chip semi annual progress report

CHIP SEMI- ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT CHIPping Away at Health - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CHIP SEMI- ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT CHIPping Away at Health Disparities Thanks CHIP is the communitys commitment to actively pursue opportunities to work together to improve the health of Southern Nevadans.

  1. CHIP SEMI- ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT CHIPping Away at Health Disparities

  2. Thanks  CHIP is the community’s commitment to actively pursue opportunities to work together to improve the health of Southern Nevadans. This represents the commitment and hard work of all the community partners.  This has been a remarkable journey for SNHD and our partners. We are grateful to the community partners. Together we will make Southern Nevada a healthier place to live, learn, work, and play as we continue to cultivate a culture of health.

  3. Three Priorities Access to Care Chronic Disease Policy and Funding CHIPping Away at Health Disparities

  4. Access to Care  911 nurse call line  Pilot study funded- Will start July 17, 2017  Linkage to 211& social services & nurse visits  Provider shortages & transportation  Mobile Health Collaborative (MHC) April 6 1-7pm Hartke Park  Insurance enrollment  89,000 newly insured  Specifics expected July 2017 CHIPping Away at Health Disparities

  5. Chronic Disease- Obesity  Obesity  the Neon to Nature mobile app has been downloaded 7,647 times  100 people completed the Lifestyle Change Challenge  500 girls enrolled in the Girls on the Run program  100 school gardens have been built  Tobacco  more than 160,000 youth participate in tobacco prevention programs  a question to ascertain e-cigarette and hookah use among youth will be added to Youth Risk Behavior Surveys in 2017  nearly 60 worksites in Clark County have expanded tobacco or e- cigarette policy  more than 12,000 smoke-free apartment units have been designated in Southern Nevada  RTC - Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan CHIPping Away at Health Disparities

  6. Policy and Funding Health Equity Fact sheet for legislature- UNLV, SNHD Infomercial for the public – Tyrone Thompson, UNLV, SNHD Opioids Fact sheet for legislature- SNHD Jessica Johnson, Jamie Ross PACT coalition Youth Links to Nevada Institute for Children’s Research & Policy- UNLV Legislature Friday legislative update- NPHA CHIPping Away at Health Disparities

  7. Tracking and Transparency  CHIPping Away at Health Disparities

  8. Next steps  Landscape of public health funding report- UNLV  Improve gap identification  Improve program support  Begin planning for the next CHA/CHIP with a focus on equity and expand to all of Southern Nevada  August annual review CHIPping Away at Health Disparities


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