change to syllabus bobby office hours mw 10 11 alcove

Change to syllabus: Bobby office hours: MW 10-11 Alcove near SE1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Change to syllabus: Bobby office hours: MW 10-11 Alcove near SE1 288 Parsimony Most parsimonious vs. Mammary glands Hair Wings Live birth Tetrapod body plan 7 evolutionary events 5 evolutionary events Okay, now put these animals and

  1. Change to syllabus: Bobby office hours: MW 10-11 Alcove near SE1 288

  2. Parsimony Most parsimonious vs. Mammary glands Hair Wings Live birth Tetrapod body plan 7 evolutionary events 5 evolutionary events

  3. Okay, now put these animals and characters on a PARSIMONIOUS cladogram Species Bird Bear Shark Stegosaurus Deinonychus Characters ‘Bird-Hip’/ Ornithischian condition Loss of Teeth Vertebral Column Tetrapod body plan

  4. The Answer Deinonychus Stegosaurus Bird Bear Shark Loss of Teeth ‘Bird-Hip’/ Ornithischian condition Tetrapod body plan Amniota Vertebral Column Vertebrata DINOSAURIA

  5. History of Life Part 1. Diadectes Early Permian

  6. Life on Earth: united by RNA, DNA, amino acids, metabolic pathways 3.8 Ga

  7. Cambrian ‘Explosion’ ca. 520-510 Ma Marrella Wiwaxia Opabinia Anomalocarids Hallucinogenia

  8. The Cambrian Sea

  9. Origin of Chordata Pikaia 510 Ma

  10. Pterosauria Archaic archosaurs Dinosauria Crocodiles Lizards Anapsids Synapsids Most ‘amphibians’ Most ‘fishes’ Assorted jawless fish Urochordata Cephalochordata Bilateral symmetry Notochord Chordata 510 Ma Early Cambrian

  11. Pterosauria Archaic archosaurs Dinosauria Crocodiles Lizards Anapsids Synapsids Most ‘amphibians’ Most ‘fishes’ Assorted jawless fish Urochordata VERTEBRAL COLUMN Cephalochordata Notocord replaced by a series of Vertebrata segmented stiffer objects (vertebae), sandwiched between Chordata mobile joints mid-Cambrian

  12. Pterosauria Archaic archosaurs Dinosauria Crocodiles Lizards Anapsids Synapsids Most ‘amphibians’ Most ‘fishes’ Assorted jawless fish Urochordata Gnathostomata Cephalochordata Vertebrata 450 Ma Late Ordivician Chordata Jaws

  13. A world with teeth

  14. Evolution of the Jaw

  15. Selective pressures? Dunkleosteus Late Devonian Apex predator (Just before the Carboniferous) Unhealed bite marks on some specimens Other Dunkleosteus

  16. The Origin of Tetrapoda Tiktaalik Modern Coelacanth Late Devonian ‘Fishapod’ Tetrapoda Dunkleosteus Lobe Finned Fishes (Sarcopterygyii) Bony fish (Osteichthyes) Gnathostoma

  17. Monotypic riverside stands Diverse arthropod communities

  18. Lycopsids Asteroxylon On land, rhizomatous plants begin colonizing stream and lake banks (Late Silurian)- accelerated in early Devonian

  19. Archaeopteris canopy (progymnosperm)

  20. What’s so interesting about the Devonian? Rare top predators Few meso-predators Modern Ecosystems Many herbivores Abundant top predators Abundant meso-predators Rare herbivores Detritivores Devonian Ecosystems

  21. Carboniferous 359-299 Ma

  22. The Carboniferous High temperatures High humidity High O 2 Low CO 2 Pulmonoscopius Enourmous Lepidodendron forests Meganeura : 75 cm wingspan [O 2 ] atm = 35%

  23. Carboniferous swamps: Refugia for older plant forms Open ‘Niches’ Carboniferous drylands: Sites of evolutionary innovation i.e. seed-producing plants Pteridosperms

  24. Evolution of hard seeds suggests that herbivorous arthropods became a major selective factor on plants, even without a good fossil record of herbivorous arthropods (the first herbivorous vertebrate doesn’t show up until the early Permian: Diadectes )

  25. The Carboniferous: Tetrapod Expansion

  26. Pterosauria Archaic archosaurs Dinosauria Crocodiles Lepidosaurs Anapsids Synapsids Most ‘amphibians’ Most ‘fishes’ Assorted jawless fish Tetrapoda Urochordata Gnathostomata Cephalochordata Vertebrata Four weight-bearing limbs Neck Chordata Loss of gills Lungs

  27. The Basal Tetrapods Early Anthracosaur Proterogyrinus Pholiderpeton

  28. The Tetrapod Body Plan Learn this- in Fastovsky Caudal vertebrae Dorsal vertebrae Sacrum Cervical vertebrae Ilium acetabulum Ischium Gastrala Pubis Astragalus Calcanium Scapula Coracoid Humerus

  29. Late Carboniferous (ca. 290 Ma) Dominated by Anthracosaurs & Temnospondyl amphibians

  30. Gymnophiona Urodela Anura (Caecilians) (Salamanders) (Frogs/Toads) Anthracosauria: Sometimes used to Diplocaulus refer to ‘reptile-like amphibians’ Diadectes : First herbivorous land vertebrate! Food for thought: Temnospondyli Why the radiation?

  31. Meet the Amniotes: The great terrestrial adaptation

  32. Pterosauria Archaic archosaurs Dinosauria Crocodiles Lepidosaurs Anapsids Synapsids Most ‘amphibians’ Most ‘fishes’ Amniota Assorted jawless fish Tetrapoda Urochordata Gnathostomata Cephalochordata Vertebrata Amniotic egg Chordata Thick skin Distinctive skulls

  33. The cleidoic egg: a private pond Eggshell: Semipermeable Calcareous or leathery Albumen: Egg cytoplasm Amnion: Protection / Gas transfer Yolk Sac: Nutrient Pool Allantois: Waste Pool

  34. Synapsida Anapsida Lepidosauria Archosauria Diapsida First amniotes in record (!!) Eureptilia Amniotes

  35. Meet the Amniotes No temporal fenestra Upper temporal fenestra Lower temporal fenestra Single temporal fenestra = ‘window’ fenestra


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