college of business and aviation department of commercial

College of Business and Aviation Department of Commercial Aviation - PDF document

College of Business and Aviation Department of Commercial Aviation Student Learning Outcomes 2017-2019 Program Outcomes Flight Operations BCA Flight Operations-01: Commercial Pilot Skills Flight Operations majors will possess the knowledge

  1. College of Business and Aviation Department of Commercial Aviation Student Learning Outcomes 2017-2019

  2. Program Outcomes – Flight Operations BCA – Flight Operations-01: Commercial Pilot Skills Flight Operations majors will possess the knowledge and skills necessary to fly an airplane at the commercial pilot skill level in both single and multi- engine airplanes under both VFR and IFR. BACHELOR OF COMMERCIAL AVIATION (BCA) FLIGHT OPERATIONS – CAV 250, 256 Analysis of Results Performance Data Collection Results of Evaluation Analysis and Action Measure (Evidence) Taken (Competency) Embedded A1. % of CAV 250 Students exam Continue present course A1. 80% of the students 100% questions of action. enrolled in CAV 250 will 80% Percentage 60% demonstrate the ability 40% to correctly identify if an 20% aircraft is airworthy to 0% fly. “ARROW” Fall 2018 Academic Year A2. % of CAV 256 Students A2. 80% of the students enrolled in CAV 256 will Scoring 70% or higher Continue present course correctly translate a METAR 95% of having METAR’s and & Terminal Area Forecast Percentage 90% TAF’s on several test from the raw format. 85% 80% including the final exam. 75% Fall 2017 Fall 2018 Academic Year A3. % of CAV 256 Students Continue to introduce A3. 80% of the students Scoring 70% or higher airspace earlier in the enrolled in CAV 256 will 80% correctly identify basic VFR semester and test the Percentage 60% weather minimums for the 40% material on several exams different airspaces. 20% including the final. Have 0% Fall 2017 Fall 2018 one exam that covers only Academic Year airspace.

  3. Program Outcomes – Flight Operations BCA – Flight Operations-01: Commercial Pilot Skills Flight Operations majors will possess the knowledge and skills necessary to fly an airplane at the commercial pilot skill level in both single and multi- engine airplanes under both VFR and IFR. BACHELOR OF COMMERCIAL AVIATION (BCA) FLIGHT OPERATIONS – CAV 350 Analysis of Results Performance Data Collection Results of Evaluation Analysis and Action Measure (Evidence) Taken (Competency) Embedded A1. 70% of students exam enrolled in CAV 350 will questions demonstrate knowledge of the regulatory requirements that must be met for pilots and aircraft operating under IFR in the national airspace system by scoring 70% or higher on embedded test Increase the number of questions. times materials A2. 70% of students throughout the semester. enrolled in CAV 350 will demonstrate the ability to explain the operation of pilot-static and gyroscopic flight instruments and their errors by scoring 70% or higher on embedded test questions. A3. 70% of students enrolled in CAV 350 will demonstrate the ability to read and interpret Departure Procedure Charts, Low Altitude En- Route Charts, Standard Terminal Arrival Charts, and Instrument Approach Procedure Charts by scoring 70% or higher on embedded test questions. A4. 70% of students enrolled in CAV 350 will demonstrate knowledge of ADM and aeromedical factors as it pertains to IMC flight by scoring 70% or higher on embedded test questions.

  4. Program Outcomes – Flight Operations BCA – Flight Operations-01: Commercial Pilot Skills Flight Operations majors will possess the knowledge and skills necessary to fly an airplane at the commercial pilot skill level in both single and multi- engine airplanes under both VFR and IFR. BACHELOR OF COMMERCIAL AVIATION (BCA) FLIGHT OPERATIONS – CAV 352 & CAV 355 Analysis of Results Results of Evaluation Performance Data Collection Analysis and Action Measure (Evidence) Taken (Competency) A5. 80% of students CAV 352 Continue to require the enrolled in CAV 352 will ASA Commercial test prep take 90% of the practice practice chapter test. Will have chapter in preparation Canvas automatically to post a Written Exam for the retake of the ASA zero grade if the student does Commercial test prep not attempt the practice. This FAA Written test. policy will encourage the Exam student to take the practice FAA test. Continue to require the use Commercial of Aircraft familization sheets Pilot Written & for each aircraft in CAV 352. Students will present the Practical Exams A6. 75% of students material in class. enrolled in CAV 352 will identify components of both multi-engine and single- engine aircraft on a test with a score of 80% or higher. A7: 100% of students CAV 355 – Continue to adhere enrolled in the CAV 355 to FAA Standards. course will demonstrate the ability to successfully complete the stage Stage Check check on the first attempt.

  5. Program Outcomes – Flight Operations BCA – Flight Operations-01: Commercial Pilot Skills Flight Operations majors will possess the knowledge and skills necessary to fly an airplane at the commercial pilot skill level in both single and multi- engine airplanes under both VFR and IFR. BACHELOR OF COMMERCIAL AVIATION (BCA) FLIGHT OPERATIONS – CAV 420 Analysis of Results Results of Evaluation Performance Data Collection Analysis and Action Measure (Evidence) Taken (Competency) Increase the number of times materials A8: 75% of students throughout the semester. enrolled in the CAV 420 FAA Written course will demonstrate Exam CAV 420 Increase the teaching a knowledge of aircraft of CRM. Also, including two systems and operations additional weeks of ground required of commercial training before getting into the pilots to fly single and FTD. multi- engines airplanes under both the VFR and IFR by completing a written examination with a score of 70% or higher. Online A9: 75% of students Discussion – enrolled in the CAV 420 course will demonstrate Operation the ability to discuss Airline & Crew different aspects of Settings operating in airline and crew settings while engaged in online discussions. A10: 75% of students Line- Oriented enrolled in the CAV 420 Flight Exercise course will demonstrate the ability to (LOFT) successfully complete the Line-Oriented Flight Exercise (LOFT) with a score of 80% or higher.

  6. Program Outcomes – Flight Operations BCA – Flight Operations-02: Federal Aviation Regulations Flight Operation majors will have a thorough and comprehensive understanding of Federal Aviation Regulations. BACHELOR OF COMMERCIAL AVIATION (BCA) FLIGHT OPERATIONS – CAV 250, CAV 256 Analysis of Results Performance Data Collection Results of Evaluation Analysis and Action Measure (Evidence) Taken (Competency) A1. % of CAV 250 Students Scoring 70% or higher Al: 80% of the students enrolled in CAV 250 will 100% Introduced the material Percentage demonstrate the ability 50% earlier in the semester to correctly identify if Written Exams the pilot is ready/legal to and it on the server test in 0% fly. “PAVE” Embedded Fall 2018 parts. That helped the Academic Year Questions students. Have a standalone test just for “PAVE.” A2. 85% of the students A2. % of CAV 256 Students Will make the AOPA enrolled in CAV 256 will Scoring 70% or higher homework a mandatory complete 12 or more AOPA Air 100% assignment by assigning a Safety Foundation Interactive Percentage Courses and/or FAA Safety 50% point value to each of the Courses. AOPA courses to equal 0% Fall 2017 Fall 2018 100 pts. Academic Year

  7. Program Outcomes – Flight Operations BCA – Flight Operations-02: Federal Aviation Regulations Flight Operation majors will have a thorough and comprehensive understanding of Federal Aviation Regulations. BACHELOR OF COMMERCIAL AVIATION (BCA) FLIGHT OPERATIONS – CAV 352, CAV 355, & CAV 360 Analysis of Results Results of Evaluation Performance Data Collection Analysis and Action Measure (Evidence) Taken (Competency) CAV 352 Continue to require Al: 75% of students correctly identified common Commercial enrolled in the CAV 352 types of Oxygen Environmental Ground course will identify the Systems and CFR regulations in Written Exam components on a test general aviation aircraft. In with a core of 80% or addition, develop an exam higher. covering just this material. A2: 100% of students enrolled in the CAV 355 CAV 355 Continue to hold the course will demonstrate FAA standards. the ability to successfully Stage Check complete the stage check on the first attempt. CAV 360 Adjust materials A3. 75% of students coverage with the goal of enrolled in CAV 360 will covering additional material. demonstrate knowledge Continue to add course content of both the multi-engine via class participation, group and single-engine discussion, and improve aircraft familiarization. scenario training. Continue to Written Exams require the FAA FIA written and Embedded the FAA FOI written exams. A4. 70% of students Questions enrolled in CAV 360 will demonstrate the ability to discuss the Fundamentals of Instruction within the FAA Handbook FAA-H- 8083-9A by scoring 70% or higher on the examinations embedded questions.

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