1 ID: ________________ COMMUNITY CONCERNS ABOUT FORESTRY AND CONSERVATION ON VANCOUVER ISLAND QUESTIONNAIRE INTRODUCTION We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your willingness to participate in this study. We wish to remind you that your identity will remain completely confidential, and the answers you provide will remain anonymous. If you feel uncomfortable with any questions you need not answer them. Your participation is purely voluntary. A report summarizing the results will be presented to Share Our Resources. The report will contain summary statistics (e.g., averages and percentages of group members’ responses to various questions) but the results will be presented in a manner that will prevent the identification of individual participants. Do Not Write Your Name on this Questionnaire INSTRUCTIONS 1. If you have a family membership with Share Our Resources would the adult in the household who had the most recent birthday please complete the questionnaire. 2. Please read and sign both copies of the Consent Form. Please mail one copy of the consent in the smaller envelope provided in your questionnaire package, and retain the other copy for your records. 3. This questionnaire is not designed to be a test of your knowledge, but rather, to provide important research information. To ensure the quality of the results, we urge you to answer the questions as completely as possible. If you want to add more information about any question please feel free to do so. Many of the questions require you to place a check mark or circle a letter (or number) beside the applicable response category. Some questions require that you answer yes or no. For these questions simply circle YES or NO. 4. The questionnaire is printed on BOTH sides of the paper - please be careful not to skip any pages. 5. When you have completed the questionnaire, please return it in the large self-addressed pre-stamped envelope. You do not need to attach postage. 6. If you have any problems, questions, or comments, please call Dr. David Tindall at (604) 822-2550. [If your call is transferred to voice mail, please leave your FIRST NAME, your number, and a brief message and someone will return your call as soon as possible.] This questionnaire has been printed on recycled paper. Questions about Forestry, the Environment and Conservation. 1. Do you have any concerns about forestry and conservation on Vancouver Island? If yes, please briefly describe below. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________
2 For the following statements please indicate whether you completely agree, mostly agree, partly agree/disagree, mostly disagree, or completely disagree. (Please place a check mark under the column that best reflects your opinion.). Completely Mostly Partly Mostly Completely Agree Agree Agree/Disagree Disagree Disagree [ ] 2. Most jobs in the forest industry have been lost because of a reduced timber supply due to over-cutting. [ ] 3. Most jobs that have been lost in the forest industry are due to unnecessary environmental protection (e.g., the creation of parks, the Forest Practices Code, etc.). [ ] 4. Most jobs that have been lost in the forest industry are due to necessary environmental protection (e.g., the creation of parks, the Forest Practices Code, etc.). [ ] 5. Most jobs that have been lost in the forest industry are due to things like mechanization and market conditions (e.g., supply and price of wood fibre). [ ] 6. Most job losses in the forest industry are due to the actions of environmental groups. [ ] 7. Government has a responsibility to assist displaced forestry workers in obtaining comparable work. [ ] 8. Forest companies have a responsibility to assist displaced forestry workers in obtaining comparable work. COMMENTS: (Please provide any additional comments you might have)
3 For the following statements please indicate whether you completely agree, mostly agree, partly agree/disagree, mostly disagree, or completely disagree. (Please place a check mark under the column that best reflects your opinion.). Completely Mostly Partly Mostly Completely agree Agree Agree/Disagree Disagree Disagree [ ] 9. Most environmental problems are a result of societal over- consumption of resources (e.g., over-use of paper products, over-packaging, reliance on single occupancy vehicles, etc.). [ ] 10. In order to have low unemployment and a more stable economy in this region, many forestry workers will have to accept lower levels of pay doing other kinds of work. [ ] 11. It is important for men to be able to earn enough money to support their families, including their spouse. [ ] 12. In today’s world, it is necessary for both parents to work full- time in the paid labour force. [ ] 13. In today’s world, it is desirable for both parents to work full- time in the paid labour force. 14. The children of forestry workers have a right to earn wages comparable to those earned by their parents. [ ] 15. Working in forestry is a lifestyle as well as a job. [ ] 16. Replacing lost forestry jobs with jobs in tourism is an appropriate solution to the unemployment problem. [ ] 17. Replacing lost forestry jobs with jobs in tourism is an economically viable choice for the community. [ ] 18. ‘Sustainable forestry,’ means that forestry workers’ children can continue to work in the forest industry doing similar jobs as their parents. COMMENTS: (Please provide any additional comments you might have in the space provided below.)
4 19. We would like to know how you feel about different kinds of protests which might be used to get the government to change its policies. (Please place a check mark under the column that best reflects your opinion.) Often Sometimes Never Don't justified justified justified know [ ] a. What about strikes? Do you think they are ... [ ] b. What about boycotts? Do you think they are ... [ ] c. What about legal and peaceful demonstrations, like marches, rallies, and picketing? Do you think they are ... [ ] d. What about illegal but peaceful demonstrations, like sit-ins? Do you think they are ... [ ] e. What about direct actions such as blockades of logging roads? Do you think they are ... [ ] f. What about direct actions against environmental groups who threaten forest industry jobs? (E.g., stopping the Greenpeace ship from leaving port; dismantling boardwalks and research stations installed by environmental groups on crown lands slated for timber harvesting.) Do you think they are ... [ ] g. And finally, what about violent demonstrations including actions such as fighting with the police and destroying property? Do you think they are ... COMMENTS: ( Please provide any additional comments you might have in the space provided below.)
5 20. The following questions were designed to obtain your opinion regarding environmental quality. For the following statements indicate whether you believe the issue is very serious, somewhat serious, not serious, not serious at all, or have no opinion. (Please place a check mark under the column that best expresses your opinion.) Very Somewhat Not Not Serious No Serious Serious Serious At All Opinion [ ] a. How serious a problem do you feel air pollution is in your community? [ ] b. How serious a problem do you feel water pollution is in your community? [ ] c. How serious a problem do you feel liquid waste disposal (i.e. sewage) is in your community? [ ] d. How serious a problem do you feel that solid waste disposal is in your community (eg., using land fills to dispose of solid waste)? COMMENTS: ( Please provide any additional comments you might have in the space provided below.) 21. Below are listed some different values that Canadians have expressed regarding the importance of forests. How would you rank these values? (Place a 1 next to the most important value , place a 2 next to the second most important , a 3 next to the third most important , and so on down to 6 for the least important value .) ___ A place for recreation and relaxation. ___ A source of economic wealth and jobs. ___ As a habitat for a variety of animal and plant life. ___ Balancing the global ecosystem. ___ Protection of Canada’s water, air and soil. ___ Wilderness preservation.
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