classification k nearest neighbor classification d

Classification K-nearest neighbor classification D istance functions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Classification K-nearest neighbor classification D istance functions Choice of k Choice of k Leave-one-out cross validation K-fold cross validation Classification Error = Average classification error on K folds Linear Classification Linear

  1. Classification

  2. K-nearest neighbor classification

  3. D istance functions

  4. Choice of k

  5. Choice of k

  6. Leave-one-out cross validation

  7. K-fold cross validation Classification Error = Average classification error on K folds

  8. Linear Classification

  9. Linear separability

  10. Inseparability • Real world problems: there may not exist a hyperplane that separates cleanly • Solution to this “inseparability” problem: map data to higher dimensional space • Called the “feature space”, as opposed to the original “input space” • Inseparable training set can be made separable with proper choice of feature space

  11. Feature map

  12. Linear classifier

  13. Linear classifier

  14. Good and bad l inear classifiers

  15. Support Vector Machine Two popular implementations

  16. Margin

  17. Margin

  18. Linear Support Vector Machine

  19. Inseparable case

  20. Linear SVM


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