@NewAngliaLEP Chris Starkie Chief Executive New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership
@NewAngliaLEP Every young person in Norfolk and Suffolk will get the support they need to g et into education, training, an apprenticeship or a job within three months of leaving education or employment.
@NewAngliaLEP “The school haven't really focused on opportunities in Norwich… It's our responsibility to find out more about local opportunities, but it’s hard”
@NewAngliaLEP “ The course at St-Eds really built up my confidence to go and get a job in bricklaying. This course has really made a difference to my life.” Ryan Atkins, 19: ‘ Passport into Construction’, St Eds, Norwich
@NewAngliaLEP “ This support enables our clients to be better equipped academically, increases self-confidence and progresses their practical experience, enhancing their chances of gaining employment .” Ian Stewart, chair of Suffolk Refugee Support
@NewAngliaLEP UK Shared Prosperity Fund
@NewAngliaLEP Thank you
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