cleaning correlation matrices random matrix theory hciz

Cleaning correlation matrices, Random Matrix Theory & HCIZ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Cleaning correlation matrices, Random Matrix Theory & HCIZ integrals J.P Bouchaud with: M. Potters, L. Laloux, R. Allez, J. Bun, S. Majumdar Portfolio theory: Basics Portfolio weights w i , Asset returns X t i If

  1. Cleaning correlation matrices, Random Matrix Theory & HCIZ integrals J.P Bouchaud with: M. Potters, L. Laloux, R. Allez, J. Bun, S. Majumdar

  2. Portfolio theory: Basics • Portfolio weights w i , Asset returns X t i • If expected/predicted gains are g i then the expected gain of the portfolio is � G = w i g i i • Let risk be defined as: variance of the portfolio returns (maybe not a good definition !) � R 2 = w i σ i C ij σ j w j ij where σ 2 i is the variance of asset i , and C ij is the correlation matrix. J.-P. Bouchaud

  3. Markowitz Optimization • Find the portfolio with maximum expected return for a given risk or equivalently, minimum risk for a given return ( G ) • In matrix notation: w C = G C − 1 g g T C − 1 g where all gains are measured with respect to the risk-free rate and σ i = 1 (absorbed in g i ). • Note: in the presence of non-linear contraints, e.g. � | w i | ≤ A i a “spin-glass” problem! (see [JPB,Galluccio,Potters]) J.-P. Bouchaud

  4. Markowitz Optimization • More explicitly: � � λ − 1 ( λ − 1 w ∝ ( Ψ α · g ) Ψ α = g + − 1) ( Ψ α · g ) Ψ α α α α α • Compared to the naive allocation w ∝ g : – Eigenvectors with λ ≫ 1 are projected out – Eigenvectors with λ ≪ 1 are overallocated • Very important for “stat. arb.” strategies (for example) J.-P. Bouchaud

  5. Empirical Correlation Matrix • Before inverting them, how should one estimate/clean cor- relation matrices? • Empirical Equal-Time Correlation Matrix E X t i X t E ij = 1 � j T σ i σ j t Order N 2 quantities estimated with NT datapoints. When T < N , E is not even invertible. Typically: N = 500 − 2000; T = 500 − 2500 days (10 years – Beware of high frequencies) − → q := N/T = O (1) J.-P. Bouchaud

  6. Risk of Optimized Portfolios • “In-sample” risk (for G = 1): 1 R 2 in = w T E Ew E = g T E − 1 g • True minimal risk 1 R 2 true = w T C Cw C = g T C − 1 g • “Out-of-sample” risk E Cw E = g T E − 1 CE − 1 g R 2 out = w T ( g T E − 1 g ) 2 J.-P. Bouchaud

  7. Risk of Optimized Portfolios • Let E be a noisy, unbiased estimator of C . Using convexity arguments, and for large matrices: R 2 in ≤ R 2 true ≤ R 2 out true (1 − q ) − 1 = R 2 • In fact, using RMT: R 2 out = R 2 in (1 − q ) − 2 , indep. of C ! (For large N ) • If C has some time dependence (beyond observation noise) one expects an even worse underestimation J.-P. Bouchaud

  8. In Sample vs. Out of Sample 150 100 Return 50 Raw in-sample Cleaned in-sample Cleaned out-of-sample Raw out-of-sample 0 0 10 20 30 Risk J.-P. Bouchaud

  9. Rotational invariance hypothesis (RIH) • In the absence of any cogent prior on the eigenvectors, one can assume that C is a member of a Rotationally Invariant Ensemble – “RIH” √ • Surely not true for the “market mode” � v 1 ≈ (1 , 1 , . . . , 1) / N , with λ 1 ≈ Nρ but OK in the bulk (see below) A more plausible assumption: factor model → hierarchical, block diagonal C ’s (“Parisi matrices”) • “Cleaning” E within RIH: keep the eigenvectors, play with eigenvalues → The simplest, classical scheme, shrinkage: C = (1 − α ) E + α I → � λ C = (1 − α ) λ E + α, α ∈ [0 , 1] J.-P. Bouchaud

  10. RMT: from ρ C ( λ ) to ρ E ( λ ) • Solution using different techniques (replicas, diagrams, free matrices) gives the resolvent G E ( z ) = N − 1 Tr( E − z I ) as: � 1 G E ( z ) = dλ ρ C ( λ ) z − λ (1 − q + qzG E ( z )) , Note: One should work from ρ C − → G E • Example 1: C = I (null hypothesis) → Marcenko-Pastur [67] � ( λ + − λ )( λ − λ − ) λ ∈ [(1 − √ q ) 2 , (1 + √ q ) 2 ] ρ E ( λ ) = , 2 πqλ • Suggests a second cleaning scheme (Eigenvalue clipping, [Laloux et al. 1997]): any eigenvalue beyond the Marcenko-Pastur edge can be trusted, the rest is noise. J.-P. Bouchaud

  11. Eigenvalue clipping λ < λ + are replaced by a unique one, so as to preserve Tr C = N . J.-P. Bouchaud

  12. RMT: from ρ C ( λ ) to ρ E ( λ ) • Solution using different techniques (replicas, diagrams, free matrices) gives the resolvent G E ( z ) as: � 1 G E ( z ) = dλ ρ C ( λ ) z − λ (1 − q + qzG E ( z )) , Note: One should work from ρ C − → G E • Example 2: Power-law spectrum (motivated by data) µA ρ C ( λ ) = ( λ − λ 0 ) 1+ µ Θ( λ − λ min ) • Suggests a third cleaning scheme (Eigenvalue substitution, Potters et al. 2009, El Karoui 2010): λ E is replaced by the theoretical λ C with the same rank k J.-P. Bouchaud

  13. Empirical Correlation Matrix 1.5 8 Data Dressed power law ( µ=2) 6 Raw power law ( µ=2) 4 Marcenko-Pastur κ 2 0 1 -2 0 250 500 ρ(λ) rank 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 λ MP and generalized MP fits of the spectrum J.-P. Bouchaud

  14. Eigenvalue cleaning 3.5 Classical Shrinkage 3 Ledoit-Wolf Shrinkage Power Law Substitution Eigenvalue Clipping 2.5 2 2 R 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 α Out-of sample risk for different 1-parameter cleaning schemes J.-P. Bouchaud

  15. A RIH Bayesian approach • All the above schemes lack a rigorous framework and are at best ad-hoc recipes • A Bayesian framework: suppose C belongs to a RIE, with P ( C ) and assume Gaussian returns. Then one needs: � D CC P ( C |{ X t � C �| X t i = i } ) with � � i } ) = Z − 1 exp P ( C |{ X t − N Tr V ( C , { X t i } ) ; where (Bayes): � log C + EC − 1 � i } ) = 1 V ( C , { X t + V 0 ( C ) 2 q J.-P. Bouchaud

  16. A Bayesian approach: a fully soluble case • V 0 ( C ) = (1 + b ) ln C + b C − 1 , b > 0: “Inverse Wishart” � � ( λ + − λ )( λ − λ − ) (1 + b ) 2 − b 2 / 4) /b • ρ C ( λ ) ∝ ; λ ± = (1 + b ± λ 2 • In this case, the matrix integral can be done, leading exactly to the “Shrinkage” recipe, with α = f ( b, q ) • Note that b can be determined from the empirical spectrum of E , using the generalized MP formula J.-P. Bouchaud

  17. The general case: HCIZ integrals • A Coulomb gas approach: integrate over the orthogonal group C = O Λ O † , where Λ is diagonal. � �� � � − N log Λ + EO † Λ − 1 O + 2 qV 0 (Λ) D O exp 2 q Tr • Can one obtain a large N estimate of the HCIZ integral � � � N N →∞ N − 2 ln 2 q Tr AO † BO F ( ρ A , ρ B ) = lim D O exp in terms of the spectrum of A and B ? J.-P. Bouchaud

  18. The general case: HCIZ integrals • Can one obtain a large N estimate of the HCIZ integral � � � N N →∞ N − 2 ln 2 q Tr AO † BO F ( ρ A , ρ B ) = lim D O exp in terms of the spectrum of A and B ? • When A (or B ) is of finite rank, such a formula exists in terms of the R -transform of B [Marinari, Parisi & Ritort, 1995]. • When the rank of A , B are of order N , there is a formula due to Matytsin [94](in the unitary case), later shown rigorously by Zeitouni & Guionnet, but its derivation is quite obscure... J.-P. Bouchaud

  19. An instanton approach to large N HCIZ • Consider Dyson’s Brownian motion matrices. The eigenval- ues obey: � βN d W + 1 2 � 1 d x i = N d t , x i − x j j � = i • Constrain x i ( t = 0) = λ Ai and x i ( t = 1) = λ Bi . The proba- bility of such a path is given by a large deviation/instanton formula, with: d 2 x i dt 2 = − 2 � 1 ( x i − x ℓ ) 3 . N 2 ℓ � = i J.-P. Bouchaud

  20. An instanton approach to large N HCIZ • Constrain x i ( t = 0) = λ Ai and x i ( t = 1) = λ Bi . The proba- bility of such a path is given by a large deviation/instanton formula, with: d 2 x i dt 2 = − 2 1 � ( x i − x ℓ ) 3 . N 2 ℓ � = i • This can be interpreted as the motion of particles interacting through an attractive two-body potential φ ( r ) = − ( Nr ) − 2 . Using the virial formula, one finally gets Matytsin’s equations: ∂ t v + v∂ x v = π 2 ρ∂ x ρ. ∂ t ρ + ∂ x [ ρv ] = 0 , J.-P. Bouchaud

  21. An instanton approach to large N HCIZ • Finally, the “action” associated to these trajectories is: � � �� � Z = B � v 2 + π 2 S ≈ 1 − 1 3 ρ 2 d xρ d x d yρ Z ( x ) ρ Z ( y ) ln | x − y | 2 2 Z = A • Now, the link with HCIZ comes from noticing that the prop- agator of the Brownian motion in matrix space is: P ( B | A ) ∝ exp − [ N 2 Tr( A − B ) 2 ] = exp − N 2 [Tr A 2 +Tr B 2 − 2Tr AOBO † ] Disregarding the eigenvectors of B (i.e. integrating over O ) leads to another expression for P ( λ Bi | λ Aj ) in terms of HCIZ that can be compared to the one using instantons • The final result for F ( ρ A , ρ B ) is exactly Matytsin’s expression, up to details (!) J.-P. Bouchaud

  22. Back to eigenvalue cleaning... • Estimating HCIZ at large N is only the first step, but... • still needs to apply it to B = C − 1 , A = E = X † C X and to compute also correlation functions such as � O 2 ij � E → C − 1 with the HCIZ weight • As we were working on this we discovered the work of Ledoit- P´ ech´ e that solves the problem exactly using tools from RMT... J.-P. Bouchaud


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