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Columbia River Mainstem Columbia River Mainstem Off- -Channel - PDF document

Columbia River Mainstem Columbia River Mainstem Off- -Channel Storage Channel Storage Off Appraisal Evaluation Appraisal Evaluation PNWS PNWS AWWA 2008 Pre AWWA 2008 Pre- -Conference Workshop Conference Workshop PNWS AWWA

  1. Columbia River Mainstem Columbia River Mainstem Off- -Channel Storage Channel Storage Off Appraisal Evaluation Appraisal Evaluation PNWS – PNWS – AWWA 2008 Pre AWWA 2008 Pre- -Conference Workshop Conference Workshop PNWS – AWWA 2008 Pre-Conference Workshop Water Supply Opportunities and Challenges Water Supply Opportunities and Challenges Water Supply Opportunities and Challenges in the Pacific Northwest in the Pacific Northwest in the Pacific Northwest Mark Bransom, Ph.D., P.E. Mark Bransom, Ph.D., P.E. Mark Bransom, Ph.D., P.E. Columbia River Mainstem Columbia River Mainstem Off- -Channel Storage Study Channel Storage Study Off 1. Why was the Study Conducted? 1. Why was the Study Conducted? 2. How was the Study Done? 2. How was the Study Done? 3. What has the Study Told Us? 3. What has the Study Told Us? 4. What are the Next Steps? 4. What are the Next Steps? 1

  2. The Columbia River The Columbia River Water Management Act Water Management Act • The CRWMA directed the Washington State The CRWMA directed the Washington State • Department of Ecology to “ Department of Ecology to “aggressively aggressively pursue the development of water supplies to pursue the development of water supplies to benefit both instream and out- -of of- -stream uses. stream uses.” ” benefit both instream and out • Two Two- -thirds of active storage is required to be thirds of active storage is required to be • available for appropriation for out available for appropriation for out- -of of- -stream stream uses and one- -third to augment instream flows. third to augment instream flows. uses and one Columbia Basin Columbia Basin Water Needs Water Needs • Water requirements for: Water requirements for: • • Agriculture Agriculture • • Flow augmentation for fishery resources Flow augmentation for fishery resources • • Domestic, commercial, municipal, and Domestic, commercial, municipal, and • industrial (DCM&I) use industrial (DCM&I) use • Flexibility to respond to potential impacts of • Flexibility to respond to potential impacts of climate change and resulting water needs climate change and resulting water needs • Address regional and interstate water • Address regional and interstate water supply and resource challenges supply and resource challenges 2

  3. Columbia River Mainstem Columbia River Mainstem Off- -Channel Storage Study Channel Storage Study Off 1. Why was the Study Conducted? 1. Why was the Study Conducted? 2. How was the Study Done? 2. How was the Study Done? 3. What has the Study Told Us? 3. What has the Study Told Us? 4. What are the Next Steps? 4. What are the Next Steps? Study Study History History and and Process Process 3

  4. 21 Options Considered 21 Options Considered Preliminary Site Screening Criteria Preliminary Site Screening Criteria • Some sites located too far downstream in the Some sites located too far downstream in the • Columbia River to be integrated into the Columbia River to be integrated into the operation of Reclamation operation of Reclamation’ ’s Columbia Basin s Columbia Basin Project Project • Some sites did not meet the minimum of Some sites did not meet the minimum of • 1 million- -acre feet of active storage acre feet of active storage 1 million • Some sites represented a high risk of failure or Some sites represented a high risk of failure or • excessive leakage excessive leakage • Early analysis identified fatal flaws for some Early analysis identified fatal flaws for some • sites sites 4

  5. Four Sites Four Sites I ncluded in I ncluded in Appraisal Appraisal Evaluation Evaluation Appraisal Appraisal Evaluation Process Evaluation Process • Water availability analysis Water availability analysis • • Field reconnaissance Field reconnaissance • • Preliminary siting and sizing proposals Preliminary siting and sizing proposals • • Cost estimate Cost estimate • • Impact/benefit assessment Impact/benefit assessment • • socioeconomic, cultural, environmental socioeconomic, cultural, environmental • • Decision support model Decision support model • 5

  6. Water Availability Water Availability Alternative Sites Alternative Sites Crab Creek Site Crab Creek Site Sand Hollow Site Sand Hollow Site 26- 26 -mile long, 1.5 to 2 mile long, 1.5 to 2- -mile wide mile wide 8 8- -mile long, 2.5 to 3 mile long, 2.5 to 3- -mile wide mile wide reservoir, up to 3 MAF capacity reservoir, up to 1 MAF capacity reservoir, up to 3 MAF capacity reservoir, up to 1 MAF capacity Foster Creek Site Hawk Creek Site Foster Creek Site Hawk Creek Site Geotechnical and high hazard Geotechnical and high hazard 10 miles long on three separate 10 miles long on three separate issues remove this site from issues remove this site from tributaries, 4,000 feet wide at dam tributaries, 4,000 feet wide at dam consideration site, up to 3 MAF capacity consideration site, up to 3 MAF capacity 6

  7. Scale of Facilities Scale of Facilities • Storage ranging from 1 Million Acre Feet (MAF) Storage ranging from 1 Million Acre Feet (MAF) • to 3 MAF to 3 MAF • Dam heights range from Dam heights range from ~130 feet to 780 ~130 feet to 780 feet feet • • Reservoir surface areas range from ~5,000 Reservoir surface areas range from ~5,000 • acres to 30,000 acres acres to 30,000 acres • Total peak pumping power ranges from 56k Total peak pumping power ranges from 56k hP hP • to 1.4M hP hP to 1.4M • Pipelines, canals, and tunnels carrying from Pipelines, canals, and tunnels carrying from • 2,500 to 18,500 2,500 to 18,500 cfs cfs Comparative Comparative Sizes of Dams Sizes of Dams Hawk Cr. site Sand Hollow site Crab Cr. site 7

  8. Comparative Comparative Reservoir Footprints Reservoir Footprints Sand Hollow 1 MAF Hawk Creek 3 MAF Crab Creek 3 MAF Crab Creek Site at Crab Creek Site at 3 Million Acre Feet 3 Million Acre Feet 8

  9. Crab Creek Site Crab Creek Site Dam and Structures Dam and Structures Sand Hollow Site at Sand Hollow Site at 1 Million Acre Feet 1 Million Acre Feet 9

  10. Hawk Creek Site at Hawk Creek Site at 3 Million Acre Feet 3 Million Acre Feet Hawk Creek Site Hawk Creek Site Dam and Structures Dam and Structures 10

  11. Typical Layout Concepts Typical Layout Concepts & Level of Detail & Level of Detail Crab Creek Dam Sections Typical Layout Concepts Typical Layout Concepts & Level of Detail (continued) & Level of Detail (continued) Crab Creek System Profile Columbia River New Off-Channel Dam 11

  12. Typical Layout Concepts Typical Layout Concepts & Level of Detail (continued) & Level of Detail (continued) Crab Creek Dam and Pump/ Turbine Facility Section Channel to Columbia River Pump/ Turbine Facility New Off-Channel Dam Layout Concepts, continued Layout Concepts, continued Channel to Pump/ Turbine Crab Creek Facility I ntake/ Fish Screen Facilities Fish Screen Columbia River 12

  13. Projected Costs Projected Costs Summary of Costs for All Sites and Operational Scenarios Sand Sand Facility or Cost Facility or Cost Crab Creek Crab Creek Hollow Hollow Hawk Creek Hawk Creek Component Component OS1 OS1 OS2 OS2 OS3 OS3 OS1 OS1 OS1 OS1 OS2 OS2 OS3 OS3 Annual Power Annual Power Consumption Consumption $3.1 M $3.1 M $9.3 M $9.3 M $16.4 M $16.4 M $16.8 M $16.8 M $16.7 M $16.7 M $42.5 M $42.5 M $67.5 M $67.5 M Costs Costs Annual Power Annual Power Generation Generation $1.5 M $5.2 M $9.0 M $8.3 M $6.3 M $15.4 M $25.2 M $1.5 M $5.2 M $9.0 M $8.3 M $6.3 M $15.4 M $25.2 M Revenues Revenues Annual Operation Annual Operation & Maintenance & Maintenance Labor and Labor and $3.6 M $3.6 M $6.3 M $6.3 M $8.8 M $8.8 M $7.0 M $7.0 M $12.1 M $12.1 M $21.2 M $21.2 M $29.6 M $29.6 M Expense Expense Total Annual Total Annual Power and O&M Power and O&M $5.2 M $5.2 M $10.5 M $10.5 M $16.2 M $16.2 M $15.5 M $15.5 M $22.6 M $22.6 M $48.3 M $48.3 M $71.9 M $71.9 M Costs Costs $900 M $900 M $1.7 B $1.7 B $2.4 B $2.4 B $1.6 B $1.6 B $3.6 B $3.6 B $6.0 B $6.0 B $8.2 B $8.2 B Total Capital Costs Total Capital Costs Net Present Value Net Present Value $(1.0 B) $(2.0 B) $(2.8 B) $(2.0 B) $(4.1 B) $(7.2 B) $(10 B) (over 100 years) $(1.0 B) $(2.0 B) $(2.8 B) $(2.0 B) $(4.1 B) $(7.2 B) $(10 B) (over 100 years) Relative Cost Comparison Relative Cost Comparison 13

  14. Columbia River Mainstem Columbia River Mainstem Off Off- -Channel Storage Study Channel Storage Study 1. Why was the Study Conducted? 1. Why was the Study Conducted? 2. How was the Study Done? 2. How was the Study Done? 3. What has the Study Told Us? 3. What has the Study Told Us? 4. What are the Next Steps? 4. What are the Next Steps? Alternatives Comparison Alternatives Comparison • Alternatives compared from Alternatives compared from • three perspectives: three perspectives: • Implementation/Technical Feasibility: Implementation/Technical Feasibility: • • • cost, safety, yield stability cost, safety, yield stability • Benefits/Objectives Achievement: Benefits/Objectives Achievement: • • • meeting demand/goals, power, flexibility meeting demand/goals, power, flexibility • Impacts: Impacts: • • • preliminary evaluation of potential socioeconomic, preliminary evaluation of potential socioeconomic, cultural, and biophysical impacts cultural, and biophysical impacts 14

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