community h housing g kitsel selas f first n nation

Community H Housing g Kitsel selas F First N Nation 1 DNA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

NOVEMBER 2019 Community H Housing g Kitsel selas F First N Nation 1 DNA David Nairne + Associates Ltd. What a are re we doing t today? BC Housing Project Introduction Community and Housing Profile Housing Needs Assessment

  1. NOVEMBER 2019 Community H Housing g Kitsel selas F First N Nation 1 DNA David Nairne + Associates Ltd.

  2. What a are re we doing t today? • BC Housing Project Introduction • Community and Housing Profile • Housing Needs Assessment • Community Engagement • Discussion and Questions 2

  3. 3

  4. BC BC Hous ousing F Fund unding ng 4

  5. Indi digenous H s Housi using F Fund Eligible Applicants • Indigenous organizations, First Nations, and non-profit and for-profit developers in partnership with Indigenous organizations and First Nations Eligible Projects • Development of new affordable rental units for Indigenous persons within the province of British Columbia 5

  6. Indi digenous H s Housi using F Fund BC Housing can provide: • Capital Grant : up to $200,000 per housing unit (secured by a 35-year forgivable mortgage) • Interim Construction : up to 100% of approved construction cost • Take-out Financing: available to Indigenous non-profit housing provider secured by 35-year repayable mortgage with a minimum Debt Coverage Ratio (DCR) of 1.0 and satisfying CMHC loan insurance financing requirement for projects located On or Off Reserve lands. • Operating Subsidy: is available to assist projects in maintaining affordability (RGI rents for households with incomes at or below HILs). Limited funding for tenant programs may also be available where required. 6

  7. Indi digenous H s Housi using F Fund Kitselas First Nation has been approved for Project Development Funding (PDF) to prepare for the upcoming Indigenous Housing Fund Call • Kitselas is proposing 40 multi-family and Elders Units 7

  8. Davi vid Nai airn rne + + Asso soci ciates, s, Ltd BC BC Housing P Projects 8

  9. Unit Client Location Program Count Daylu Dena Council Watson Lake, YT 12 Supportive Heiltsuk Nation Bella Bella, BC 12 Indigenous Skidegate Band Council Graham Island, BC 24 Indigenous Kitselas Nation Kitselas, BC 40 Indigenous Northern Society for Smithers, BC 15 Community Domestic Peace Lax Kw'alaams Band 60 Indigenous Lax Kw'alaams, BC Lax Kw'alaams Band 20 Indigenous Cur Current D DNA Project cts 9

  10. 10

  11. Com Communi nity & & Hous ousing ng P Prof ofile 11

  12. Survey (92 responses) Information S Sources Indigenous Kitselas Services First Canada Nation Statistics 12

  13. Housing P g Profile There are a total of 108 houses in community: • 81 houses on Gitaus (IR 1) • 27 houses on Kulspai (IR 6). 13

  14. Population 800 Proj ojecti ection ons 700 600 500 2019 2019 400 • 320 Members l living in in the communit nity 300 Inmigration Survey Data • 688 688 Members t s total 200 Households Number of People 1-4 years 17 60 Assuming 3 3% a annua nnual g growth a and nd 9-9 years 2 8 100 10+ Years 3 10 tha hat 78 membe bers move ba back i in n the he 0 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 ne next 1 10 years, t the here could uld be be as man any as as 680 m 680 members l living i in the In the Community Outside of the Community communit nity i in n 2038. 14

  15. Survey Results by Age Group Age C e Compos ositi tion on 70+ years (based o on s survey res esults ts) 65 to 69 years 60 to 64 years 55 to 59 years 50 to 54 years • Chi hildren s n starting ng s scho hool l (ages 5 5 to 45 to 49 years 9 years old) d) m make up up the he largest 40 to 44 years age g group Age 35 to 39 years 30 to 34 years • With h a media dian n age o of 2 26.8 y years 25 to 29 years old, K Kit itselas is a youthful 20 to 24 years 15 to 19 years popula po pulatio ion 10 to 14 years 5 to 9 years • This compares t to a med edian age o e of 0 to 4 years 40.9 y yea ears o old for t the e reg egion a as a 0 10 20 30 40 50 whol ole # of people In the community Outside the community 15

  16. Housing P Profile • 44 membe bers w who r respo pond nded d to the he sur urvey i indi ndicated t d the heir ho home ne needs ds m mino nor repair irs • 20 membe bers w who r respo pond nded d to In the Outside the British the he sur urvey r requ quir ire a a larger ho home community community Columbia • 6 members w Average who r res esponded ed t to the e Household 4.3 3.5 2.4 survey i indicated ed they ey are e Size ho homeless a and i nd in n ne need o d of ho hous using ing • Occupants r range b e bet etween een 1 to 8 pe persons pe per ho home • Aver erage e of 4 4.3 r residen ents p per ho hous use i in n the he c commun unit ity 16

  17. Priority for Housing 50% Living in the community 45% Living outside of the community 40% 35% % of responses 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Single People Couples Families with Elders Homeless People with Single parents with children mobility challenges children Types of Households Housing P Priorities Members w who ho r responde ded d to t the he sur urvey i ide dentif ified famil ilie ies w wit ith c child ldren (inc ncludin ding sing ngle pa parents), elders and nd people w with m mobil ilit ity c chall llenges as prior ority ty g grou oups for or hous ho using ing. 17

  18. Hou ousin ing I Issues All membe bers w who respo pond nded d to the survey s stated d affordabi bili lity, maintena nance a and nd location as the heir ir m main in ho hous using i issue ues, whi hile avail ilabili lity, s safety, accessibil ibility a and nd lack of space w wer ere l e larger i issues es dep epen ending o on where p peo eople l e live. e. 18

  19. Timeframe for Moving to Kitselas 12% Timeframe 13% 23 ho hous useholds lds indi ndicated t d the hey wanted t to move b back t to Kitselas 75% 1 to 4 years 5 to 9 years 10+ years 19

  20. What would you need to consider prior moving to Kitselas? 90% 80% Consider erati tion ons 70% 60% 50% Hous using a avail ilabili lity i is the he bi biggest 40% cons nsideration pr n prior t to moving to 30% Kitselas 20% 10% 0% Housing Employment Health Education availability services services 20

  21. Hous ousing ng N Needs ds 21

  22. Ho Housing N g Need eeds Housing Needs Assessment based on the Kitselas Survey Results (92 respondents) 1 to 4 5 to 9 10+ Total Homeless 6 6 Replacement 6 6 Overcrowding 16 16 In-migration 17 3 3 23 Household formation 8 7 10 25 Total 53 10 13 76 *102 Households on the Waiting List 22

  23. Com Communi nity Engag agemen ent 23

  24. Community Survey completed Chief and Council and Staff Meeting Friday, November 22 nd Community Engagement Elders Meeting Friday, November 22 nd Community Housing Workshop Saturday, November 23 rd *photo courtesy of Royal LePage 24

  25. Wrap U Up Discussion and Questions 25

  26. Thank y k you ou! DNA David Nairne + Associates Ltd. 26


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