
Linked partnerships For example: Choose Life; DriveSafe; Sport and Physical Activity Strategy Group; ASBO etc (some via the JHIP) 1 - Promoting Health and Wellbeing 3 - Sustaining and developing our communities, culture Strategic and environment Themes Linked partnerships For example: Community Regeneration and Learning Partnership; Transport; 2 - Improving opportunities Biodiversity; etc for learning, employment and skills development Linked partnerships Mainly via Dunbartonshire Economic Forum and Argyll & Islands Economic Forum and their different sub-groups
2005 conference outcomes o Increasing older population o valuing experience and age o create meaningful opportunities o different accountabilities and limits of partnership working o Declining younger population o sustainable employment and relevant skills to support that o positive identity for young people o facilities and subsequent opportunities o Fragile communities o transport o community confidence/capacity o housing – land availability/supporting infrastructure
Engagement at present… o Broad brush – Citizens Panel o 1200 people – random selection from electoral roll o higher response rate from older people o information used by different partners at different levels o Detail – within the CPP structure o representation should reflect the main priorities of each partnership/group o each level decides on most appropriate form of representation – flexibility is key o expectation of more significant involvement closer to communities o strategic level representation via organisations o National standards for community engagement
Future developments o Local community planning o evaluation of the Bute and Cowal Area Partnership pilot o recommendations for future development o phased changes in each area o Community plan review o review current plan (now 5 years old) o 2005 conference findings o Audit Scotland comments in the Best Value Audit report o approaching revision of the Council Corporate Plan o Changing structures? o local community planning recommendations o new community plan with different focus? o Scottish Executive plans
Examples of action… o Joint Health Improvement Plan o health improvement actions across Argyll and Bute o local health networks – 3 in MAKI o Access to services o research on access to services – island focus in MAKI o £100k allocated by SEERAD o Meet the Funders o Research o Rural financial inclusion and capability – Port Ellen o Community regeneration o Campbeltown ADG o Health improvement fund o NHS funds distributed by the CPP
Any questions?
Contacts Brian Barker Policy and Strategy Manager Argyll and Bute Council Lolita Lavery Community Planning Manager Argyll and Bute Community Planning Partnership E-mail - Phone – 01546 604437
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