communications feeding the beast

Communications Feeding the Beast 2017 Forum Annual Conference - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Communications Feeding the Beast 2017 Forum Annual Conference #ForumCon F e e ding the Be ast Co nve rsatio nalists: Ste phanie Go c klin, F lo rida Philanthro pic Ne two rk E than Mc Co y, T he Ce nte r fo r E ffe c tive

  1. Communications – Feeding the Beast 2017 Forum Annual Conference #ForumCon

  2. F e e ding the Be ast Co nve rsatio nalists: Ste phanie Go c klin, F lo rida Philanthro pic Ne two rk E than Mc Co y, T he Ce nte r fo r E ffe c tive Philanthro py Mic hae l Re male y, Philanthro py Ne w Yo rk T upo u T o ngilava, Go rdo n and Be tty Mo o re F o undatio n Mo de rato r: E ric Bro wn, Princ ipal, Bro wnbridge Strate gie s

  3. A sto ry abo ut a bo y and his c hic ke n

  4. Que e ns, Ne w Yo rk, a lo ng, lo ng time ago

  5. Do n’ t le t this happe n to yo u

  6. It’s all about “Phil” TALKS @PhilanthropyNY

  7. F e e ding the Be ast Co nve rsatio nalists: Ste phanie Go c klin, F lo rida Philanthro pic Ne two rk E than Mc Co y, T he Ce nte r fo r E ffe c tive Philanthro py Mic hae l Re male y, Philanthro py Ne w Yo rk T upo u T o ngilava, Go rdo n and Be tty Mo o re F o undatio n Mo de rato r: E ric Bro wn, Princ ipal, Bro wnbridge Strate gie s

  8. Thank you! Enjoy your Heart, Mind and Body Break. Annual Meeting begins at noon. 2017 Forum Annual Conference #ForumCon


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