COLLARTS PREPARING TO SOURCE YOUR INDUSTRY PLACEMENT CHECKLIST STAGE 1: Research your industry and make sure you’re up → to date with what is happening in your chosen industry e.g. subscribe to newsletters, mailing lists, social media posts, publications etc. Research professional associations linked to → your industry. Identify organisations that you would like to work → with. Make a shortlist of 10 – 15 organisations. Maintain a detailed a spreadsheet with all relevant information. SOURCING YOUR INDUSTRY PLACEMENT
COLLARTS PREPARING TO SOURCE YOUR INDUSTRY PLACEMENT CHECKLIST STAGE 2: Research job market in your industry. Where are → the jobs? Research your chosen organisations and review → your shortlist. Know each organisation intimately, what projects they are working on and where etc. Pay attention to their company values and vision. Obtain contact name/s and contact details of → possible decision makers within those organisations. SOURCING YOUR INDUSTRY PLACEMENT
COLLARTS PREPARING TO SOURCE YOUR INDUSTRY PLACEMENT CHECKLIST STAGE 3: Set up a LinkedIn profile. Carefully curate your → professional/public social media page/s. Consider setting up a webpage; one landing → page for all of your social media, portfolio, blogs, resumé etc. Wix will give you a free landing page which is very easy to use and set up. Update your resume and have it proofread. → Start working on cover letters to approach → employers. Work on your “elevator pitch”. → SOURCING YOUR INDUSTRY PLACEMENT
If you haven’t already approached the Collarts Career Pathways Advisor, you should consider setting up a meeting to review your applications. Contact Clinton Scott: Clinton will also assist you with filling out the relevant forms required to begin your Industry Placement.
COLLARTS PREPARING TO SOURCE YOUR INDUSTRY PLACEMENT CHECKLIST STAGE 4: Approach organisations via email/phone/social → media. Maintain and update your spreadsheet so you → know who you have contacted and what was said etc. Be prepared – the host organisation may want to → interview you via phone or Zoom etc. Be prepared for this. Make sure you check your emails/social media regularly. Make sure you have a professional voicemail message set up. Make sure you answer your phone calls, emails, → social media pm’s, etc. SOURCING YOUR INDUSTRY PLACEMENT
COLLARTS PREPARING TO SOURCE YOUR INDUSTRY PLACEMENT CHECKLIST STAGE 4 (continued): Know your “elevator pitch”. → Know your “WHY’s”: → - Why you? - What do you have to offer? - Why do you want to be a part of this industry/work with this organisation? Make sure that you can provide a succinct, insightful and well considered response to these questions. SOURCING YOUR INDUSTRY PLACEMENT