community advisory council

Community Advisory Council FLPPS and DSRIP Carol Tegas Executive - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

December 8, 2015 University of Rochester Medical Center Community Advisory Council FLPPS and DSRIP Carol Tegas Executive Director 1 Agenda DSRIP in NYS FLPPS Implementation of DSRIP Vision: Create a Regional Integrated Delivery

  1. December 8, 2015 University of Rochester Medical Center Community Advisory Council FLPPS and DSRIP Carol Tegas Executive Director 1

  2. Agenda  DSRIP in NYS  FLPPS Implementation of DSRIP  Vision: Create a Regional Integrated Delivery System  Catalysts for System Transformation  Thank You & Questions 2 FLPPS FINGER LAKES PERFORMING PROVIDER SYSTEM

  3. DSRIP in NYS 3

  4. DSRIP Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Program  Medicaid Waiver Program to Transform Health Services by Reinvesting Medicaid Dollars to: • Stimulate Health System Transformation • Create Accountability • Incentivize Performance  Implemented in 6 States: NY, CA, TX, NJ, KS and MA  Up Next: WA 4 FLPPS FINGER LAKES PERFORMING PROVIDER SYSTEM

  5. DSRIP in NYS - A Unique Opportunity  $8 Billion in Medicaid Funds, Over Five Years, to Implement Projects to Radically Transform NYS Medicaid Delivery System  Opportunity to Prepare for System-Wide Transformation via Regional Collaboration between Health Systems and Community-Based Providers and Agencies  Overarching Objectives of DSRIP in NYS: • Improve Clinical Outcomes • Reduce Avoidable Hospital Use by 25% Over Five Years • Achieve Triple Aim: Reduce Costs, Improve Patient Experience and Improve Patient Outcomes 5 FLPPS FINGER LAKES PERFORMING PROVIDER SYSTEM

  6. DSRIP in NYS - Guiding Principles Better Health. Better Outcomes. Reduced Costs. 6 FLPPS FINGER LAKES PERFORMING PROVIDER SYSTEM

  7. DSRIP in NYS – How Does it Work? Performing Provider Systems (PPS)  Network of Medical and Behavioral Healthcare Providers, Social Service Providers and Community- Based Organizations (CBOs)  Work Together to Implement DSRIP-Specific Projects  Collectively Accountable for Significant, Measurable Improvements in Clinical Outcomes, System Utilization, Population Health & Patient Experience 7 FLPPS FINGER LAKES PERFORMING PROVIDER SYSTEM


  9. FLPPS Implementation of DSRIP 9

  10. Finger Lakes PPS  13 Counties - Allegany, Cayuga, Chemung, Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Orleans, Seneca, Steuben, Wayne, Wyoming and Yates  1.5M Population  413,289 Lives (incl 100K uninsured)  5 Naturally Occurring Care Networks (NOCNs)  600 Partner Organizations  28 Hospitals  3,000 Providers Primary Care, SNF, Hospice, Specialists, Pharmacies, etc. 10 FLPPS FINGER LAKES PERFORMING PROVIDER SYSTEM

  11. Governance Structure As of 12/11/2014 URMC RRH GOVERNANCE Board of Directors (Serves as Audit Committee) Clinical/ Governance* Nominating* Executive* Finance* Quality Behavioral Health Subcommittee Executive Steering Project Advisory Committee Committee OPERATIONS Cultural Information Housing Transportation Workforce Competency/ Technology Health Literacy Southern Naturally Western Naturally Finger Lakes Naturally Southeastern Naturally Monroe Naturally Occurring Care Occurring Care Occurring Care Occurring Care Occurring Care Network (NOCN) Network (NOCN) Network (NOCN) Network (NOCN) Network (NOCN) Workgroup Workgroup Workgroup Workgroup Workgroup * - Indicates Board Committee 11 FLPPS FINGER LAKES PERFORMING PROVIDER SYSTEM

  12. Targeted Transformation: Defining a Focus Community Needs Assessment FLPPS DSRIP Projects  Need for Integrated Delivery System to 1. Integrated Delivery System Address Chronic Conditions 2. ED Care Triage Chronic Conditions - Leading Cause of • Years of Potential Life Lost 3. Care Transitions Chronic Disease - 85% of Potentially • 4. Transitional Housing Preventable Hospitalizations 5. Patient Activation for Special Populations  Need for Integration Between Physical and Behavioral Health Care Systems 6. Behavioral Health Integration 24% of Medicaid-only Discharges: Primary • 7. Crisis Stabilization BH Diagnosis 8. Behavioral Interventions in Nursing Homes  Need to Address Social Determinants of Health 9. Maternal/Child Health CHW program Transportation & Housing – Large Barriers • 10. Strengthen Mental Health/Substance Abuse infrastructure  Need to Support Women & Children Infant Mortality Rate Higher than State • 11. Increase Access to Chronic Disease Average Prevention & Care 12 FLPPS FINGER LAKES PERFORMING PROVIDER SYSTEM

  13. Vision: Create a Regional Integrated Delivery System 13

  14. Transition from Planning to Implementation  Fall 2014 – Current • Develop Implementation Plan • Develop Organizational Infrastructure • Project Design • Relationship Building, Partner Engagement, Collaborations  2016 – 2020 • Full Project Implementation • System Transformation • Clinical Performance • Population Health 14 FLPPS FINGER LAKES PERFORMING PROVIDER SYSTEM

  15. Characteristics of an IDS  Network of Providers & Partners  Comprehensive  Continuum of Care  Patient Centered  Shared Risks and Incentives  Advanced Information Technology 15 FLPPS FINGER LAKES PERFORMING PROVIDER SYSTEM

  16. FLPPS IDS Development  Project 2.a.i: Creating an Integrated Delivery System Focused on Evidence Based Medicine and Population Health Management  Cornerstone of FLPPS DSRIP Implementation  Creates Foundation for • Collective Performance • Shared Accountability • Value-Based Payment 16 FLPPS FINGER LAKES PERFORMING PROVIDER SYSTEM

  17. Future State: Continuity of Information & Care Informed Actions Increased Knowledge Care Alerts Patient Coordination Population & Risk Analytics Registries Engagement & Analytics Notifications Management CBOs, Public FLPPS Providers Clinical Data (RHIO) Data on Non-Clinical Interventions Health, etc. New York Health Claims Data Care Management Data (RHIO) State Homes 17 FLPPS FINGER LAKES PERFORMING PROVIDER SYSTEM

  18. Example: Measuring the Value of Transportation in an IDS Informed Actions Increased Knowledge Care Alerts Patient Coordination Population & Risk Analytics Registries Engagement & Analytics Notifications Management Person-Centered Care: Transportation Solution X is • Transportation Solution X Costs Less than Highest Value Solution for Individual Y Based on their Transportation Solution Y Diagnosis, Socioeconomic Status and Patterns of Mobility • Transportation Solution X will Better Impact an Outcome for Individual A CBOs, Public FLPPS Providers Clinical Data (RHIO) Data on Non-Clinical Interventions Health, • Diagnosis • Neighborhood etc. • Kept and Missed • Cultural Preference • Referrals to Non-Clinical Appointments • Pharmacy of Choice Interventions that Support • Referral Health New York Health Claims Data Care Management Data (RHIO) State Homes • Patterns of Utilization • Mobility • Use of Medicaid Transport • Care Plan • Care Management Support 18 FLPPS FINGER LAKES PERFORMING PROVIDER SYSTEM

  19. DSRIP Implementation in an IDS System Transformation Projects  ED-Care triage for at-risk populations  Care transitions intervention model to reduce 30-day readmissions for chronic health conditions  Transitional supportive housing services  Implementation of patient activation activities to engage, educate and integrate the uninsured, and low/non-utilizing Medicaid populations in community based-care 19 FLPPS FINGER LAKES PERFORMING PROVIDER SYSTEM

  20. DSRIP Implementation in an IDS Clinical Improvement Projects  Integration of behavioral health and primary care  Behavioral health community crisis stabilization services  Behavioral interventions paradigm (BIP) in nursing homes  Increase support for maternal and child health (including high risk pregnancies) 20 FLPPS FINGER LAKES PERFORMING PROVIDER SYSTEM

  21. DSRIP Implementation in an IDS Population Health Projects  Strengthen mental health and substance abuse infrastructure across systems  Improve access to high quality chronic disease preventative care and management in both clinical and community settings 21 FLPPS FINGER LAKES PERFORMING PROVIDER SYSTEM

  22. Catalysts for System Transformation 22

  23. Cultural Competency/Health Literacy Need to Consider Cultural Perspective in Addressing Healthcare Needs and Services  Greater Sense of Safety – Culture Essential to Healing  Recognize the Impact of Culture – Historical and Generational Events, Acculturation, Discrimination, Bias  Recognize the Fundamental Importance of Health Literacy  Recognize the Right to Language Accessibility  Honor the Belief that Culture is Embedded in P atient’s Language and their Implicit & Explicit Communication Styles 23 FLPPS FINGER LAKES PERFORMING PROVIDER SYSTEM

  24. Cultural Competency/Health Literacy  FLPPS CC/HL Committee - Regional Key Stakeholders with CC/HL Expertise  Community Insight • Community Coalitions & Workgroups, i.e. FLHSA Latino Health Coalition, African-American Health Coalition, and The Partnership on the Uninsured • Community Engagement Forums  Patient Perspective • Patient Focus Groups and Case Studies • Community Outreach Program and Poverty Simulation Workshop for FLPPS Central Team • Patient Advisory Council  CC/HL Training for FLPPS Central Team – Integration into All Internal and External Processes 24 FLPPS FINGER LAKES PERFORMING PROVIDER SYSTEM


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