clever a cloud enabled virtual environment

CLEVER: a CLoud-Enabled Virtual EnviRonment Francesco Tusa - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Introduction Middleware Architecture Middleware Development Conclusions CLEVER: a CLoud-Enabled Virtual EnviRonment Francesco Tusa Maurizio Paone Massimo Villari Antonio Puliafito {ftusa,mpaone,mvillari,apuliafito} Universit

  1. Introduction Middleware Architecture Middleware Development Conclusions CLEVER: a CLoud-Enabled Virtual EnviRonment Francesco Tusa Maurizio Paone Massimo Villari Antonio Puliafito {ftusa,mpaone,mvillari,apuliafito} Università degli Studi di Messina, Dipartimento di Matematica. Facoltà di Ingegneria, Contrada di Dio, S. Agata, 98166 Messina, Italy. ISCC ’10 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, June 22-25, 2010, Riccione, Italy F. Tusa, M. Paone, M. Villari, A. Puliafito CLEVER: a CLoud-Enabled Virtual EnviRonment

  2. Introduction Middleware Architecture Middleware Development Conclusions Outline Introduction 1 Inside the Cloud State of the art Our contribution Middleware Architecture 2 General Overview Middleware Components and Features Middleware Development 3 UML description Implementation Conclusions 4 F. Tusa, M. Paone, M. Villari, A. Puliafito CLEVER: a CLoud-Enabled Virtual EnviRonment

  3. Introduction Inside the Cloud Middleware Architecture State of the art Middleware Development Our contribution Conclusions Summary Introduction 1 Inside the Cloud State of the art Our contribution Middleware Architecture 2 General Overview Middleware Components and Features Middleware Development 3 UML description Implementation Conclusions 4 F. Tusa, M. Paone, M. Villari, A. Puliafito CLEVER: a CLoud-Enabled Virtual EnviRonment

  4. Introduction Inside the Cloud Middleware Architecture State of the art Middleware Development Our contribution Conclusions A cloud definition “Cloud Computing is a large-scale distributed computing paradigm that is driven by economies of scale, in which a pool of abstracted, virtualized, dynamically-scalable, managed computing power, storage, platforms, and services are delivered on demand to external customers over the Internet.” [I. Foster et al. (2008)] F. Tusa, M. Paone, M. Villari, A. Puliafito CLEVER: a CLoud-Enabled Virtual EnviRonment

  5. Introduction Inside the Cloud Middleware Architecture State of the art Middleware Development Our contribution Conclusions Three different cloud service levels Virtualization technology for “abstracting resources”. Services to the customers mainly at three different levels: Iaas, PaaS and SaaS. F. Tusa, M. Paone, M. Villari, A. Puliafito CLEVER: a CLoud-Enabled Virtual EnviRonment

  6. Introduction Inside the Cloud Middleware Architecture State of the art Middleware Development Our contribution Conclusions A Cloud classification: Public, Private and Hybrid Clouds Public Clouds Management of Virtual Machine instances within a proprietary infrastructure. Many different customers can run and control their own applications. Access from a remote interface using a specific protocol. Private Clouds Infrastructure owned by a single organization offering its internal computing resources to local users: do not “sell“ computing capacity. Open Source tools employment, dedicated operating environment offered to local users with high trust level. Hybrid Clouds A private cloud which adds to the local infrastructure more computing capacity with resources coming from an external public clouds. External resources access allowed over the Internet, using remote interfaces. F. Tusa, M. Paone, M. Villari, A. Puliafito CLEVER: a CLoud-Enabled Virtual EnviRonment

  7. Introduction Inside the Cloud Middleware Architecture State of the art Middleware Development Our contribution Conclusions Private/Hybrid Cloud middlewares: a reference stack Features of Private/Hybrid cloud middlewares: Middleware for Virtual Infrastructure Management : essentially dynamic orchestrator of Virtual Environments (VEs). Middleware for High-level Management : transforms existing infrastructures into an IaaS clouds with cloud-like interfaces; adds Security, Contextualization, Federation and other ”high-level” mechanisms. F. Tusa, M. Paone, M. Villari, A. Puliafito CLEVER: a CLoud-Enabled Virtual EnviRonment

  8. Introduction Inside the Cloud Middleware Architecture State of the art Middleware Development Our contribution Conclusions Private/Hybrid Cloud middlewares: existing solutions Virtual Infrastructure Management Middlewares: OpenQRM and OpenNebula Deploy and manage VEs: individually or in groups needing parallel scheduling on local resources or external public clouds. Automate VE setup regardless of the underlying virtualization layer. Lack mechanisms for building hybrid IaaS clouds: public cloud-like interfaces, the ability to deploy VMs on external clouds and other High-level functionalities. High-level Middlewares: Globus Nimbus and Eucalyptus Transform existing infrastructure into an IaaS cloud with cloud-like interfaces. Compatible with the Amazon EC2 or Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF) interfaces and offers self-configuring virtual cluster support. Include Cloud-like interfaces and higher-level functionalities for security, contextualization. Limited VI management capabilities: lack the features of middlewares specialized in VI management. F. Tusa, M. Paone, M. Villari, A. Puliafito CLEVER: a CLoud-Enabled Virtual EnviRonment

  9. Introduction Inside the Cloud Middleware Architecture State of the art Middleware Development Our contribution Conclusions A new cloud computing middleware: CLEVER Acts as a middleware for the management of Private and Hybrid cloud computing infrastructures. Specifically integrates VI Management layer functionalities. Tries to minimize the design and implementation issues of the existing solutions: integrates fault-tolerance and scalability features. Abstract low-level technologies using a plug-ins design. Provides simple and easily accessible interfaces: Integration of security, contextualization and other high-level functionalities made available from higher level software components; Interconnection of different heterogeneous cloud computing infrastructures. F. Tusa, M. Paone, M. Villari, A. Puliafito CLEVER: a CLoud-Enabled Virtual EnviRonment

  10. Introduction Middleware Architecture General Overview Middleware Development Middleware Components and Features Conclusions Summary Introduction 1 Inside the Cloud State of the art Our contribution Middleware Architecture 2 General Overview Middleware Components and Features Middleware Development 3 UML description Implementation Conclusions 4 F. Tusa, M. Paone, M. Villari, A. Puliafito CLEVER: a CLoud-Enabled Virtual EnviRonment

  11. Introduction Middleware Architecture General Overview Middleware Development Middleware Components and Features Conclusions Reference Scenario Hierarchical reference stack Private/Hybrid cloud scenarios usually composed of a cluster of computers. Virtual Infrastructure Management layer functionalities arranged according to the physical infrastructure: Host Management and Cluster Management sub-layers. F. Tusa, M. Paone, M. Villari, A. Puliafito CLEVER: a CLoud-Enabled Virtual EnviRonment

  12. Introduction Middleware Architecture General Overview Middleware Development Middleware Components and Features Conclusions General Architecture on the reference scenario N computing nodes containing one host level Management module: Host Manager . One node includes a cluster level Management module: Cluster Manager . External components: XMPP Server and Distributed Database. Middleware entities “talks” in an XMPP chat room exploiting the presence feature. F. Tusa, M. Paone, M. Villari, A. Puliafito CLEVER: a CLoud-Enabled Virtual EnviRonment

  13. Introduction Middleware Architecture General Overview Middleware Development Middleware Components and Features Conclusions CLEVER Architecture Host Manager (HM) Communicates with the hosts’ OS, hypervisor and distributed file-system on which the VE disk-images are stored. Performs both physical resources and VEs monitoring. Runs VEs on the physical hosts even performing their migration. Cluster Manager (CM) Coordinates the HMs and performs operations on the Distributed Database. Acts as an interface between the clients and the HM. Performs the user VE disk-images management and the monitoring of the overall cluster state. At least one CM has to be deployed on each cluster: many of them should exist to enable fault-tolerance. A master CM will be in active state while the other ones will remain in a monitoring state: automatic active CM re-election. F. Tusa, M. Paone, M. Villari, A. Puliafito CLEVER: a CLoud-Enabled Virtual EnviRonment

  14. Introduction Middleware Architecture General Overview Middleware Development Middleware Components and Features Conclusions CLEVER Architecture: XMPP and Fault Tolerance XMPP Offers a decentralized communication channel: more XMPP server could exists. Using more servers a central point of failure will not exist. Both CMs and HMs “talks” in a chat room exploiting the presence feature. Information about the cluster state (connected hosts) offered directly by the protocol. It is easy to add new nodes in the infrastructure: scalability. Distributed Database Database containing the overall set of information related to the middleware: the current state of the VEs, data related to the XMPP connection. Developed according to a well structured approach, for enabling fault tolerance features. Used by both the Active/Idle CMs and XMPP server(s). F. Tusa, M. Paone, M. Villari, A. Puliafito CLEVER: a CLoud-Enabled Virtual EnviRonment


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