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Climate Science Climate Science Climate Change Mitigation in a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Climate Science Climate Science Climate Change Mitigation in a Diverse and Threatened Appalachia Carson Bartholic, Jacob Fay, Logan Hine, Jordan McCord -Wolbert, Carson Bartholic, Jacob Fay, Logan Hine, Jordan McCord Wolbert, Abby Reagan,

  1. Climate Science Climate Science Climate Change Mitigation in a Diverse and Threatened Appalachia Carson Bartholic, Jacob Fay, Logan Hine, Jordan McCord -Wolbert, Carson Bartholic, Jacob Fay, Logan Hine, Jordan McCord Wolbert, Abby Reagan, Piper Seagle, Isaac Sulfridge, Mia Sutton, Stephanie Weisberger Abby Reagan, Piper Seagle, Isaac Sulfridge, Mia Sutton, Stephanie Weisberger 2020 A ppalachian R egional C ommission/O ak R idge N ational L aboratory M ath-Science-T echnology Institute Climate Science Modeling and Communication Group

  2. Overview Overview ● Introduction ● Background ● Materials and Methods ● Results ● Conclusions ● Acknowledgem ents

  3. Introduction Introduction Clim ate change is a huge, real problem for scientists around the globe. With tem peratures rising rapidly, clim ate change becom es a m ore pressing issue every day. Our goal is to provide im portant data to better understand and m itigate clim ate change and its effects. The Exit Glacier m elted 2 km worth of ice within 200 years.

  4. Background Background ● Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas. A greenhouse gas is a gas that traps heat in the atmosphere ● Concentrations of CO2 in the atm osphere have risen by 16% since 1995. This has caused global tem peratures to rise by about 1.8°F from 1901 to 2016. ● Tem perature change is a direct product of CO2 em issions, which m ust be reduced to m itigate atm ospheric tem perature increases. ● To better understand clim ate change in our com m unities, we integrated data from HOBO sensors, nearby weather stations, and CO2 em ission databases. ● This analysis helped us understand how to best m itigate clim ate change through com m unity activities such as planting trees.

  5. Materials and Methods Materials and Methods Materials Materials 1. Hobo MX Pendant Tem p 2. Solar Radiation Shield (m odel 06054) 3. A sm art device with the HOBO app 4. Weather station historical data 5. DARTE em issions dataset Method Method 1. Observe standards for data collection 2. Deploy Sensor 3. Retrieve and download data from sensors 4. Analyze sensor data

  6. Results Results This data shows that the am bient tem perature is lower when the object is placed in a shady area com pared to a place with direct sunlight, along with certain weather conditions. The graph about the Carbon Em issions shows how the carbon in the atm osphere is either going up, down, or never changing in num bers.

  7. Southern States Northern States Figure #1 and #2. These figures show the tem perature readings recorded using the Hobo MX Pendant Tem p in the Northern and Southern Appalachian states. Results Graphics Results Graphics

  8. Conclusions Conclusions The Clim ate Science Modeling and Com m unication group dem onstrated through their data gathering that planting trees is a step that m itigates clim ate change in two ways: By reducing local tem peratures through tree coverage and by rem oving carbon dioxide from the atm osphere. This project aim ed to associate the rise in tem peratures due to clim ate change with the group's local conditions. Our data confirm ed that shade is a key factor in reducing heat. Plants also rem ove carbon dioxide from the atm osphere. By planting trees in our com m unities, we can help reduce the effects of clim ate change.

  9. Acknowledgments Acknowledgments Thank you to Melissa Allen-Dum as, Abby Bower, Bill Cabage, Elizabeth Herndon, Colleen Iversen, Misha Krassovski, Melissa Lapsa, Joanne Logan, Joe Morelock, Elizabeth Rosenthal, Matthew Ryder, Ben Sulm an, Ross Toedte, Jessica Welch, Don Wuebbles. We appreciate the opportunity provided to us by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge Associated Universities and the Appalachian Regional Com m ission.


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