coherent presentations of artin groups

Coherent presentations of Artin groups Philippe Malbos INRIA - r 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Coherent presentations of Artin groups Philippe Malbos INRIA - r 2 , Laboratoire Preuves, Programmes et Systmes, Universit Paris Diderot & Institut Camille Jordan, Universit Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Joint work with Stphane Gaussent

  1. Coherent presentations of Artin groups Philippe Malbos INRIA - π r 2 , Laboratoire Preuves, Programmes et Systèmes, Université Paris Diderot & Institut Camille Jordan, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Joint work with Stéphane Gaussent and Yves Guiraud Colloque GDR Topologie Algébrique et Applications October 18, 2013, Angers

  2. Motivation ◮ A Coxeter system ( W , S ) is a data made of a group W with a presentation by a (finite) set S of involutions, s 2 = 1, satisfying braid relations tstst . . . = ststs . . . ◮ Forgetting the involutive character of generators, one gets the Artin’s presentation of the Artin group � � B ( W ) = S | tstst . . . = ststs . . . Objective. - Push further Artin’s presentation and study the relations among the braid relations . (Brieskorn-Saito, 1972, Deligne, 1972, Tits, 1981). - We introduce a rewriting method to compute generators of relations among relations.

  3. Motivation ◮ Set W = S 4 the group of permutations of { 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } , with S = { r , s , t } where r = s = t = ◮ The associated Artin group is the group of braids on 4 strands � � B ( S 4 ) = r , s , t | rsr = srs , rt = tr , tst = sts = = = ◮ The relations among the braid relations on 4 strands are generated by the Zamolodchikov relation (Deligne, 1997). strsrt srtstr srstsr stsrst rsrtsr tstrst Z r , s , t rstrsr tsrtst rstsrs tsrsts trsrts rtstrs

  4. Plan I. Coherent presentations of categories - Polygraphs as higher-dimensional rewriting systems - Coherent presentations as cofibrant approximation II. Homotopical completion-reduction procedure - Tietze transformations - Rewriting properties of 2-polygraphs - The homotopical completion-procedure III. Applications to Artin groups - Garside’s coherent presentation - Artin’s coherent presentation References - S. Gaussent, Y. Guiraud, P. M., Coherent presentations of Artin groups, ArXiv preprint, 2013. - Y. Guiraud, P.M., Higher-dimensional normalisation strategies for acyclicity, Adv. Math.,2012.

  5. Part I. Coherent presentations of categories

  6. � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Polygraphs ◮ A 1 -polygraph is an oriented graph ( Σ 0 , Σ 1 ) s 0 Σ 0 Σ 1 t 0 ◮ A 2 -polygraph is a triple Σ = ( Σ 0 , Σ 1 , Σ 2 ) where - ( Σ 0 , Σ 1 ) is a 1-polygraph, - Σ 2 is a globular extension of the free category Σ ∗ 1 . s 1 ( α ) s 0 s 1 s 0 s 1 ( α ) t 0 s 1 ( α ) Σ ∗ Σ 0 Σ 2 = α = 1 t 0 t 1 s 0 t 1 ( α ) t 0 t 1 ( α ) t 1 ( α ) ◮ A rewriting step is a 2-cell of the free 2-category Σ ∗ 2 over Σ with shape u w ′ w α v where α : u ⇒ v is a 2-cell of Σ 2 and w , w ′ are 1-cells of Σ ∗ 1 .

  7. � � � � � � � � � � � Polygraphs ◮ A ( 3 , 1 ) -polygraph is a pair Σ = ( Σ 2 , Σ 3 ) made of - a 2-polygraph Σ 2 , - a globular extension Σ 3 of the free ( 2 , 1 ) -category Σ ⊤ 2 . u s 0 s 1 s 2 A Σ ∗ Σ ⊤ · α β � · � � Σ 0 Σ 3 1 2 t 0 t 1 t 2 v Let C be a category. ◮ A presentation of C is a 2-polygraph Σ such that C ≃ Σ ∗ 1 /Σ 2 ◮ An extended presentation of C is a ( 3 , 1 ) -polygraph Σ such that C ≃ Σ ∗ 1 /Σ 2

  8. Coherent presentations of categories ◮ A coherent presentation of C is an extended presentation Σ of C such that the cellular extension Σ 3 is a homotopy basis . In other words - the quotient ( 2 , 1 ) -category Σ ⊤ 2 /Σ 3 is aspherical, - the congruence generated by Σ 3 on the ( 2 , 1 ) -category Σ ⊤ 2 contains every pair of parallel 2-cells. Example. The full coherent presentation contains all the 3-cells. Theorem. [Gaussent-Guiraud-M., 2013] Let Σ be an extended presentation of a category C . Consider the Lack’s model structure for 2 -categories. The following assertions are equivalent: i) The ( 3 , 1 ) -polygraph Σ is a coherent presentation of C . ii) The ( 2 , 1 ) -category presented by Σ is a cofibrant 2 -category weakly equivalent to C , that is a cofibrant approximation of C .

  9. � � � � � � Examples ◮ Free monoid : no relation, an empty homotopy basis. ◮ Free commutative monoid: γ rs � rs , ts γ st � st , tr γ rt � rt | all the N 3 = � r , s , t | sr � 3-cells - A homotopy basis can be made with only one 3-cell γ rs � rs , ts γ st � st , tr γ rt � rt | Z r , s , t � N 3 = � r , s , t | sr is a coherent presentation, where Z r , s , t is the permutaedron s γ rt � srt str γ st r γ rs t tsr Z r , s , t rst r γ st t γ rs γ rt s � rts trs

  10. � � � � � � � � � � Examples ◮ Artin’s coherent presentation of the monoid B + 3 γ st � sts | ∅ � Art 3 ( S 3 ) = � s , t | tst where s = and t = ⇒ ◮ Artin’s coherent presentation of the monoid B + 4 γ sr � srs , rt γ tr � tr , tst γ st � sts | Z r , s , t � Art 3 ( S 4 ) = � r , s , t | rsr s γ rt s γ − sr γ st r � rt � srtstr strsrt srstsr st γ rs t γ rs tsr stsrst rsrtsr γ st rst rs γ rt sr tstrst Z r , s , t rstrsr ts γ rt st rst γ rs tsrtst rstsrs r γ st rs tsr γ st tsrsts t γ rs ts � trsrts � rtstrs γ rt s γ − rt s

  11. Coherent presentations Problems. 1. How to transform a coherent presentation ? 2. How to compute a coherent presentation ?

  12. Part II. Homotopical completion-reduction procedure

  13. � Tietze transformations ◮ Two ( 3 , 1 ) -polygraphs Σ and Υ are Tietze-equivalent if there is an equivalence of 2-categories F : Σ ⊤ → Υ ⊤ 2 /Σ 3 − 2 /Υ 3 inducing an isomorphism on presented categories. ◮ In particular, two coherent presentations of the same category are Tietze-equivalent. ◮ An elementary Tietze transformation of a ( 3 , 1 ) -polygraph Σ is a 3-functor with source Σ ⊤ that belongs to one of the following three pairs of dual operations: ◮ add a generator : for u ∈ Σ ∗ 1 , add a generating 1-cell x and add a generating 2-cell δ � x u ◮ remove a generator : for a generating 2-cell α in Σ 2 with x ∈ Σ 1 , remove x and α ✚ ❩ α α � x ✁ u ❆ x

  14. � � � Tietze transformations ◮ Two ( 3 , 1 ) -polygraphs Σ and Υ are Tietze-equivalent if there is an equivalence of 2-categories F : Σ ⊤ → Υ ⊤ 2 /Σ 3 − 2 /Υ 3 inducing an isomorphism on presented categories. ◮ In particular, two coherent presentations of the same category are Tietze-equivalent. ◮ An elementary Tietze transformation of a ( 3 , 1 ) -polygraph Σ is a 3-functor with source Σ ⊤ that belongs to one of the following three pairs of dual operations: ◮ add a relation : for a 2-cell f ∈ Σ ⊤ 2 , add a generating 2-cell χ f add a generating 3-cell A f f A f � � u � � v χ f ◮ remove a relation : for a 3-cell A where α ∈ Σ 2 , remove α and A f u � A � � A � � ✁ ❆ � v ✚ ❩ α α

  15. � � � � Tietze transformations ◮ Two ( 3 , 1 ) -polygraphs Σ and Υ are Tietze-equivalent if there is an equivalence of 2-categories F : Σ ⊤ → Υ ⊤ 2 /Σ 3 − 2 /Υ 3 inducing an isomorphism on presented categories. ◮ In particular, two coherent presentations of the same category are Tietze-equivalent. ◮ An elementary Tietze transformation of a ( 3 , 1 ) -polygraph Σ is a 3-functor with source Σ ⊤ that belongs to one of the following three pairs of dual operations: A ◮ add a 3 -cell : for equals 2-cells f ≡ g , add a generating 3-cell f ⇛ g f u � � v A � � g A ◮ remove a 3 -cell : for a generating 3-cell f ⇛ g with f ≡ g , remove A f u � ✁ ❆ � v A � � A � �

  16. Tietze transformations Theorem. [Gaussent-Guiraud-M., 2013] Two (finite) ( 3 , 1 ) -polygraphs Σ and Υ are Tietze equivalent if, and only if, there exists a (finite) Tietze transformation T : Σ ⊤ → Υ ⊤ Consequence. If Σ is a coherent presentation of a category C and if there exists a Tietze transformation T : Σ ⊤ → Υ ⊤ then Υ is a coherent presentation of C .

  17. � � � � � Rewriting properties of 2 -polygraphs Let Σ = ( Σ 0 , Σ 1 , Σ 2 ) be a 2-polygraph. ◮ Σ terminates if it does not generate any infinite reduction sequence � u 2 � · · · � u n � · · · u 1 ◮ A branching of Σ is a pair ( f , g ) of 2-cells of Σ ∗ 2 with a common source f v u � w g ◮ Σ is confluent if all of its branchings are confluent: f ′ f v u ′ u g w g ′ ◮ Σ is convergent if it terminates and it is confluent.

  18. � � � � � Rewriting properties of 2 -polygraphs ◮ A branching f v u � w g is local if f and g are rewriting steps. ◮ Local branchings are classified as follows: - aspherical branchings have shape ( f , f ) , - Peiffer branchings have shape u ′ g vu ′ fv uu ′ vv ′ fv ⋆ 1 u ′ g = ug ⋆ 1 fv ′ ug uv ′ fv ′ - overlap branchings are all the other cases. ◮ A critical branching is a minimal (for inclusion of source) overlap branching. Theorem. [Newman’s diammond lemma, 1942] For terminating 2 -polygraphs, local confluence and confluence are equivalent properties.

  19. � � � � � Rewriting properties of 2 -polygraphs Example. Consider the 2-polygraph γ st � sts � Art 2 ( S 3 ) = � s , t | tst ◮ A Peiffer branching: γ st tst ststst sts γ ts tsttst stssts tst γ st γ st sts tststs ◮ A critical branching: γ st st stsst tstst � tssts ts γ st

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