The story so far... The Dragons’ Apprentice Challenge predominantly aimed at 16 & 17 year olds has been in operation for 7 years, originating in St Albans the challenge has now spread across the county The challenge grew in 2017 , expanding into Cambridge and over £75,000 was raised across Hertfordshire with 55 school teams taking part, to date over £450,000 has been given to local charities, we have just signed an agreement to launch in Essex for 2018 The Junior Dragons’ Apprentice Challenge has been developed to bring the experience to primary school age students and develop their understanding of business and further develop their social awareness currently runs in Broxbourne, East Herts and St Albans with further expansion for November this year We were awarded the Fairlife mark in Parliament last year for our contribution to financially educating young people
How does it work? The basics Schools enter a team of between 6-8 students, they are paired with a business mentor (their Dragon) and a local charity to which any profit they make will be donated Schools pay an administration fee per team entered to the charity organising the challenge, the challenge costs further to this are subsidised by sponsorship and any grant funding awarded Each team is given £100 seed capital and a business aim to increase this capital into over £1000 over a 4 month active trading period The challenge will launch in October this year and the final business reports are to be submitted by end of February next year, with the Awards Evening held in March/April There are a number of awards to win including this year the ‘Dragons Master Prize’, this will be the winning team chosen from the ‘Overall Winner’ teams across the whole challenge. They will win an exclusive experience prize which will immerse them in the world of business and value their considerable achievement
What are we aiming for? When the student’s chemistry works, when the Dragon inspires the team and passes on their business skills and advice formed over many years and when a charity values young people willing to give their time and shares their fundraising resources it is quite simply- an enriching experience for all At Dragons HQ, we care most about furthering the knowledge and experience of the students, the personal development of the Dragons and the unrestricted funds raised for charity are happy outcomes Another enriching side effect of participating in the challenge is increasing the social awareness of the students and their attitudes to volunteering The learning experience of the Dragons can also be impactful, this year we are running our ‘D is for Dragons’ workshops, in order for Dragons to better understand their roles. The likely time commitments and how the support levels needed can vary from team to team Working on the development of business principles with the students- giving confidence to move forward from ‘ bakesales ’
The Awards • Overall Winner Award • Best Presentation Award • Most Profit Made Award • Most Innovative Business Idea Award • Outstanding Individual Achievement Award – nominated by ‘Dragon’ • Dragon Special Recognition Award • Teacher Partner Recognition Award • Best Partnership with Community Group/Charity Award • Best Display Award @ The Dragons’ Showcase at The Awards
Soroptimists St Albans & Team Elite Thank you for being Dragons to Team Elite from St Albans Girls School in 2017 Jennie & Jane
How can The Soroptimists St Albans get involved? Support the young people when you see their events/services advertised during their • challenges- attend curry nights etc/buy products/ turn up and support them Attend their awards evening in April next year and cheer them along • Sponsor an award of your choice- we need every penny to keep the challenge • running! Support the Centre for Voluntary Service in St Albans who run this challenge, we • quietly support over 250 local charities to be better- I have leaflets with me containing current volunteering opportunities Spread the word , go online and follow the Dragons’ Apprentice Challenge • Facebook page and on twitter -@dragonsapp and like/ share our posts
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