Charles County Government Commissioner Standard Operating Policy Commissioners Invitation Requests and Title: SOP #: CP.CC.03.002 Presentation of Recognition Department: Effective Date: 10/11/2006 Commissioners Division: Clerk Last Review Date: To outline invitation receipt procedures and to provide a protocol for the Purpose: Commissioners when attending events where a presentation is requested. References: n/a Attachments: n/a Policy: 1.0 Invitation Receipt 1.1 When invitations are received, the Administrative AssociatesExecutive Office Administrative Associate marks them with the date stamp. and “invitation stamp.” 1.1.1 Not all Commissioners receive invitation to all events. Generally, if an invitation comes in to the President only or addressed to the Board of County Commissioners, a copy is made for each Commissioner. 1.2 An Administrative Associate Commissioners’ Office Staff input invitation details into eCalendar and the joint Commissioners email calendar, will write the invitation on the wall calendar and provide an invitation report containing at least two weeks of upcoming events to copy of the invitation to the Media Relations Officer.Office. 2.0 Invitation Review with the Commissioners 2.1 2.1 Administrative Associates try to meetCommissioner Specialists review Formatted: Font: Bold invitations with their Commissioners weekly. ly to review invitations. Formatted: Normal 2.22.1 2.2 Commissioner SpecialistsThey will mark in eCalendar on the invitation whether or not their Commissioner(s) will attend the event and if the Commissioner is requesting any type of presentation to be made. 2.3 Commissioners Specialists The Administrative Associate will also update the Commissioners pocket calendars individual email calendars to reflect accepted events, as well as eCalendars to reflect which Commissioners will attend the event. , desk calendars, and the wall calendar. 2.2 Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned 3.0 Staff Invitation Review at: 0.5" + Indent at: 0.75" Page 1 of 3
3.1 The Administrative AssociatesCommissioner Specialists and the Executive Office ManagerAdministrator meet informally each weekperiodically (or whenever necessary) to review invitations. 3.2 They willCommissioners Specialists RSVP on behalf of their assigned Commissioners to all invitations. and schedule on the computer any event the Commissioners attend. 3.2 Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned 3.3 If a check request is required to pay for the Commissioners attendance, it is handled at: 0.5" + Indent at: 0.75" at that time. 4.0 Recognition Formatted: Font: Bold 4.1 Commissioners’ Office Staff automatically prepares a framed County seals for all Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.75", No bullets or grand openings, ribbon cuttings, and special anniversary events (for businesses, numbering churches, etc.) for which an invitation is received.that a Commissioner is attending, or when a Commissioner requests a County seal for such events. Commissioners’ Of fice Staff sends notice to the Board of Commissioners by email advising of the issuance of the seal. 4.2 At the request of a Commissioner, or upon receipt of a recognition request form submitted by a member of the public , Commissioners’ Office Staff will prepare an unframed certificate to recognize aFor constituent birthday celebrations, wedding anniversaryies, family reunions, or other special event.s, staff prepare an unframed certificate to recognize the event. Formatted: Font: Not Bold 4.2 Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering 4.3 At the request of a Commissioner, or upon receipt of a recognition request form Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.5" + Indent at: 0.75" submitted by a member of the public, The Clerk to the Commissioners will prepare a proclamation to designate a specific day, week, or year in honor of a particular purpose of importance to the community. Some events require a proclamation (ex: Patriot Day, POW-MIA Day, etc.). Requests of this nature are rare and require advance notice to allow for preparation of the proclamation and time to obtain Commissioners signatures. 4.4 For events where dignitaries from a foreign country, or where other special guests will be present, a County mug, lapel pin, flag, or other special gift may be presented. 4.5 There may be some functions that the Commissioners attend for which there are no seals or certificates to be presented. 5.0 Protocol for Presentations 5.1 If a Commissioner plans to attend an event where a presentation is being made, the seal, certificate, proclamation, or gift will be given to the President of the Board for presentation. If the President is not available, it will be given to the Vice President. If Page 2 of 3
the Vice President is not available, it will be given to the next senior elected officialany District Commissioner in attendance. 5.2 Gifts for the volunteer fire department installation banquets are given to the President of the Board for presentation. If the President is not available, the Commissioner whose district the banquet is in will make the presentation . If that Commissioner is not available, they will be given to the President. 5.2 Formatted: Outline numbered + Level: 2 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned 5.3 Proper protocol calls for elected officaials to be introduced by name and title at events at: 0.5" + Indent at: 0.75" they are attending. Introductions should be as follows (depending upon who has been invited): 5.3.1 U.S. Congress members 5.3.2 State Congress members 5.3.3 County Commissioners (President first, then Vice President) 5.3.4 Town Mayors (Town of La Plata, Town of Indian Head) 5.3.5 Sheriff 5.3.6 Court Judges (Circuit Court, District Court, Orphan’s Court, Masters), Register of Wills, and State’s Attorney 5.3.7 Other elected officials (County Treasurer, Town Council members) 5.3.8 Other County officials (County Administrator, Deputy County Administrator) 6.0 Exceptions 6.1 Any and all exceptions to this policy must be approved in advance by the Board of County Commissioners. Authorized: Date: Revision Dates: Page 3 of 3
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