cls holdings is a london based office space specialist

CLS Holdings is a London-based office space specialist with a - PDF document

CLS performed well in the first six months of 2020 against the challenging backdrop caused by Covid-19. We prioritised the welfare of our staff and tenants, ensuring that the business continued to operate effectively with limited impacts on

  1. CLS performed well in the first six months of 2020 against the challenging backdrop caused by Covid-19. We prioritised the welfare of our staff and tenants, ensuring that the business continued to operate effectively with limited impacts on productivity. All of our offices across the UK, Germany and France remained open and we made the necessary modifications to make the buildings compliant with local Covid-19 safety measures. The first quarter of 2020 saw the completion of the transactions that had exchanged at the end of 2019 to refocus the portfolio. In the second quarter we acquired Georg-Elser-Strasse 7 in Nuremberg at a net initial yield of 5.8% and after the half-year we exchanged on the sale of Albert- Einstein Ring in Hamburg at a net initial yield of 3.6%. The balance sheet is strong with a diversity of funders giving significant flexibility. CLS Holdings is a London-based office space specialist with a £2.1billion asset portfolio throughout the UK, France and Germany. Listed on the London Stock Exchange main market since 1994, we currently have over 750 tenants, including blue-chip organisations and government departments. We deliver consistent, long-term value and steady shareholder growth by investing in future-focused office space in secondary, key European a deep understanding of our tenants’ business city locations. Our success is based on ambition; a quick-thinking, fast-responding culture; and a long-term, progressive attitude. In recent years we have elevated the importance of sustainability across all aspects of our business. It supports our overarching purpose, which is to transform office properties into sustainable, modern spaces that help our tenants’ businesses grow.

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