
CMAQ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CMAQ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program OUTLINE PROGRAM OVERVIEW PROJECT ELIGIBILITY PARTNERING TOOLS 2 Program Overview The CMAQ Program was Established For Transportation Projects That Contribute to

  1. CMAQ Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program


  3. Program Overview • The CMAQ Program was Established For Transportation Projects That Contribute to the Attainment or Maintenance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone, Carbon Monoxide, or Particulate Matter • Established in 1991 Under Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) • Reauthorized in All Subsequent Transportation Reauthorization Acts, Most Recently The Fast Act • Annual Federal Funding Level at About $2.3 -$2.5 Billion (FY 2016-2020) • TCTC’s Annual Apportionment is Approximately $525k 3

  4. Project Eligibility • Each ch CMAQ AQ Proje ject M Must: • Be a Transpo sportat ation P Proje ject • Redu ductions M Must st Co Contribute t to the he Area's O Overall C ll Clean A Air S Stra rategy y • Genera rate Emis issio sion R Reductio ions and an d Sh Should b be Demo monstrated By By • Be Be L Located d in in o or Be Benefit a a the E Emis issio sions A s Analysis sis R Requir ired b by Nonat attain ainme ment o or Maintenan ance FHW FHWA. Are rea • Must C Come me f from a a Tran ansp sportat atio ion Plan a and Tran ansp sportat atio ion Improveme ment P Program ( am (TIP) P) 4

  5. Eligible Projects WIDE RANGE OF ELIGIBLE PROJECTS • Diesel Engine R Retrof ofits & & Other A Advanced Truck • Travel D Demand and M Management nt Techn hnol olog ogies • Carp rpooling A And V Vanpooli ling • Idle R e Reducti tion • Carshar aring ing • Congestion R Reduct ction & Traffic F c Flow • Alt ltern rnative F Fuels & s & Vehicle les Impr mprovemen ements ts • Ins nspection & Maint ntena nance P Programs • Freight/I t/Inter ermo modal • Publi lic E Education & & Outreach Ac Activities • Trans nsportation C Cont ntrol M Measur ures • Innova vative P Projects • Transit I t Impr mprovemen ements ts • Bicycle And P d Pede destrian Facilities A And Pr d Programs 5

  6. ELIGIBLE GRANT APPLICANTS Projec ects R s Request sting g CMAQ Fund unding ng Must t Have a e a Govern ernmen ent Age gency S Sponsor with an r with an Exis xisti ting Cal altra rans Mas Master er Agre greement t • Tehama C Count ounty T y Trans nsportation n Commission on • Teha hama ma Count ounty Trans nsit A Agenc ncy Board rd • Count ounty o y of T Tehama • City of Red Blu luff • City ty o of T Teham hama • Ci City o of Co Corning 6

  7. CMAQ Emissions Calculator T oolkit http https:// //www www.fhw ironm nment ent/air_q _quali lity/cmaq/t /toolki kit/ t/ This CMAQ Emissions Calculator Toolkit (in Microsoft Excel format) is offered as an additional resource to assist DOTs, MPOs, RTPAs, and project sponsors in the project justification process.

  8. CALL FOR PROJECTS Carryover er B Balanc nce a e and F Feder eral Fisc iscal Yea ears, 2 , 2019/20, 2 2020 20/21 & 1 & 202 021/ 1/22 $2,9 ,987,519 Application Packet is Located at: CMAQ Interim Program Guidance is Located at: 8


  10. Past Successes • TRAX P TR X Pilot R Rou outes – Diam iamond nd E Expres ess & & Ranc ancho T Teh eham ama • Corning ning Downt ntown C n Complete S e Stree eets & & Saf afety Pr Projec ect Cal altrans ans Eas ast R Red ed Bluf uff C CAPM PM • • MTC Exchange f ange for RSTP fundi ding g - Count unty r road ad m maint aintenanc enance

  11. THANK YOU! Jessi ssica R a Risk ske-Gom Gomez ez Trans nsportation M n Manager Phon one 530-385-1462 x 3028 Email ail


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