circuit synthesizable guaranteed passive modeling for

Circuit Synthesizable Guaranteed Passive Modeling for Multiport - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Circuit Synthesizable Guaranteed Passive Modeling for Multiport Structures Zohaib Mahmood, Luca Daniel Massachusetts Institute of Technology BMAS September-23, 2010 Outline Motivation for Compact Dynamical Passive Modeling What is

  1. Circuit Synthesizable Guaranteed Passive Modeling for Multiport Structures Zohaib Mahmood, Luca Daniel Massachusetts Institute of Technology BMAS September-23, 2010

  2. Outline • Motivation for Compact Dynamical Passive Modeling • What is Passivity? • Existing Techniques • Rational Fitting of Transfer Functions • Results 2

  3. Outline • Motivation for Compact Dynamical Passive Modeling • What is Passivity? • Existing Techniques • Rational Fitting of Transfer Functions • Results 3

  4. Motivation for Model Generation Electromagnetic Field Solver Circuit Simulator (Time Domain Simulations) 4

  5. Motivation for Model Generation Step 1: Field Solvers OR Measurements Frequency Response Samples (H i ) S/Z-Parameters   2 : Step Samples Transfer Function Matrix   ( s ) ( ) ... ( ) Z s Z s H must be 11 1 N    = ( ) . . . H s   PASSIVE    ( ) ... ( )  Z s Z s 1 N NN Circuit Simulator (Time Domain Simulations) 5

  6. Outline • Motivation for Compact Dynamical Passive Modeling • What is Passivity? • Existing Techniques • Rational Fitting of Transfer Functions • Results 6

  7. What is a Passive Network/Model? DEFINITION Passivity is the inability of a system (or model) to generate energy • All physical systems dissipate energy, and are therefore passive • For numerical models of such systems, this is not guaranteed unless enforced • Passivity for an impedance (or admittance) matrix is implied by ‘positive realness’. 7

  8. Conditions for Passivity Conditions for Passivity ( Hybrid Parameters ) ˆ ( ) is passive iff: H s ˆ ˆ = ( ) ( ) H s H s ˆ ( ) is analytic in { } ℜ > 0 H s s Ψ ω = ˆ ω + ˆ ω ∀ ω † ( ) ( ) ( ) ± 0 j H j H j ⇔ Condition 1 – Conjugate Symmetry Real impulse response ⇔ Condition 2 – Stability All poles in left half plane Ψ j ω ⇔ ( ) Condition 3 – Non-negativity Non-negative eigen values of ω forall 8

  9. Conditions for Passivity Conditions for Passivity ( Hybrid Parameters ) ˆ ( ) is passive iff: H s ˆ ˆ = ( ) ( ) H s H s ˆ ( ) is analytic in { } ℜ > 0 H s s Ψ ω = ˆ ω + ˆ ω ∀ ω † ( ) ( ) ( ) ± 0 j H j H j ⇔ Condition 1 – Conjugate Symmetry Real impulse response ⇔ Condition 2 – Stability All poles in left half plane Ψ j ω ⇔ ( ) Condition 3 – Non-negativity Non-negative eigen values of ω forall 9

  10. Conditions for Passivity Conditions for Passivity ( Hybrid Parameters ) ˆ ( ) is passive iff: H s ˆ ˆ = ( ) ( ) H s H s ˆ ( ) is analytic in { } ℜ > 0 H s s Ψ ω = ˆ ω + ˆ ω ∀ ω † ( ) ( ) ( ) ± 0 j H j H j ⇔ Condition 1 – Conjugate Symmetry Real impulse response ⇔ Condition 2 – Stability All poles in left half plane Ψ j ω ⇔ ( ) Condition 3 – Non-negativity Non-negative eigen values of ω forall 10

  11. Manifestation of Passivity • Multi Port Case = + [ ( )] [ ( )] [ ( )] Z s R s j X s × × × n n n n n n    ( ) ( ) R s R s 1 , 1 1 , n           ( ) ( ) R s R s   , 1 , n n n 11

  12. Manifestation of Passivity • Multi Port Case = + [ ( )] [ ( )] [ ( )] Z s R s j X s × × × n n n n n n -Frequency dependent real matrix    ( ) ( ) R s R s must be positive semidefinite for all 1 , 1 1 , n   frequencies         ( ) ( ) R s R s   -Property of entire matrix, cannot , 1 , n n n enforce element-wise 12

  13. What if passivity is not preserved -Circuit simulation may blow-up -Simulator convergence issues -Results may become completely non-physical. o ... passive model +... non-passive model (time domain simulation) 13

  14. Outline • Motivation for Compact Dynamical Passive Modeling • What is Passivity? • Existing Techniques • Rational Fitting of Transfer Functions • Results 14

  15. Designers’ way around -- Analytic / Intuitive Approaches • RL/RC Networks characterized at operating frequency • Develop RLC Network from intuition 15

  16. Numerical Approaches Technique Pros Cons Projection approaches Passivity Does not work with frequency e.g. PRIMA preserved response data. [Odabasioglu 1997] Vector Fitting Efficient, Robust Passivity not preserved [Gustavsen 1999] Pole discarding approaches Passivity Highly restrictive, non-passive [Morsey 2001] enforced pole-residues are discarded Perturbation based approaches Passivity Two step process. Final models [Talocia 2004, Gustavsen 2008] enforced may lose accuracy and optimality Optimization based approaches Passivity Computationally expensive, [Suo 2008] enforced frequency dependent constraints Our Approach: Enforce passivity during identification, using efficient optimization framework 16

  17. Numerical Approaches Technique Pros Cons Projection approaches Passivity Does not work with frequency e.g. PRIMA preserved response data. [Odabasioglu 1997] Vector Fitting Efficient, Robust Passivity not preserved [Gustavsen 1999] Pole discarding approaches Passivity Highly restrictive, non-passive [Morsey 2001] enforced pole-residues are discarded Perturbation based approaches Passivity Two step process. Final models [Talocia 2004, Gustavsen 2008] enforced may lose accuracy and optimality Optimization based approaches Passivity Computationally expensive, [Suo 2008] enforced frequency dependent constraints Our Approach: Enforce passivity during identification, using efficient optimization framework 17

  18. Outline • Motivation for Compact Dynamical Passive Modeling • What is Passivity? • Existing Techniques • Rational Fitting of Transfer Functions • Results 18

  19. Problem Statement { } ω , i H • Given frequency response samples i κ Search for optimal R ∑ ˆ ( ) = + k H s D passive rational − s a approximation in the = 1 k k pole residue form 19

  20. Problem Statement { } ω , i H • Given frequency response samples i κ Search for optimal R ∑ ˆ ( ) = + k H s D passive rational − s a approximation in the = 1 k k pole residue form • Formulate as optimization problem ∑ 2 − ˆ − ˆ : min ( ) L H H s : min max ( ) L H H s ∞ 2 i i , p q , p q i i ˆ ( ) H s PASSIVE Subject to: 20

  21. Problem Statement { } ω , i H • Given frequency response samples i κ Search for optimal R ∑ ˆ ( ) = + k H s D passive rational − s a approximation in the = 1 k k pole residue form • Formulate as optimization problem ∑ 2 − ˆ − ˆ : min ( ) L H H s : min max ( ) L H H s ∞ 2 i i , p q , p q i i ˆ ( ) H s PASSIVE Subject to: 21

  22. Convex Optimization Problems • Non-convex problems difficult to solve Non-convex function (finding global minimum-extremely difficult) ∑ 2 − ˆ min ( ) H H s i , p q i ˆ ( ) : PASSIVE H s Subject to: Convex function (finding global minimum-easy) • Must reformulate as convex optimization problem – Convex objective function – Convex constraints 22

  23. Modeling Flow -Vector Fitting Algorithm Step 1: Identify a COMMON set of [Gustavsen 1999] STABLE poles - Optimization Framework [Suo 2008] ∑ 2 Step 2: Use POLES from step 1 ˆ − min ( ) H H s to identify passive model i p q , i ˆ ( ) : PASSIVE H s Subject to: 23

  24. Problem Formulation κ R ∑ ˆ ( ω = + k ) H j D ω − j a = 1 k k κ κ / 2 ∑ ∑ r c = ˆ ω + ˆ ω + r c ( ) ( ) H j H j D k k = = 1 1 k k   κ κ ℜ + ℑ ℜ − ℑ /2 r c c c c R R j R R j R ∑ ∑ r c = + + +   k k k k k D ω − ω −ℜ − ℑ ω − ℜ + ℑ r c c c c   j a j a j a j a j a = = 1 1 k k k k k k k 24

  25. Problem Formulation κ R ∑ ˆ ( ω = + k ) H j D ω − j a = 1 k k κ κ / 2 ∑ ∑ r c = ˆ ω + ˆ ω + r c ( ) ( ) H j H j D k k = = 1 1 k k   κ κ ℜ + ℑ ℜ − ℑ /2 r c c c c R R j R R j R ∑ ∑ r c = + + +   k k k k k D ω − ω −ℜ − ℑ ω − ℜ + ℑ r c c c c   j a j a j a j a j a = = 1 1 k k k k k k k series/parallel interconnection series/parallel interconnection resistive/conductive of first order networks of second order networks network 25


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