combination of biological control agents and fungicides

Combination of biological control agents and fungicides to control - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Combination of biological control agents and fungicides to control diseases in wheat and reducing the risk of fungicide resistance Birgit Jensen Dan F. Jensen, Thies M. Heick, Mukesh Dubey, Magnus Karlsson, Hans J.L. Jrgensen, David B.

  1. Combination of biological control agents and fungicides to control diseases in wheat and reducing the risk of fungicide resistance Birgit Jensen Dan F. Jensen, Thies M. Heick, Mukesh Dubey, Magnus Karlsson, Hans J.L. Jørgensen, David B. Collinge and Lise N. Jørgensen Septoria tritici blotch Fusarium head blight

  2. What is the potential of using the fungal biocontrol agent Clonostachys rosea alone or in combination with Proline ? C. rosea , 1 x 10 7 conidia/m 2 Proline 250 EC , 0.4 L/ha Applications: GS 37-39: (early) GS 61: (late)

  3. Field trial 2019 Septoria leaf 2-3 Fusarium head blight Septoria flag leaf 60 a Pervcent infection b 40 b bc bc bc c a 20 b bc bc bc bc c 0 25. June 14. June

  4. Field trial 2019 grain yield DON content 500 a 400 b DON ppb 300 hkg/ha ab b b 200 b b 100 0 e e e y d y e C. rosea +Proline C. rosea early C. rosea early+late Untreated Proline late Proline early+late Proline early n l t t t e l r a r a a i a t a l l l l a + o e + e e e y r y n r e P a l l r t i r n e n + a l a o i s U e l e a r o o P e r e a r s P n e . o C i s l r o o . r r C P . C

  5. Fungicide resistance in Zymoseptoria tritici associated with mutations in the CYP51 gene Amino acid polymorphism in th CYP51 gene • Isolate sensitivity tests (EC 50 ) identified by PacBio sequencing analysis • Detection of CYP51 mutations

  6. Poster No. 26 Birgit Jensen Hans J.L. Jørgensen David Collinge Lise N. Jørgensen Thies Marten Heick Dan Funck Jensen Magnus Karlsson Mukesh Dubey Supported by the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. Grant MST-667-00266


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