child and adult care food program cacfp

Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) ADMINISTRATIVE & - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) ADMINISTRATIVE & PURCHASING FUNCTIONS FY 2021 1 Consultants Territories Get to know your consultant Call for technical assistance Call State Office with questions at 405-521-3327

  1. Record Keeping Forms • Daily Attendance Record (Pg. 41) • Arrival and Departure Times (PG 43) ‒ Daily arrival and departure times highly recommended if institution is approved for more than three meal services ‒ Institution must ensure no more than three meals per child are claimed daily NOTE : SDE is allowed to review DHS Time- in/Time-Out forms at any time. 39

  2. Record Keeping Forms (Cont) • Meal Count Worksheet (Pg. 44-45) • Daily Record of Meals Served – DROMS (Pg. 46-47) ‒ DROMS highly recommended if institution is approved for more than three meal services ‒ DROMS may be used for both attendance and meal count worksheet ‒ Institution must ensure no more than three meals per child are claimed daily 40

  3. DROMS Example 41

  4. Record Keeping Forms (Cont) Food-Purchasing Form Must be used to itemize all receipts for the month unless purchased from a food vendor or meals are contracted – Original and the entire receipt must be attached – Any items that does not count towards a reimbursable meal must be put in the non reimbursable section of the form P-48-49 42

  5. Donated Products •Donated food and milk can no longer be served as part of a reimbursable meal •Donated items can be served only as an EXTRA 43

  6. Expenditure/Reimbursement Worksheet Summary report of all allowable CACFP expenditures/ reimbursements ‒Administrative & Food Service Labor •Center cannot charge off more than approved in the online application budget or MORE than the employee is being paid ‒Food Purchases ‒Nonfood purchases P- 50-52 ‒Miscellaneous expenses 44

  7. Allowable Expenditures •All expenses charged off to CACFP, must be in the Budget section of the online application and approved by our office •Items that are used for the entire center like paper towels, must be pro-rated the cost ONLY items or services solely used for CACFP purposes can be charged off to the program 45

  8. Unallowable Expenses • Items that DO NOT meet •Diapers meal pattern •Candy/Soda requirements •Paper Towels for (i.e. cookies, donuts, non-CN labeled products, bathroom & classroom etc.) •Holiday decorations •Items not claimed for •Food served non- reimbursement program persons •Personal purchases •Coffee, tea, creamer •Toilet paper •Classroom activities •Facial Tissue and toys P-82 46

  9. Inventory Monthly Record of Inventory: ‒ Optional inventory of purchased foods ‒ End-of-Month Milk Inventory Receipts MUST be available for Review purposes! P- 66-68, 253-254 47

  10. Claims •After 60 days a claim cannot be paid •Payment Notices should be kept on file •Monthly Record Keeping Checklist helps insure all monthly records are completed P-53-57 48

  11. Claim Revisions New process: • Fill out CACFP Claim Revision form located in the Resource Library •A justification on why the claim is being revised •Send documents to State Agency by fax or email before the revision will be granted 49

  12. Administrative Errors That Can Cause an Overclaim ( This list is not all-inclusive) •No Records •Family-Size & Income Application Errors •Roster Errors •Claiming more kids than in attendance •Meal Counts not properly maintained/incorrect numbers •Records/Documentation does not support the claim 50

  13. Administrative Errors That Can Cause an Overclaim (Cont) •Food items indicated as being served on the Menu as Served form but receipts do not support or show enough of the food item was purchased and inventory was not being maintained ─ Example: Milk •Sharing receipts with another center • Claiming Program Adult meals (Only Child meals can be claimed at a daycare center) • For Profit Centers : Claiming meals when 25% F/R or Title XX requirements are not met 51


  15. Building for the Future •All institutions must complete the section titled Contact Information and then reproduce the Building for the Future Fact Sheet •All institutions must distribute this fact sheet to all parents of participating children annually •Sponsoring Organizations will send to SDE to upload P-61, 252 53

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  17. WIC BROCHURE ►Institutions are required to provide WIC information to the parents of children enrolled. ►To meet this requirement, institutions must post the WIC Brochure so that parents can see the information . P-62 55

  18. Training •A CACFP trainer must be designated at each institution •Trainer must conduct annual training and document date, agenda, topics, and signatures of attendees •Must keep sign in sheet of trainings •Trainings completed by September 30 each year and prior to beginning operations P-70-71 56

  19. Trainings (Cont.) TOPICS MUST INCLUDE: •CACFP Meal Patterns •Reimbursement System •Accurate meal counts •Claims submissions •Claim review process •Record Keeping •Civil Rights 57

  20. Training Methods •Conference/Meeting Style •One-on-one •Online* •Self-Paced Curriculum* *These methods must include documentation of post-training test and benchmarks, e-mail confirmation, questions and answers, and sign in records 58

  21. Additional Trainings STATE AGENCY TRAININGS • TRAINING CALENDAR •Log-in to the CACFP Application & Agreement website. The calendar will appear on the left- hand side of the page under the Resource Library TEAM NUTRITION •Webinars are on the 3rd Thursday of every month • training 59

  22. Civil Rights Training ► All Staff must be trained on Civil Rights ► New link in Resource Library : •Read and follow directions for the Oklahoma Edge/Next Thought Training Module for Civil Rights •Link - 60

  23. Civil Rights •Nondiscrimination Civil Rights Complaints— Must be based on area of statement included on all discrimination: materials being distributed ‒ Race out of institution ‒ Color • And Justice for All must ‒ National Origin be posted – not required ‒ Sex to be in kitchen ‒ Age •Procedure for filing ‒ Disability complaints •Civil Rights Training 61

  24. Nondiscrimination Statement In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. 62

  25. Statement Continued (2) Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at:, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632- 9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: mail : U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 0250-9410; fax : (202) 690- 7442; or email : institution is an equal opportunity provider. 63

  26. Civil Rights Attestation •Centers will not send in or upload Civil Rights training documentation •Centers will mark a box Civil Rights Attestation stating the Center/Sponsor has completed Civil Rights Training •Civil Rights training documentation is to be kept at the Center/Sponsor and will be validated during the Administrative Review 64

  27. 65

  28. Procurement/Purchasing All procurement/ purchasing transactions must be conducted in a manner providing full and open competition P- 81-118 66

  29. Procurement Plan All CACFP Institutions must have written procedures for procurement transactions P-100-106 67

  30. Procurement Plan/Procedures Must Include: •Methods of Procurement •Code of Conduct •Minority firms, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms statement •Chart of Procedures •Protest Procedures ► Nonkickback affidavits on all contracts over $25,000 P-100-106 68

  31. Methods of Procurement ► Informal methods •Micro-purchasing •Small purchase procedures •Noncompetitive Proposal ► Formal methods •Invitation for Bid/Sealed Bids •Request for Proposal (RFP) P-83-86 69

  32. Micro-Purchasing •Aggregate/total per transaction does not exceed $10,000.00 •Distributed among qualified suppliers •No quotes required •Price must be reasonable P-83 70

  33. “Spreading the Wealth” •Program operators may not always purchase from only one source rather purchases must regularly be made using multiple, available qualified sources •The products or services may be similar or dissimilar purchased at once as a single, collective unit 71

  34. Small Purchase Procedures •Purchases under $250,000 per bid or solicitation. •Obtain quotes or CHECKING PRICES (by email, telephone, oral, catalogs, websites) •Contact at least two sources •Document price quotes and why you purchased from a certain supplier? P-83-84 72

  35. Non-competitive Proposals ► Emergency circumstances ► Item available from one source ► Competition is inadequate •Awarding agency (SDE) authorizes noncompetitive proposals P-102-103 73

  36. Formal Procurement •Purchases OVER $250,000 per bid or solicitation document •Specifications must be submitted to minimum of 2 vendors. •An Advertisement must be placed in a Newspaper 74

  37. 2 Types of Formal Procurement Invitation for Bid/Sealed Bid: •The district will award the bid to the vendor with the lowest price with No Exceptions Request for Proposal (RFP) •Contract is awarded to who has the highest points based on a weighted evaluation • Price alone is not the sole basis for award, but remains the primary consideration when awarding a contract 75

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  39. Contracting for Services ► Institution retains final administrative and financial responsibility ► No contracting for management responsibilities: •Monitoring •Submitting Claims •Corrective Action •Preparation of Application Materials ► SDE must approve contract, written by the Center/Sponsor, before going out to bid P-218 77

  40. Contracting for Food Service If your center plans on contracting for Food Service, an agreement between the center and food service provider is required . To receive a copy of the correct contract/agreement, contact our office at 405-521-3327 or P-219-221 78

  41. Contracting for Food Service • School is responsible for production records • School/Vendor documents meals delivered •Meals served are documented using Contract Meal Delivery Receipt (CMDR) form •CACFP institution maintains CMDR form – This is the Centers Menu as Served record P-218-221 •School/Vendor bills CACFP institution • CACFP institution claims reimbursement 79

  42. 80

  43. Contracting for Food Service Contracting with a Public School: ► Schools must charge at a minimum: • Breakfast —Free Reimbursement Rate • Lunch/Supper —Free Reimbursement Rate + Value of Commodities + $.07 Incentive • Snack —Free Reimbursement Rate ► Contracts with schools are good from July 1 – June 30 th . A new contract needs to be obtained in June P-218-221 81

  44. Milk Substitutions •An institution may allow parents to request a milk substitution •Medical statement is not required if the substitution is nutritionally equivalent to cow’s milk •Request must be made in writing •Offering milk substitutions is at the option and cost of the institution P-123, 129 82

  45. Milk Substitutions Request •Reason for the request •Completed form signed by parent • Nutrient requirements: Calcium 276 mg Magnesium 24 mg Protein 8 g Potassium 349 mg Vitamin A 500 IU Phosphorus 222 mg Vitamin D 100 IU Riboflavin 0.44 mg Vitamin B-12 1.1 mg P-129 These milk substitutions are at the option & expense of the facility. 83

  46. Milk Substitutions (cont.) Medical statement required when a disability requires a non-dairy beverage that is not nutritionally equivalent to cow’s milk…” Example: Almond or Coconut milk P-123 84

  47. Medical Statement •Required for participants who are unable to consume certain foods •Must be signed by a recognized medical authority •Should include recommended alternate foods •Cannot claim meals lacking required components/quantities unless meal is supported by medical statement •May make nonmedical substitutions with documentation (does NOT include milk ) P-192-193 85


  49. CACFP Meal Pattern Requirements •At least one whole grain-rich item must be offered per day -- if only providing At-Risk Meals the grain must be whole grain-rich •Cereal may only contain 6 grams of sugar/dry ounce •No grain-based desserts

  50. List of SOME Grain-Based Desserts •Breakfast bars •Granola bars •Brownies •Sweet piecrusts •Cakes •Sweet rolls •Cereal bars •Toaster pastries •Cookies •Doughnuts P-162-163 88

  51. CACFP Meal Pattern Requirements •Yogurt may only have 23 grams of sugar per 6 ounces •Meat/meat alternate may meet grain requirement at breakfast (3 times a week) •Juice can only be offered once a day

  52. Non-Creditable Cheese Product packaging states: •“Imitation cheese” •“Cheese product” Common items •Cheese whips •Cheese with pimento •Cream cheese 90

  53. Creditable Lunch Meat •Lunch meats are only creditable if they can be found in the USDA Food Buying Guide (FBG) and the label on the package reads EXACTLY AS STATED in the Food As Purchased (AP) column in the FBG or; •A CN Label or; •Product Formulation Statement (PFS) obtained from the manufacturer *If the lunch meat does not meet one of the criteria above, meals containing lunch meat may be disallowed during a review P-130 91

  54. Creditable Lunch Meat - FBG wsxz 92



  57. USDA Food Buying Guide App Search and locate yield information for foods typically served in child nutrition programs Compare yield information to determine the foods that best meet your program needs. Create a favorites list of food items! Email and print search results, food comparisons, and favorites list 95

  58. CACFP Crediting Handbook 96

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  60. Types of Meal Serves Pre-plated or Straight Serve meals •All food components and the minimum quantities must be on the plate when served Family Style •Allows children & adults to serve themselves from common serving bowls & platters of food •Supervising adults may provide assistance as needed 98

  61. Family Style Meal Guidelines •Place enough food at each table to provide the required portions •Children & adults may take smaller portions •Actively encourage children & adults to take the full serving •If the food is refused, do not force •Meals are reimbursable as long as all food components are offered 99

  62. Food Related Issues That Can Cause an Overclaim ( This list is not all-inclusive) • NOT serving one whole-grain rich item per day •Serving Juice more than once a day •Serving lunch meat that does not meet requirements •Serving grain-based desserts •Serving food items not found in the Food-Buying Guide, do not have a CN label, or a Product Formulation Statement (PFS) •Insufficient quantities or quantities not listed on Menu as Served form or no Delivery Receipts 100


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