clear thinking in a complex industry


CLEAR THINKING IN A COMPLEX INDUSTRY RAMBOLL AVIATION EnginEEring and dEsign consultancy for thE aviation sEctor WE HAVE COMPLETED 200 aviation projEcts worldwidE. THIS COMPRISES ROUGHL Y 60 MILLION M 2 of airsidE and landsidE dEvElopmEnt .

  1. CLEAR THINKING IN A COMPLEX INDUSTRY RAMBOLL AVIATION EnginEEring and dEsign consultancy for thE aviation sEctor

  2. WE HAVE COMPLETED 200 aviation projEcts worldwidE. THIS COMPRISES ROUGHL Y 60 MILLION M 2 of airsidE and landsidE dEvElopmEnt . AT PRESENT 15 MILLION M 2 of airside pa vements arE managEd through our air pavEmEnt managEmEnt systEm airpavE.

  3. aviation WHO WE ARE Ramboll is at the forefront of innovation in the aviation industry, providing multidisciplinary engineering services on a wide range of projects around the world. ramboll ofgers whole solutions for airport developments. from thus we are more likely to design a minimised runway refurbishment economic evaluations and masterplanning to the detailed design followed up with a close monitoring regime than to suggest an over- of terminals and pavement maintenance, our services cover engineered solution that delivers a long life performance at a high everything required to plan, design, implement and maintain aviation capital cost. we believe so strongly in the wisdom of this approach infrastructure. that we developed our own airfjeld pavement management system, airpave, to aid operators in managing this key asset area. Long our work is characterised by an astute awareness of airport experience working on airports in the world’s most challenging operators’ needs, particularly when it comes to securing long term climates has proved the robustness of our philosophy. performance at a reasonable cost. we take the view that it is worth questioning assumptions and, where appropriate, challenging our focus on delivering well analysed, context-appropriate solutions received ideas, in the interests of driving best industry practice. is informed by a commitment to sustainability. the ramboll Knowledge ramboll has a total of sharing experience, 10,000 EMPLOYEES held in Copenhagen. who work from 200 OFFICES in EuropE, asia, thE middlE East , india and russia.

  4. aviation MOSCOW BUSINESS AVIATION AIRPORT Ramboll is engineering all airside and landside works on this signature airport development external view About the project our structural engineers are using bim of approach to (building information modelling) software terminal. A new airport dedicated to business use is to capture the complex geometries being developed at a former military site internal involved, defjning all surfaces and interfaces view and 3d 45 km south-west of the capital. Ramboll engineering parametrically to allow easy communication is providing multidisciplinary engineering model of the within the design team as the scheme hangar and services for the entire airport including a evolves. passenger passenger terminal building, hangars and terminal. operational facilities as well as an apron, Energy planning is crucial to the success of taxi-ways, car park and access road. A drive this project. all energy is to be generated for energy independency and effjciency on-site. a chp (combined heat and (the airport is entirely ofg-grid) has power) system will pump heat and cooling informed much of the brief. throughout the development. a snow harvesting and storage system will provide natural cooling for a signifjcant part of the striking form of the terminal building, the year. designed by architect 3d reid, takes inspiration from a mathematical formula known as the fibonacci spiral. when approached via the new access road the LOCATION COMPLETION DATE terminal building appears to rise gently out moscow, russia 2011 for phase 1 of the natural curve of the landscape. CLIENT RAMBOLL SERVICES nafta, moscow airport masterplanning, airside pavement design, energy planning, water management, VALUE district heating/cooling, structural, geotechnical, £40m infrastructure, mechanical and electrical engineering renderings: 3d reid

  5. Current route SES aims to FAB (Functional Airspace Block) for Norway, Finland, Estonia & Latvia. Political discussion underway optimise flight implementation patterns across the EU area and will give rise to safety, environmental and cost savings for all users Restricted airspace by 2012 agreed & due for Compares shortest route Direct route (as defined under the SES protocol) B A Denmark & Sweden EXAMPLE ROUTE with current route that avoids restricted airspace Single European Sky Area (SES) FAB for SINGLE EUROPEAN SKY ramboll is advising pan-European government bodies on the implementation of a single European sky to improve fmight effjciency and cut co 2 emissions.

  6. aviation SINGLE EUROPEAN SKY IN THE NORDIC AND BALTIC COUNTRIES Our aviation experts were commissioned to investigate the socio-economic impacts of establishing common airspace blocks across national boundaries About the project our contribution infmuenced the subsequent in 2010 we carried out a further study to political agreement to merge air traffjc analyse the socio-economic impacts of Never before have governments been under control organisations in the two countries expanding the fab to include norway, such pressure to deliver such a high level of - due to be fully implemented by 2012. finland, Estonia and latvia. this project infrastructure at such low cost while at the this represents an important scandinavian (known as nEfab) would see the entire same time reducing CO 2 emissions. When contribution to the single European sky nordic and baltic region united under a it comes to aviation, rationalising fmight initiative. single sky, reducing aviation-related co 2 patterns for greater effjciency is an obvious emissions across the region. place to start. However, sensitivity about air sovereignty means the process of working toward a united European airspace is a highly delicate one. in 2000 the European union launched the single European sky initiative. its aim was to rationalise airspace management in order to reduce airspace congestion and minimise co 2 emissions. in 2009 ramboll was commissioned to produce a socio-economic analysis of a proposed functional airspace block (fab) uniting denmark and sweden. infographic: paul Weston large map: source - eurocontrol/ statfor www. inset map: source - dfs deutsche flugsicherung

  7. aviation PULKOVO AIRPORT We are the lead consultant for the redevelopment of airside and landside assets at Pulkovo airport - one of Europe’s largest aviation projects internal view About the project this ambitious scheme is to be completed of pulkovo to a tight three year programme with airport. In 2007 an international competition was the airport remaining operational for the launched for the design of a landmark rendering of duration of work. it is projected that at the all primary roof terminal and surrounding airport ‘city’ steel work. end of this phase the airport will be serving at Pulkovo Airport, St Petersburg. A more than 14m passengers a year. consortium was appointed to deliver the scheme. Ramboll - who assisted the winning consortium - is lead consultant, providing full design consultancy services via project teams in Russia, UK, Denmark and Sweden. phase 1 of this very large project includes a number of elements. as well as a new main terminal building and pier, the refurbishment of pulkovo 1 terminal is being undertaken. commercial and airport support structures are being developed landside, including hotel, business centre, offjces, warehousing LOCATION COMPLETION DATE and parking facilities. much work will also st petersburg, russia 2013 (phase 1) be done to improve and expand airside CLIENT RAMBOLL SERVICES infrastructure. the existing apron is to northern capital gateway airport masterplanning, airside pavement double in size and a new cargo apron is to design, building services, façades, fjre & safety, VALUE geotechnical, sustainability, acoustics, lighting be added. €1 billion design, environmental impact assessment and structural engineering renderings: pascall + Watson

  8. for thE first timE BREEAM* is to launch a codE for airport tErminals. RAMBOLL IS PROVIDING EXPERT CONSULTANCY TO HELP DEFINE THE NEW STANDARDS. *building research Establishment Environmental assessment method


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