close encounters between requirements and sysml


CLOSE ENCOUNTERS BETWEEN REQUIREMENTS AND SYSML EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier WHAT WE DO Papyrus REQ = Papyrus for Requirements A set of Eclipse plugins for model-based requirements engineering integrated in the

  1. CLOSE ENCOUNTERS BETWEEN REQUIREMENTS AND SYSML EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  2. WHAT WE DO Papyrus REQ = Papyrus for Requirements A set of Eclipse plugins for model-based requirements engineering integrated in the Papyrus platform ( | 2 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  3. SYSML DIAMGRAMS SysML Cross-Cutting SysML Structure Diagram Diagram Block Definition Parametric Internal Block Requirement Diagram Diagram Diagram Diagram SysML Behavior Diagram State Machine Activity Use Case Sequence Diagram Diagram Diagram Diagram | 4 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  4. ANATOMY OF THE «REQUIREMENT» CONCEPT The Requirement concept Requirement concept used by the Users defined in a Profile « Requirement » properties: An identifier  A text requirement description  A name (inherited from Class defined in UML)  | 6 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  5. INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS • Papyrus UML For developers: For users: Papyrus 2.0 Neon - Next release. • SysML 1.1 (Included by Default) or • SysML 1.4 (Need to be installed as an “Additional Papyrus Component”) Figure 1. Installing SysML 1.4 | 7 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  6. INSTALLING PAPYRUS FOR REQUIREMENTS | 8 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  7. MAIN PROCESSES IN EACH DEVELOPMENT AREA Analysis Specification Evaluate Metrics Preferences Business Needs- Setting Goals Modeling Validation and Verification System Requirements Requirements Types Definition Check Rules Modeling Management / Traceability Generate Trace Re/Import/Export Reports Elements Requirements | 10 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  8. Specification Business Needs-Goals Preferences Setting Modeling Requirements Types System Requirements Definition Modeling | 11 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  9. BUSINESS NEEDS-GOALS MODELING Papyrus BMM editor A Business Motivation Model (BMM) v1.3 captures business requirements and justifies why business want to do something, what they aim to achieve, how they plan to get there, and how they plan to assess the results. BMM Overview (Figure taken from: | 12 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  10. SPECIFICATION: BUSINESS MODELING BMM Overview (Figure taken from: | 13 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  11. SPECIFICATION: BUSINESS MODELING Diagram-Based Tree-Based Form-Based | 14 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  12. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS | 15 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  13. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS MODELLING: TABLES | 16 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  14. CHANGE PREFERENCES SETTINGS These preferences help you to create these IDs These preferences help you to create these IDs | 17 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  15. MAIN PROCESSES IN EACH DEVELOPMENT AREA Analysis Specification Evaluate Metrics Preferences Business Needs- Setting Goals Modeling Validation and Verification System Requirements Requirements Types Definition Check Rules Modeling Management / Traceability Generate Trace Re/Import/Export Reports Elements Requirements | 20 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  16. IMPORTING AND EXPORTING TO EXTERNAL SOURCES CSV Papyrus for Requirements XLS ReqIf | 21 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  17. REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT (TRACEABILITY) TracedTo Matrix – Model Elements (EX. From BMM or Any other language) x Requirements | 22 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  18. REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT (TRACEABILITY) DerivedFrom Matrix – Requirements x Requirements The table is synchronized and allows creating and deleting “ derivedReqt ” Links | 23 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  19. REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT (TRACEABILITY) RefinedBy – Requirements x Requirements The table is synchronized and allows creating and deleting “Refine” Links | 24 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  20. REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT (TRACEABILITY) Requirements Management (Traceability) Satisfy Matrix – Model Elements x Requirements The table is synchronized and allows creating and deleting “Satisfy” Links | 25 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  21. REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT (TRACEABILITY) VerifiedBy Matrix – Model Elements (“Test Case”) x Requirements The table is synchronized and allows creating and deleting “Verify” Links | 26 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  22. REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT (TRACEABILITY) SysML, generic and customer- defined tables for traceability. | 27 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  23. REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT (TRACEABILITY) Traceability contextual tools Based on selected Requirements Related Based on Requirements Elements | 28 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  24. MAIN PROCESSES IN EACH DEVELOPMENT AREA Analysis Specification Evaluate Metrics Preferences Business Needs- Setting Goals Modeling Validation and Verification System Requirements Requirements Types Definition Check Rules Modeling Management / Traceability Generate Trace Re/Import/Export Reports Elements Requirements | 30 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  25. EVALUATE METRICS Ex. Calculate the number of satisfied/Unsatisfied requirements using a model conforming to the Structured Metrics Meta-model (SMM) Default and embedded metrics User-defined metrics Possibility to compute your own metrics by using SMM Models | 31 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  26. EVALUATE METRICS It will be possible to show graphical views These GUI will be integrated soon | 32 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  27. CHOOSING CONSTRAINTS TO VALIDATE Ex., Validate if requirements are satisfied or verified | 33 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  28. VISUALIZATION OF THE RESULTS OF CONSTRAINTS VALIDATION Warnings/Error signs are displayed on requirements | 34 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  29. MAIN PROCESSES IN EACH DEVELOPMENT AREA Analysis Specification Evaluate Metrics Preferences Business Needs- Setting Goals Modeling Validation and Verification System Requirements Requirements Types Definition Check Rules Modeling Management / Traceability Generate Trace Re/Import/Export Reports Elements Requirements | 35 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  30. DEMOSTRATION | 36 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  31. FUTURE WORK (LINKS WITH OTHER ECLIPSE TOOLS) • Change the strategy to create new requirements IDs by reusing ReqCycle. • Use ReqCycle for linking requirements to code (ex. In a Unit Test “this test verifies this requirement”). • Link OSLC (Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration) to support interoperability between tools • Semi-formalize requirements using templates • Integrate requirements types libraries according to different types of domains | 37 EclipseCon France 2016 | Mauricio Alferez and Patrick Tessier

  32. Thank you Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives Institut List | CEA SACLAY NANO-INNOV | BAT. 861 – PC142 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex - FRANCE Établissement public à caractère industriel et commercial | RCS Paris B 775 685 019


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