Circular economy and GHG mitigation strategies from Japan: Building a Regional Circular and Ecological Sphere to achieve a sustainable society Shuichi Ashina Manager, International Coordination Office Senior Researcher, Center for Social and Environmental Systems Research National Institute for Environmental Studies E-mail: International Research Network for Low Carbon Societies 9 th Meeting Parallel Session 2-1: National and sectoral strategies for combined material efficiency and GHG mitigation 17 October, 2019 at ENEA Headquarters
2019/10/17 2 Typhoon Hagibis hits Japan on 12 Oct, 2019, and still has impacts on the wide area of Japan
2019/10/17 3 City Planning in consideration with Climate Change • City planning may adjust with consideration both for regional climate change mitigation actions and regional climate change risk, such as flood, landslides and tsunami. • Take risk or avoid risk? City Planning Regional Low Carbon Actions Risk of Flood × ×
2019/10/17 4 Regional Low Carbon Scenario: AIM with Spatial Info. ◎:他モデルからのインプット • Developed Regional 開始 ★ ●地区の年間熱需要量 ●地区の年間熱需要量 EMS ・ ADR ●地区の面積 需要量・需要密度 AIM/Enduse could analyze GHG ①年間需要量・エネ EMS ・ ADR による需要削減率 熱需要密度の判定基準 ルギー消費量 ①年間熱需要密度 ◎ (拠点毎に EMS ・ ADR シミュ 需要密度○○ TJ/ha 以上 レーションの結果を利用) ② EMS ・ ADR による需 ●地区の年間熱需要密度 ②熱需要密度による 要削減・変化量 ●地区の面積 reductions and mid-/long-term 判定 地域熱供給を ◎ ●太陽光発電・風力発電量 導入せず ポテンシャル(空間分布) ●産業・清掃工場の未利用 太陽光発電 高温未利用熱 ◎ 風力発電 熱空間分布 再エネポテンシャル利用エリ ③再エネ供給電力 ③未利用熱、再エネ アの設定(半径 ○○ km ) (年間) 電・熱の存在判定 高温未利用熱の近接条件 scenarios in region in (中心から 5km 以上 ) ④再エネにより代替 ④需要に供給可能な ●電力需要あたりの CO2 排 される需要量 排熱の利用割合 エネルギー量 出量原単位 consideration with spatial ⑤ 再エネ導入による 熱供給によるロス エネ、 CO2 削減量 ◎ ●木質バイオマス供給可能 ⑤エネ消費削減量 量 木質バイオマス 供給機器の導入割合 ⑥ バイオマス供給量 バイオマス供給機器の効率 コジェネ distribution of energy demand 熱量(年間) ⑥供給機器を導入可 系統電力・ガスと比較し 木質バイオマス利用エリア 能な需要量 た効率向上 ⑦ バイオマスにより の設定(半径 ○○ km ) 代替される需要量 ●熱需要・電力需要あたり ⑦エネ、 CO2 削減量 and supply. ●熱需要あたりの CO2 排出 の CO2 排出量原単位 (⑤+⑥の効果) 量原単位 ⑧バイオマスによる エネ、 CO2 削減量 凡例 ●入力データ 終了 ★へ パラメータ Structure of Regional AIM/Enduse Energy Demand Energy Resource GHG reductions 1000 2010 2030 2050 コジェネによる熱+電力供給量 BAU 2010 0 800 (ベースライン) 2030 単体技術 -5 2050 600 CO2 削減量 [ 万 tCO2] 単体技術 (TJ) 400 再エネ -10 (PV) 200 -15 単体技術 0 +再エネ 集約効果 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 拠点集約化 -20 (需要削減、 拠点番号 再エネ 事業導入) -25 拠点集約 単体技術 化シナリオ -30 Spatial Distribution of Energy Resources GHG reductions in region Energy Demand (CHPs, Renewables)
2019/10/17 5 Regional CC Impact/Adaptation: A-PLAT/AP-PLAT Annual mean temperature Water-stressed population CC Impacts by RCPs
2019/10/17 6 Importance of Circular Economy in Japan: Perspectives from Tokyo Metropolis • From life cycle perspective, waste management sector of Tokyo Metropolis will reduce 6.86 million tons CO 2 e in 2011, 1.12% (61.1 million tons) of total CO 2 emissions. • Indirect and direct carbon emissions contributed 1.77 million and 2.83 million tons to the carbon footprint, respectively; the carbon emission reduction from waste recycling is enormous, which is 1.15 million ton CO 2 . Life cycle carbon footprint of waste management sector, 2011
2019/10/17 7 Industrial Symbiosis and Urban Industries to empower cities by circularization: Case of Kawasaki
2019/10/17 8 Kawasaki Synergy Network (current situation)
2019/10/17 9 Evaluation of 90 Circular Facilities in 26 Eco-towns Reduction of Virgin Materials; 900,000.ton /yr CO2 Emission Reduction 480,000 t-CO2/yr Circular use ration of by-product 92% Intra-eco-town circulation ratio 61% Supply areas unknown (Unit: 1,000 tons) (6) 0% Procurement areas unknown (70) 5% (40) 3% Recycling residue disposed of (310) 24% Resources circulated outside the prefecture (110)9% CRs procured from outside the Resources circulated outside the Eco Town Plan regions but within the prefecture prefecture (70) 5% FPs/RMs CRs procured produced CRs procured from outside the Eco Town Plan region but within the prefecture (1,300) 100% (780) 60% (130) CRs utilized 10% (1,200) 92% CRs procured from within the same Eco Town Plan regions CRs used as energy, or reduced in volume (830) 64% (470) 36% Recycling residue disposed of (60) 5% Resources circulated within the Eco Town Plan regions (580) 45% Eco Town Plan regions Outside the Eco Town Plan regions but within the prefecture Outside the prefecture
2019/10/17 10 Eco-town area as demonstration project for Sound material cycle society METI & MOE approved Eco-Town Forming the basis of capacity that totally Plans for 26 areas as of the end of 2.18 mil t of wastes were treated January 2006, and they provided financial support to 62 facilities located within the appropriate areas. Edited by Prof. Fujita, T. , Published by METI,2006 Distribution of Total Distribution of Investment Subsidy Total Investment projects in 24 Eco- 60 projects in 24 Towns 600mil. US$ Eco-Towns 1.6 bil. Distribution of US$ Japanese Eco-towns
2019/10/17 11 Combining Circular economy and GHG mitigation: Regional Circular and Ecological Sphere (CES) • Aims to enhance utilization of regional resources for building a sustainable society not only within a region but also with neighboring regions. • Regional resources including energy (solar and wind), social and natural resources (culture, climate and communities)
2019/10/17 12 Schema of The Regional CES: Mandara
2019/10/17 13 Newest Smart Community underway in Fukushima ShinchiTown, Soma-FutabaRegion,FukushimaPrefecture Population: 8,247 / Households: 2,754 / Shinchi Town JAPAN Area: 46.35 km 2 (As ofJan.1st, 2017) SDGs from Local Energy Business Fukushima
2019/10/17 14 Spatial Design under the BaU scenario in 2030 To Natori Newly located industries New town around Station Komagamine Plant Energy factories management Mega solar LNG base LNG Power Plant Heat Cool Gas(LNG) Electricity Soma city
2019/10/17 15 Spatial Design for the Smart City in 2030 To Natori Newly located industries New town around Station x Komagamine Plant Plant factories factories Mega solar Energy management LNG base Newly LNG Power Plant located Heat industries Food industries Cool Gas(LNG) Electricity Data center Soma city
2019/10/17 16 Local Energy Based Urban Rebuilding Project in Fukushima Sustainable rebuilding projects through collaborative planning among town planning, industrial development and local energy system
2019/10/17 17 Local Energy Based Urban Rebuilding Project in Fukushima
2019/10/17 18 Impacts of Regional CES in Shinchi – Application of AIM BAU scenario vs. SDGs scenario
2019/10/17 19 Impacts of Regional CES on Population in Shinchi
2019/10/17 20 Regional CES Mandara in Shinchi
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