choice with multiple alternatives

Choice with multiple alternatives Specification of the deterministic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Choice with multiple alternatives Specification of the deterministic part Michel Bierlaire Introduction to choice models Qualitative explanatory variables Qualitative attributes Examples Level of comfort for the train Reliability of

  1. Choice with multiple alternatives Specification of the deterministic part Michel Bierlaire Introduction to choice models

  2. Qualitative explanatory variables

  3. Qualitative attributes Examples ◮ Level of comfort for the train ◮ Reliability of the bus ◮ Color ◮ Shape ◮ etc...

  4. Modeling Identify all possible levels of the variable ◮ Very comfortable, ◮ Comfortable, ◮ Rather comfortable, ◮ Not comfortable. Select a base level ◮ Very comfortable, ◮ Comfortable, ◮ Rather comfortable, ◮ Not comfortable.

  5. Modeling Introduce a 0/1 attribute for z c z rc z nc all levels except the base case very comfortable 0 0 0 comfortable 1 0 0 ◮ z c for comfortable rather comfortable 0 1 0 ◮ z rc for rather comfortable not comfortable 0 0 1 ◮ z nc for not comfortable If a qualitative attribute has K levels, we introduce K − 1 binary variables (0/1) in the model

  6. Modeling Utility function V in = β c z c + β rc z rc + β nc z nc + · · · Note The choice of the base level is arbitrary.

  7. Qualitative characteristics Examples ◮ Sex ◮ Education ◮ Professional status ◮ etc.

  8. Modeling heterogeneity Behavioral assumption ◮ Individuals have different taste parameters. ◮ The difference is explained by a qualitative socio-economic characteristic. V in = β 1 n z in + · · · where β 1 n = β 1 n (education n ) .

  9. Modeling heterogeneity Segmentation ◮ Assume that there are K levels for the qualitative variable (e.g. education). ◮ They characterize K segments in the population. ◮ Define � 1 if individual n is associated with level k δ kn = 0 otherwise ◮ Introduce a parameter β k 1 for each level and define K � β k β 1 n = 1 δ kn k =1

  10. Modeling heterogeneity Segmentation K K � � β k β k V in = β 1 n z in + · · · = 1 δ kn z in + · · · = 1 x ink + · · · k =1 k =1 where x ink = δ kn z in

  11. Segmentation with several variables Example ◮ Gender (M,F) ◮ House location (metro, suburb, perimeter areas) ◮ 6 segments: ( M , m ), ( M , s ), ( M , p ), ( F , m ), ( F , s ), ( F , p ).

  12. Segmentation Specification β M , m TT M , m + β M , s TT M , s + β M , p TT M , p + β F , m TT F , m + β F , s TT F , s + β F , p TT F , p + TT i = TT if indiv. belongs to segment i , and 0 otherwise Remarks ◮ For a given individual, exactly one of these terms is non zero. ◮ The number of segments grows exponentially with the number of variables.


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