challenging speech acts

Challenging Speech Acts Workshop Questioning Speech Acts Universitt - PDF document

Challenging Speech Acts Workshop Questioning Speech Acts Universitt Konstanz September 14-16, 2017 Manfred Krifka Arik Cohen A classical joke: The Trotzky Telegram: Joseph Stalin, The Kremlin, Moscow. I was wrong? You are the true

  1. Challenging Speech Acts Workshop Questioning Speech Acts Universität Konstanz September 14-16, 2017 Manfred Krifka Arik Cohen A classical joke: The Trotzky Telegram:  “Joseph Stalin, The Kremlin, Moscow. I was wrong? You are the true heir of Lenin? I should apologize?” cf. Arthur Asa Berger, The Genius of the Jewish Joke, 1997 Prosody matters: Féry 2017:

  2. A Classical Reaction: Challenges to speech acts  Incredulity questions, cf. Cohen 2007  Examples: 1) A: Donald will become president. B: DONALD will become president?! / Donald will become PRESIDENT?! DONALD will become PRESIDENT?! Are you sure? 2) A: Will Donald become president? B: Will DONALD become PRESIDENT?! What a stupid question! 3) A: If only Donald became president! B: If only Donald became PRESIDENT?! Are you crazy? 4) A: Idiot! B: IDIOT?! Don‘t call me that! 5) Patient : Ouch! Dentist : Ouch?! You are anesthetized, this can’t hurt you!  Observations: ● Speaker B expresses incredulity or indignation about the previous contribution ● Invites explanation of justification by the first speaker, A – hence, a challenge ● The antecedent contribution can be of any speech act type (assertion, question, optative, curse, interjection, ...) ● Prosodic contour, with L* (low focus accent) and H% (high boundary tone), expanded pitch range

  3. Challenges beyond speech acts  Examples: 6) A goes to the farmers market. It is February. One stand offers strawberries. A, to seller: Strawberries in WINTER?!  Observe: ● Same prosodic marking: focus L*, boundary H%, expanded pitch ● No preceding speech act; reference to some phenomenon given in the situation. ● Speaker expresses incredulity or indignation about this phenomenon ● Speaker expresses interest in clarification about the phenomenon Related cases: Contradictions  Examples 7) A: My fate is sealed. I am diagnosed with elephantiasis. B: Elephantiasis isn’t incurable! L*+H L* L*H% Cf. Liberman, Mark & Ivan Sag. 1975, Annotation: Ladd, D. Robert. 1996. Contradiction contour onset as L*+H+!H: Bartels, Christine. 1999. [2013]. Variety of possible realizations: Hedberg, Nancy, e.a. 2003.  How contractions work: ● Current conversation or situation can be seen as entailing a proposition φ ● Speaker rejects φ , typically by an assertion of the negation of φ ● Focal accent on new part (negation, verum focus, etc.)  Challenges ≠ Contradictions: ● Contradictions refer to an antecedent proposition and negates it ● Challenge refers to antecedent speech act or situational given phenomenon and questions it

  4. Related cases: Exclamatives  Examples 8) A: Donald will become president. B: Donald will become president!! Incredible! 9) Stawberries in winter!! Incredible! How fast this car is!!  How exclamatives work: ● Speaker expresses astonishment, surprise about a speech act, a proposition, a degree Rett 2012)  Challenges ≠ Exlamatives: ● Exclamatives do not question the antecedent ● Challenges express incredulity, give addressee a chance to revoke Related cases: Echo questions  Examples: 10) A: The symphony requires four ondes martenots. B: The symphony requires WHAT? wh echo question B: The symphony requires four ONDES MARTENOTS? non wh echo question 11) A: When will he bring his pet tarantula to the vet? B: When will he bring WHAT to the vet? wh echo, antecedent: wh question  How echo questions work: ● echo questions refer to preceding speech act, which can be of any type ● in echo questions one constituent is replaced by wh-element with focal accent, in non-wh echo question one constituent is realized as focus ● Speaker indicates that antecedent was not properly understood w.r.t. wh / focus constituent, asks to repeat the act to achieve better understanding.  Echo questions ≠ Challenges ● Echo questions are requests for clarification, speech act was not understood Challenges: speech acts were understood, expression of indignation / disbelief ● Challenges have an expanded pitch range (Hirschberg & Ward 1992, Repp & Rosin 2015) ● Challenges are often accompanied by facial gestures (frowning) (Crespo-Sendra e.a. 2013) ● Echos but not challenges allow for focus/wh on parts of words: (Cohen 2007): This is called WHAT-jacency?  Challenges are sometimes considered a type of echos (Artstein 2002, Poschmann 2015)

  5. Explaining challenges  Challenges are not requests for information or confirmation, like questions or rising declaratives.  Challenges express incredulity or indignation about a phenomenon in the situation, i.e. the phenomenon does not fit the epistemic or deontic background of the speaker (Cohen 2007) 11) A: Donald will become president. B: DONALD will become PRESIDENT?! 12) Strawberries in WINTER?!  In case the phenomenon is an antecedent speech act, speaker signals resistance against accepting that speech act.  Resistance can be understood as a challenge: The addressee can withdraw that speech act, or stick by it, but then some motivation for sticking by it is expected. The Commitment Space Model (CSM) ● cf. Cohen & Krifka 2014, Krifka 2015  Commitments and other attitudes: A φ ‘A is committed to truth of φ ’ assertions ⊢ ● A φ ‘A prefers φ over alternatives’ optatives ⊤ ● A φ ‘A is impressed by φ ’ exclamatives ⊥ ●  Commitment States c: ● Sets of ostensibly shared propositions Non-contradictory, i.e. c ≠ Ø ⋂ ● ● Adding of commitments, e.g. c + A ⊢ φ = c {A φ } ⋃ ⊢  Commitment Spaces C: ● Sets of commitment states, to model possible continuations ● √ C = ∩ C: the root, the propositions actually shared ● C + A: A = C ′ , update of C with speech act A , actor A, to output C ′  Commitment Space Developments, CD: Sequences of pairs of Actor, Commitment Space , ⟨ ⟩ ● ● ⟨ ..., ⟨ *, C ⟩ + A: A = ..., ⟨ *, C , ⟨ A, C+ A ⟩⟩ , ⟩ ⟨ ⟩ update of last commitment space with speech act A , actor A

  6. Assertion in Commitment Spaces  Assertion by A that φ at input commitment space C: ● A: [ ActP . [ CommitP ⊢ [ IP Donald is president ]]] ● C + A: ASS( φ ) = C + A ⊢ φ = {c C | ⊢ A φ ∈ c} ∈ ● Restricts C to those commitment states that contain the proposition ⊢ A φ √ C + A:ASS( φ ) = +A φ +A φ ⊢ ⊢  Assertion by A that φ at input commitment space development: ● ⟨ ..., *,C + A: ASS( φ ) = ..., *,C , ⟨ A, C +A φ ⟩ = CD ⟨ ⟩⟩ ⟨ ⟨ ⟩ ⊢ ⟩ ● Conversational implicature introduces φ itself in a second step: CD + φ = ..., *,C , A,C+A φ , ⟨ A, [C+A φ ] + φ ⟩ = CD ′ ⟨ ⟨ ⟩ ⟨ ⊢ ⟩ ⊢ ⟩ Reactions to Assertions; Rejection CD ′ after assertion: ..., *,C , A,C+A φ , ⟨ A,[C+A φ ]+ φ ⟩  ⟨ ⟨ ⟩ ⟨ ⊢ ⟩ ⊢ ⟩  B: Okay. / Aha. / Ø ● acceptance, no change  B: Yes . ● confirmation, picks up TP proposition in A: [ ActP . [ ComP ⊢ [ TP ...]]], B asserts φ : ● CD ′ + B: ASS( φ ) = ..., *,C , ⟨ A,[C+A φ ]+ φ , ⟨ B, [[C+A φ ]+ φ ] +B φ ] ⟩ ⟨ ⟨ ⟩ ⊢ ⟩ ⊢ ⊢ ⟩  B: No. denial, picks up φ , B asserts ¬ φ , requires rejection R for consistency: ● Rejection goes back to previous state: ..., S,C , S ′ ,C ′ + R = ..., S,C , S ′ ,C ′ , ⟨ S,C ⟩ ⟨ ⟨ ⟩ ⟨ ⟩⟩ ⟨ ⟨ ⟩ ⟨ ⟩ ⟩ ● CD ′ + B: No. = CD ′ + R + B:ASS(¬ φ ) = ..., *,C , A,C+A φ , ⟨ A,[C+A φ ]+ φ , ⟨ A,C+A φ , ⟨ B, [C+A φ ] +B ¬ φ ⟩ ⟨ ⟨ ⟩ ⟨ ⊢ ⟩ ⊢ ⟩ ⊢ ⟩ ⊢ ⊢ ⟩ Results in a commitment space with A φ and B ¬ φ , ⊢ ⊢ ● A and B make contradictory commitments, but commitment state not contradictory. ● without R , commitment states would contain φ and B ¬ φ , incoherent c.state; ⊢ in general: R is used to maintain consistency.  Rejection has a similar function as negotiating table in Farkas & Bruce 2010

  7. Questions in the CSM  Example: bipolar question 13) Is Donald president or not?  Questions restrict the possible continuations, not the root – meta speech act ● C + A to B: φ ? V ¬ φ ? = { √ C} ⋃ C+B ⊢ ⋃ φ C+B ⊢ ¬ φ ● Restricts possible continuations to commitments by addressee B to either φ or ¬ φ √ C √ C + A to B: φ ?V¬ φ ? = B+¬ φ +B φ +B φ B+¬ φ ⊢ ⊢ Reactions to questions  Reactions to bipolar question: ● B: Yes, he is. CD + B: ASS( φ ) = ..., *,C , A, { √ C} C+B φ C+B ¬ φ ⟩ , ⟨ B, C+B φ ⟩ ⟨ ⟨ ⟩ ⟨ ⋃ ⊢ ⋃ ⊢ ⊢ ⟩ ● B: No, he isn’t. CD + B: ASS(¬ φ ) = ..., *,C , A, { √ C} C+B φ C+B ¬ φ , ⟨ B, C+B ¬ φ ⟩ ⟨ ⟨ ⟩ ⟨ ⋃ ⊢ ⋃ ⊢ ⟩ ⊢ ⟩ √ C + B: B φ = √ C ⊢ +B φ B+¬ φ ⊢ B+¬ φ +B φ ⊢ √ C +B φ B+¬ φ ⊢ + B: B ¬ φ = ⊢ ● CD + R + B: I don’t know requires rejection for consistency = ..., *,C , ⟨ A, { √ C} C+B φ C+B ¬ φ , ⟨ *,C , ⟨ B,C+B:¬K φ ⟩ ⟨ ⟨ ⟩ ⋃ ⊢ ⋃ ⊢ ⟩ ⟩ ⟩


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