co covid 1 9 p planni nning ng cons nsiderations ns

CO COVID-1 9 P Planni nning ng Cons nsiderations ns: Guidance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CO COVID-1 9 P Planni nning ng Cons nsiderations ns: Guidance for or School ool Re-en entry Ada dapt pt ed d from : Am erican an Acad adem y o of P Pediat at rics Pur urpo pose o of G ui uida dance The pu purpo pose

  1. CO COVID-1 9 P Planni nning ng Cons nsiderations ns: Guidance for or School ool Re-en entry Ada dapt pt ed d from : Am erican an Acad adem y o of P Pediat at rics

  2. Pur urpo pose o of G ui uida dance ● The pu purpo pose o of this g guida dance is t to s suppo pport edu ducation, public h heal alth, l local al l lead adership, an and pediat atrician ans col ollabor orating w with school ools in creating p pol olicies f for or school ool r re-entr try th that t fo foste ter th the overall h health th o of f children, adolescents ts, s sta taff, ff, a and commu mmuniti ties based ed on on available ev e eviden ence. e.

  3. Pur urpo pose o of G ui uida dance ● Schools a are fu fundame menta tal to to child dev evel elopmen ent and w wel ell- being a and pr d provide de our c childr dren with h ac acad ademic instr tructi tion, social a and e emo moti tional s skills, safe fety ty, reliable nutr triti tion, physical/speech a and me menta tal health th th therapy, and opportu tuniti ties fo for physical a acti tivity ty, a amo mong oth ther ben enef efits.

  4. Pur urpo pose o of G ui uida dance ● Bey eyond s supporting t the ed e educational dev evel elopmen ent of children en, schools play ay a c a critical al role in ad addressing rac acial al and s social i inequity ty. A As such, it t is criti tical to to refl flect t on th the diffe fferenti tial i imp mpact t CO COVID-1 1 9 9 and t the asso ssociated sc school closures es have h e had o on d differ eren ent races es, et ethnic and vuln lnerable le p popula lations.

  5. Any school ool re-entry po policies shoul uld d conside der the following g key pr principl ples: ● School p policies es m must be e flex exible e in n respond nding ng t to ne new info forma mati tion, and admi ministr trato tors mu must b t be w willing to to ref efine e approaches es when en s spec ecific p policies es are n e not working. g.

  6. Any school ool re-entry po policies shoul uld d conside der the following g key pr principl ples: ● It t is c criti tically i imp mporta tant t to to d develop s str trate tegies th that c t can be e rev evised ed and a adapted ed d dep epen ending on t the e lev evel el of viral tr transmi mission in th the s school a and th throughout th t the commu mmunity ty and d done w with th close commu mmunicati tion with th stat ate an and/or local al p public h heal alth au authorities an and rec ecognizing the d e differ eren ences es bet etween een school d districts, includ uding ur urban, s sub ubur urban, a and rur ural d districts.

  7. Any school ool re-entry po policies shoul uld d conside der the following g key pr principl ples: Special c con onsideration ons and accom ommod odation ons t to o accou ount for or the e diver ersity of y youth s should b be e made, e, es espec ecially f for our vulner erable e populations, i including t those e who have e dis isabil ilit itie ies, a are med edically f fragile, e, l live i e in pover erty, have e dev evel elopmen ental c challen enges es, or h have e spec ecial h hea ealth care e need eeds w with the g goa oal of of s safe return to s o school ool.

  8. Any school ool re-entry po policies shoul uld d conside der the following g key pr principl ples: ● No No ch child sh should be ex e excluded ed from school u unles ess req equired ed i in o order er t to a adher ere t e to l local p public h hea ealth mandates es o or b bec ecause o e of u unique e med edical need eeds. Pediatricians, s, f families, s, and sc schools s sh should partner toget ether er t to collaborativel ely i iden entify a and dev evel elop accommodations, w when en need eeded ed.

  9. Any school ool re-entry po policies shoul uld d conside der the following g key pr principl ples: ● School po policies s should d be guide ded d by suppo pporting the overall ll healt lth and w well ll-being of a all c ll child ldren, adolescents ts, th their fa fami milies, a and th their c commu mmuniti ties.

  10. Any school ool re-entry po policies shoul uld d conside der the following g key pr principl ples: ● The imp mporta tance o of i f in-per erson l lea earning is w wel ell- documen ented ed, a and ther ere e is a alrea eady ev eviden ence e of t the e neg egative e impacts o on children en b bec ecause e of s school c closures es in the spring o of 20 2020 20.

  11. Am American Ac Academy of Pedia iatric ics C onclusi sions: s: ● Length thy ti time me away fr from m school a and associate ted inte terrupti tion o of f supporti tive s services ofte ften r results ts in social i isolati tion, ma making it t diffi fficult t fo for schools to to identi tify fy a and address imp mporta tant l t learning defi ficits ts as w well as as c child an and ad adolescent p physical al o or s sexual al ab abuse, su subst stance use se, depressi ssion, and su suicidal i ideation.

  12. Americ ican A Academy of P f Pedia iatric ics C onclusio ions: ● Eviden ence e indicates es t that c children en a and adoles escen ents are e les ess likel ely t to b be e symptomatic and les ess likel ely to h have e sev ever ere d e disea ease e res esulting f from COVID 1 1 9 9 inf nfection. n. I In n addition, children en m may b be l e les ess likel ely t to bec ecome i e infec ected ed and d to s spr pread i d infection.

  13. Am American Ac Academy of Pedia iatric ics C onclusi sions: s: ● Policies to to m miti tigate te th the spread o of C f COVID-1 1 9 9 withi hin scho hools m must be b balanced with h the he known harms t to c children en, adoles escen ents, families es, and t the c e community by keep eeping children en at home. e.

  14. T he Am American Ac Academy o of Pediatrics S S T RO N G LY AD ADVO C AT AT E S : ● all policy con onsideration ons f for or t the c com oming sc school year ar sh should st star art w with a a goal al of hav aving st students s physi sical ally prese sent in schoo ool.

  15. G uiding Q uestions for the Board to C onsider ● 1 . PL 1 42 and all ll subsequent IDEA le legis isla latio ion requir ire that students wit ith dis isabilit ilitie ies be giv iven an appropria iate e educatio ion in in t the le least restric ictiv ive env nvironm nment nt Can t the B Board assure parents o of children with disabilities that ○ thei eir studen ent ’ s proced edural safeg eguards will be e met et in the e hybrid op option on? Can an the e Board assure e par arents that at the p procedural al saf afeguar ards ○ will be e met et in t the d e distance e lea earning option? ?

  16. G uiding Q uestions for the Board to C onsider ● If the B Boa oard c choos ooses t to n o not ot f fol ollow ow the loc ocal Health Offi fficer ’ s guidance e on using t the h e hybrid model el, u under er what c con ondition ons wou ould t the B Boa oard s say t that s school ools cou ould reo eopen en? ● Zer ero cases es i in t the c e county? ● When a v a vac accine h has as been ap approved an and m mad ade av avai ailab able? ● When en ther ere e is h her erd i immunity? ● Whos ose guidance will t the B Boa oard fol ollow ow?


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