1.4. A rights-based perspective Monday 29th May 11.45–13.15 Children as dependents in emergency situations . Anne Kristine Bergem The Best for Children – National competence Network for Children as next of kin Norway.
Children as dependants in Norway Multidiciplinary clinical practice Health legislation guidelines for hospitals Act relating to health professionals § 10a. Health care professionals' duty to help safeguard minor children as next of kin. § 25, paragraph 3. Information to co- operating professionals. Act relating to the specialist health service § 3-7A. About children responsible health professionals. Circular IS-5/2010 National guideline for Children as next of kin. involvement and support for relatives throughout the health and care services For demonstrations, handouts and more information 08.06.2017 www.barnsbeste.no 2 - find us at the exhibition area!
Children as dependants In hospital In the communities 08.06.2017 www.barnsbeste.no 3
08.06.2017 www.barnsbeste.no 4
What about emergencies? 08.06.2017 www.barnsbeste.no 5
Thea, 4 years old 08.06.2017 www.barnsbeste.no 6
What does a child need? 08.06.2017 www.barnsbeste.no 7
Attachment 08.06.2017 www.barnsbeste.no 8
The circle of trust 08.06.2017 www.barnsbeste.no 9
Information Security Reassurance Predictability Acknowledge- Involvement ment 08.06.2017 www.barnsbeste.no 10
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child TIL BARNETS BESTE 3. BEST INTERESTS OF THE CHILD - In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by the authorities or organisations, the primary consideration shall be the best interests of the child. The state shall ensure that the institutions and services responsible for the care or protection of children shall conform with the established standards, particularly in the areas of safety and health, in the number and suitability of their staff, as well as competent supervision. 08.06.2017 www.barnsbeste.no 11
08.06.2017 www.barnsbeste.no 12
At the Dispatch Center From the new version of the ”Medisinsk index” – Children at the pick up site? Are children present at the pick up site? 08.06.2017 www.barnsbeste.no 13
In the situation Be direct Be honest Use real words Don´t assume 08.06.2017 www.barnsbeste.no 14
Goal • Let healthy children stay healthy 08.06.2017 www.barnsbeste.no 15
Worried? 08.06.2017 www.barnsbeste.no 16
Child protection services 08.06.2017 www.barnsbeste.no 17
You will find what you are looking for 08.06.2017 www.barnsbeste.no 18
Tool box 08.06.2017 www.barnsbeste.no 19
The Emergency Card 08.06.2017 www.barnsbeste.no 20
• http://www.hertervigfo rlag.no/butikk/barn- parorende- akuttsituasjoner- praktisk-guide-hjelpere/ 08.06.2017 www.barnsbeste.no 21
www.awaywithwords.no For demonstrations, handouts and more information - find us at the exhibition area!
Children as dependants in Norway Coordinated national commitment to children as next of kin since 2007 Relevant ongoing research-projects BarnsBeste - National competence network for children as next of kin • Established by the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services • Develops resources to help improve the knowledge, skills and practice of professionals and commissioners • Provides training and councelling • International collaboration • Professional networks: • Research network • Network for hospital coordinators • Scandinavic/Nordic network For demonstrations, handouts and more information 08.06.2017 www.barnsbeste.no - find us at the exhibition area! 23
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