Cloud of Suspicion Scaling Up Phishing campaigns Using Google Apps Scripts MAOR BIN NOVEMBER 2017
Overview Google Apps Scripts
Overview Google Apps Scripts A scripting language based on JavaScript that lets you automate actions with Google Apps Services Example of services that can be accessed via Google Apps Scripts: Gmail app - Send email, read email, get attachments, etc. Drive app – Create folder, create fle, get fle content, etc. URL Fetch app – Access external API etc. T ype of scripts: Standalone Bound to G Suite documents Web apps
Spreading Google Apps Scripts Standalone / Bound to G Suite documents Google fle sharing Web apps Create a link and spread it in multiple channels
Data Exfltration Auto forward emails Post to external URL C & C
Data Exfltration
Getting Malicious… Spreading Malware via Google Drive Google Docs Worm Abusing Google Apps Scripts
Google Docs Worm
Creating Google Docs Worm With Google Apps Scripts
Create A Phishing Cloud Macro DEMO
Google Services Quotas Google Apps free edition ( Feature Consumer ( G Suite Early Access legacy) Calendar events 5,000 / day 10,000 / day 10,000 / day Flexible created Contacts created 1,000 / day 2,000 / day 2,000 / day Flexible Documents created 250 / day 500 / day 1,500 / day Flexible Email recipients per day 100* / day 100* / day 1,500* / day 1,500* / day Email read/write 20,000 / day 40,000 / day 50,000 / day Flexible (excluding send) Groups read 2,000 / day 5,000 / day 10,000 / day Flexible JDBC connection 10,000 / day 10,000 / day 50,000 / day Flexible JDBC failed connection 100 / day 100 / day 500 / day 500 / day Properties read/write 50,000 / day 100,000 / day 500,000 / day Flexible Spreadsheets created 250 / day 500 / day 3,200 / day Flexible Triggers total runtime 90 min / day 3 hr / day 6 hr / day 6 hr / day URL Fetch calls 20,000 / day 50,000 / day 100,000 / day Flexible URL Fetch data received 100MB / day 100MB / day 100MB / day 100MB / day
Limitations Consumer ( Google Apps free edition ( G Suite Feature Early Access legacy) Basic/Business/Edu/Gov Script runtime 6 min / execution 6 min / execution 6 min / execution 30 min / execution Custom function 30 sec / execution 30 sec / execution 30 sec / execution 30 sec / execution runtime Email attachments 250 / msg 250 / msg 250 / msg 250 / msg Email body size 200kB / msg 200kB / msg 400kB / msg 400kB / msg Email recipients per 50 / msg 50 / msg 50 / msg 50 / msg message Email total 25MB / msg 25MB / msg 25MB / msg 25MB / msg attachments size Properties value size 9kB / val 9kB / val 9kB / val 9kB / val Properties total storage 500kB / property store 500kB / property store 500kB / property store 500kB / property store Triggers 20 / user / script 20 / user / script 20 / user / script 20 / user / script URL Fetch headers 100 / call 100 / call 100 / call 100 / call URL Fetch header size 8kB / call 8kB / call 8kB / call 8kB / call URL Fetch POST size 10MB / call 10MB / call 10MB / call 10MB / call URL Fetch URL length 2kB / call 2kB / call 2kB / call 2kB / call
Mitigations Self executing JavaScript Endpoint security 3 rd party app Review script’s content Review script’s scopes Revoke if necessary Consider CASB solutions
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