UDC Seminar 2015, Lisbon Commerce, see also Rhetoric: cross-discipline relationships as authority data for enhanced retrieval Claudio Gnoli (U Pavia) Rodrigo De Santis (IFPR) Laura Pusterla (U Pavia)
Trees of knowledge Encyclopédie
Hugh of Saint Victor (1096?-1141) commerce could be classified among the practical arts , but also under rhetoric , as "a peculiar sort of rhetoric [...] for eloquence is in the highest degree necessary to it" [in Olson 2010]
Commerce , see also... A concept can occur under several branches... (WebDewey) “See also” references in classification schedules
Search expansion “ a systematic (classification) display can be adapted for search expansion, enhancing both recall and precision, through exploiting hierarchical and associative relationships, provided that semantic linking in the vocabulary is fully supported by vocabulary data ” [Slavic 2006]
QR codes on shelves?
Context provided on shelves Social Sciences Library, University of Florence links between shelves and the catalogue [Fabbrizzi 2014]
Science and Technology Library, U Pavia
Cross-discipline relationships at STL ← 624 civil engineering 690 building ← 307 communities 711.4 city planning ← 690 building 720 architecture 725.5 health buildings ← 610.28 biomedical instrumentation
Query expansion
Relationships as authority data
Existential dependence Dependence in ontology (Lowe 2015) architecture Architecture building dependsOn civil engineering Building dependsOn CivilEngineering between disciplines (DDC) between phenomena (ILC)
Relationships as linked data <owl:Class rdf:about="http://www.iskoi.org/ilc/ilc_ontology#vc"> <rdfs:label>vc</rdfs:label> <rdfs:comment xml:lang="en">fishing</rdfs:comment> <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="http://www.iskoi.org/ilc/ ilc_ontology#v"/> <owl:Restriction> <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="http://www.iskoi.org/ ilc/ilc_ontology#dependsOn" /> <owl:allValuesFrom rdf:resource="http://www.iskoi. org/ilc/ilc_ontology#mq" /> </owl:Restriction> </owl:Class>
Relationships as linked data Forestry dependsOn Plants
Problem: too many results Mur Murph phy's L y's Law of aw of I IR: R: as recall increases, precision decreases
Strategies to limit overload Make expanded search optional optional only So Sort results e.g. by decreasing publication date Allow for query refine efinemen ment Carefully sele select ct cross-discipline relationships: not always reciprocal only one step at a time [Tudhope et al. 2001] 720 ← 690 , 624 690 ← 624
Tuning SciGator Advantage: we can add / edit classes, captions, and relationships according to practical experience with our collection Only classmarks with ≥ 5 owned books are shown (Non official DDC captions) Feedback between reference service and catalogue
Integrating collections through classification DDC as a common language to gather data from different libraries into one catalogue and discovery tool
Mapping local schemes
Discussion KOSs imply complex graphs of relationships hierarchical relationships are powerful, but they are not enough existential dependence is another key relationship both planes are needed: conceptual (identifying relevant relationships) technical (representing them as authority data) knowledge discovery tools can be built on these bases
thank you = obrigado @scritur @santis_rodrigo @LauraPusterla
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