coaching futures apprentice session

Coaching Futures Apprentice Session The Launch @sportscotland - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Coaching Futures Apprentice Session The Launch @sportscotland #CoachingFutures Thursday 29 th October 2015 The Itinerary 10:00 10:30 Welcome to the programme 10:35 11:00 Game, Set and Match: My Coaching Futures Journey (Joe Gill,

  1. Coaching Futures Apprentice Session The Launch @sportscotland #CoachingFutures Thursday 29 th October 2015

  2. The Itinerary… 10:00 – 10:30 Welcome to the programme 10:35 – 11:00 Game, Set and Match: My Coaching Futures Journey (Joe Gill, Tennis Scotland) 11:05 – 11:30 One Hurdle at a Time: My Coaching Futures Journey (Allan Scott, Scottish Athletics) 11:30 – 11:45 Tea / coffee break 11:45 – 12:30 Team building activity 12:30 – 13:00 Lunch 13:00 – 14:15 The Coaching Journey - Aspirational Thinking (Doug MacDonald, Scottish Triathlon) * Line Manager Session 14:20 – 15:20 Louise Dobbie - research and reflection 15:20 – 15:30 Tea / coffee break 15:30 – 16:30 From Warrior Player to Warrior Coach (Gregor Townsend, Glasgow Warriors) 16:30-16:35 Close

  3. Introductions Turn to the person next to you and introduce yourself. Please find out: 1. Their name and sport 2. Most memorable moment as an athlete (and why?) 3. What they are most looking forward to about their new coaching role? (and why?) You’ll then be asked to introduce that person to the rest of the group.

  4. Meet the team Nadine Ewen Beth Me

  5. Background

  6. Coaching Futures in a nutshell… Pr Prac actica tical l Personal Cross-sport coac co aching hing learning learning exp xper erienc ience journey Creating a Themed Individualised practise workshops development plan environment Learning from working with and 360 ° and with others observing understanding master coaches Increasing Increasing connectivity and Mentor support responsibility understanding over time

  7. Year One – Orientation Months 1-3 Finding your feet/ getting to know the SGB; Launch ; setting goals and collaboratively writing work plan ; draft personal development plan (PDP); shadowing / assisting other coaches/ master coach; checkpoint Meet your mentor ; 360 ° profiling ; updating PDP ; Months 4-6 outlining coaching philosophy; learning about different coaching cultures; workshop 2; checkpoint Months 7-9 Improving reflection skills; development opportunities ; increased practical coaching time; increasing self- awareness; checkpoint Mths 10-12 workshop 3; Preparation and goal setting for year two; reflecting on year one; checkpoint

  8. Year Two - Application Months 1-3 “Having a go” / learning through doing”; workshop 4; 360 ° profiling ; updating PDP; building confidence; checkpoint ; Months 4-6 Increasing coaching responsibility; workshop 5; checkpoint ; Months 7-9 leading projects; workshop 6; checkpoint ; Mths 10-12 Preparation and goal setting for year three; reflecting on year two; checkpoint ;

  9. Year Three - Specialisation Months 1-3 workshop 7 ; 360 ° profiling ; focussed application of time/expertise; working more closely with specific groups; checkpoint ; Months 4-6 Starting to gear towards coaching roles after the programme; specific career-focussed mentor support; workshop 8; checkpoint ; Mths 7-12 Preparation for and transition into coaching role; checkpoint; reflection and feedback on coaching ` journey ; final workshop 9 (final workshop and celebration); final checkpoint; graduation!

  10. Finding your performance zone

  11. Joe Gill Former International Tennis player Coaching Futures Tennis Coach 2013-15 15 @Joesgill

  12. Allan Scott Former GB Hurdler Coaching Futures Apprentice Hurdle coach 2013 2013-15 15

  13. How do you learn best? 1. Construct a paper aeroplane 2. Write your preferred learning style(s) on one of the wings (and your name on the other) 3. Test it out and send it this way…

  14. Team task 1 As a team of three, you have 10 minutes to invent a innovative coaching tool that will revolutionise coaching. You will then need to present your tool, ensuring that everyone contributes to both the design and pitch. The winning idea gets a prize.

  15. Team task 2 - roles You need to complete the jigsaw to form your team. In your groups, please discuss the following: 1. What do you need from your line manager? 2. What do you need from spor tscotland? 3. What do you need from the group ? If time allows… What’s the best use of your time at the workshops?

  16. Doug MacDonald Triathlon Scotland Coaching Development Officer Sport Psychologist @PosSportPsych

  17. Louise Dobbie sportscotland Research Officer

  18. Gregor Townsend Former Scottish Rugby Player Glasgow Warriors Head Coach @gregortownsend

  19. Close 1. What did you like most about today? 2. What didn’t you like so much? 3. Any questions still to be answered?


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