commercialize autonomous driving

Commercialize Autonomous Driving From Lab to Production Line Dr. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Commercialize Autonomous Driving From Lab to Production Line Dr. Xing Yuan | Baidu, Inc. Now, Baidu is an AI company Accelerate AI Productization & Commercialization via Open Platforms & Ecosystems Paradigm Shift: Autonomous Driving in

  1. Commercialize Autonomous Driving From Lab to Production Line Dr. Xing Yuan | Baidu, Inc.

  2. Now, Baidu is an AI company Accelerate AI Productization & Commercialization via Open Platforms & Ecosystems

  3. Paradigm Shift: Autonomous Driving in AI Era AI algorithms and models Big data High-performance Vehicles × Miles × Scenarios and cloud computing

  4. Apollo 1.0 Cloud Service Platform HD Map Simulation Data Platform Security OTA DuerOS Open Software Platform Map Engine Localization Perception Planning Control End-to-End HMI Runtime Framework RTOS Reference Hardware Platform Computing Unit GPS/IMU Camera LiDAR Radar HMI Device Black Box Reference Vehicle Platform Drive-by-wire Vehicle

  5. Apollo 1.5 Cloud Service Platform HD Map Simulation Data Platform Security OTA DuerOS Open Software Platform Map Engine Localization Perception Planning Control End-to-End HMI Runtime Framework RTOS Reference Hardware Platform Computing Unit GPS/IMU Camera LiDAR Radar HMI Device Black Box Reference Vehicle Platform Drive-by-wire Vehicle

  6. Apollo 2.0 Cloud Service Platform HD Map Simulation Data Platform Security OTA DuerOS Open Software Platform Map Engine Localization Perception Planning Control End-to-End HMI Runtime Framework RTOS Reference Hardware Platform Computing Unit GPS/IMU Camera LiDAR Radar HMI Device Black Box Reference Vehicle Platform Drive-by-wire Vehicle

  7. Jointly developed products and services can be made public, commercialized, or used internally Partners Privately developed Open access Customers Community and released for all Baidu IP developed by IDG will be released either through open source or made accessible as service, binary, or API. • Partner IP or jointly developed IP will be commercialized or made public on a case-by-case basis. • Derivative IP built on top of Apollo source code or capabilities are owned by the developer and can be commercialized. •

  8. Apollo Pilot Apollo Pilot is Baidu's autonomous driving solution aiming for mass production, integrated with rich AI technology accumulated in the field of autonomous driving and the research results of Chinese driving behaviors

  9. Apollo Pilot - Made for China

  10. Apollo Pilot - Product Architecture

  11. Environment Modeling - Self-localization with HD map

  12. Environment Modeling - Perception Fusion with HD map Lane lines based on visual recognition Lane lines based on visual recognition fused with HD map Ground truth (from in-car CPT)

  13. Why Driving Policy System?

  14. Driving Policy System Architecture

  15. Baidu is building the largest driving database in China This is the key of driving policy system

  16. Autonomous Data Framework Chart

  17. Apollo Computing Unit (ACU) Commercialized for autonomous driving mass production

  18. Commercial Product Cooperation

  19. Automatic Valet Parking with ACU-Advanced (based on Parker) Internal

  20. Automatic Valet Parking with ACU-Advanced (based on Parker)

  21. Level-3 Autonomous Driving with ACU-Professional (based on Xavier)

  22. Level-3 Autonomous Driving with ACU-Professional (based on Xavier)

  23. 2.0 is available now

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