cheryl vardon principal commissioner

Cheryl Vardon Principal Commissioner This place I call home: The - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Cheryl Vardon Principal Commissioner This place I call home: The views of children and young people on growing up in Queensland Queensland Family & Child Commission 1 Growing up in Queensland 2018 Hearing from over 7,000 000 young

  1. Cheryl Vardon Principal Commissioner This place I call home: The views of children and young people on growing up in Queensland Queensland Family & Child Commission 1

  2. Growing up in Queensland 2018 Hearing from over 7,000 000 young people Thr Three ee lin ines of in inquir uiry: • Community • Hopes and dreams • The big picture 2

  3. The survey and focus groups 4,901 young people aged 13 – 18 years participated in the survey. 6% state- wide identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander. FNQ 15% North Queensland made up 7% NQ of survey participants 7% CQ 5 focus groups in Mount Isa with 55 7% participants SWQ 26% SEQ 46% 3

  4. Community 4

  5. What’s good about their community? Community • Relationships and connections • Spending time with family • Feeling safe • Having places to go and things to do 5

  6. What could be better? Community What could be improved? • More green spaces • Better public transport • Services for less fortunate • More opportunities to come together • Affordable recreational activities and events • More extracurricular activities in regional areas • More retail, recreational and leisure facilities • More support for small businesses in regional towns • Youth friendly, safe places to spend time with friends 6

  7. Community - summary ‘This is my mum and me next to a tree with my dog. My tree house has a real bath-tub inside. I drew my treehouse because it makes me happy because I can see my friends from there, and my lovely park and people to wave to me.’ Artwork submission, South East Queensland 7

  8. Hopes and Dreams 8

  9. Barriers 1. Financial difficulty 2. Lack of jobs 3. Academic ability 4. Physical or mental health 5. Where I live 6. Family responsibilities 9

  10. The Big Picture 10

  11. ‘The 10 most important issues for you and people your age in Queensland’ South East South West Central North Far North Queensland Queensland Queensland Queensland Queensland 1 Mental health Bullying Drugs Mental health Bullying 2 Drugs Drugs Mental health Drugs Drugs 3 Bullying Cyberbullying Bullying Bullying Cyberbullying 4 Alcohol Mental health Alcohol Alcohol Alcohol 5 Education Alcohol Education Cyberbullying Mental health 6 Equity Online safety Employment Education Online safety 7 Cyberbullying Education Domestic violence Employment Education 8 Domestic violence Health Cyberbullying Crime Health 9 LGBTIQ issues Safety and violence LGBTIQ issues Online safety Safety and violence 10 Health Domestic violence Health Health Crime 11

  12. ‘How concerned are you by…?’ South East South West Central Far North North Queensland Queensland Queensland Queensland Queensland Stress 68% Stress 48% Stress 74% Stress 52% Stress 65% School grades 63% Body image School grades Getting a job 45% School grades 49% 61% 57% Body image 59% School grades 45% Body image 61% School grades Body image 44% 50% Getting a job 51% Body image 45% Getting a job 59% Getting a job 41% Depression 48% Depression 45% Family conflict 44% Depression 51% Depression 33% Getting a job 45% 12

  13. Community: Regional Comparisons How does North Queensland compare to the state? What do we know about Mt Isa? 1. Feeling safe in the community 2. Trust in the community 3. Perception of community relations 13

  14. ‘I feel safe in my neighbourhood / town’ 9 Across Queensland, 14 78% of young people said they feel safe in their neighbourhood. 78 Agree Unsure Disagree 14

  15. ‘I feel safe in my neighbourhood / town’ There was a substantial difference across regions. 85 83 81 80 77 75 70 67 63 65 60 55 50 South East Queensland (N = 1,308) South West Queensland (N = 732) Central Queensland (N = 212) North Queensland (N = 192) Far North Queensland (N = 428)

  16. ‘You can trust most people in my community’ 16 Across Queensland, 55% of participants said they can trust most people in their community. 55 30 Agree Unsure Disagree

  17. ‘You can trust most people in my community’ There was a substantial difference across regions. 70 64 59 60 51 50 40 41 40 30 20 10 0 South East Queensland (N = 1,305) South West Queensland (N = 726) Central Queensland (N = 211) North Queensland (N = 190) Far North Queensland (N = 423) 17

  18. ‘I feel comfortable using the public spaces in my neighbourhood / town’ Across Queensland, 16 66% of participants said they feel comfortable using the public spaces where they live. 18 66 Agree Unsure Disagree 18

  19. ‘I feel comfortable using the public spaces in my neighbourhood / town’ Participants in North Queensland were substantially less likely to agree, compared to participants in South East Queensland. 71 70 70 62 57 60 60 50 40 30 20 South East Queensland (N = 1,300) South West Queensland (N = 724) Central Queensland (N = 212 North Queensland (N = 191) Far North Queensland (N = 425) 19

  20. ‘People in my community look out for one another’ 16 Across Queensland, 47% 47 of participants said people in their community look out for one another. 37 Agree Unsure Disagree

  21. ‘People in my community look out for one another’ There was a substantial difference across regions. 60 55 48 48 50 43 41 40 30 20 10 0 South East Queensland (N = 1,299) South West Queensland (N = 707) Central Queensland (N = 211) North Queensland (N = 189) Far North Queensland (N = 416) 21

  22. Mt Isa focus groups • 5 focus groups • Primary schools, high school, youth groups • 55 young people 22

  23. Young people in Mt Isa said… ‘Adults yelling, punching and fighting’ 23

  24. Young people in Mt Isa said… ‘There are lots of parks and playgrounds and really nice people’ 24

  25. ‘What does it all mean?’ 25

  26. To find out more This place I call home - the views of children and young people on Growing up in Queensland Please join us for Growing up in Queensland 2020 26

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