Centre for Biomedical Engineering and Physics CMTF – North Sweden • Umeå University • Luleå University of Technology • Västerbotten County Council • Norrbotten County Council
Biomedical Engineering a rapidly developing field in Science and Industry aim - take a leading part in this field through excellent scientific research and development in North Sweden means - co-operation goals - products and methods for a better and more safe Health Care.
Biomedical engineering – a heterogeneous field Source:, Gambro, Siemens, Getinge, St Jude Medical, Stille, Nobel Biocare, Getinge, Instrumentarium, SCA , Artimplant,, Sangtec Medical, Johnson&Johnson
CMTF a platform of competencies! Finances: EUobj2, County adm co., UC, UmU, LTU, Vinnova, VR, Carl Kempe… Tech comp (Biom. Eng., TFM, EISLAB) Industry Uminova 5 seniors, 3 PhD stud. CMTF NLL, CDT, CDH, RTP-EH Int coop cluster, education, workshops, financing, industry, research Health care sc dept Med Physics 5 projects Tech faculty Umeå Luleå Med faculty Int cooperation 11 projects Skellefteå ”HeartNet” Home health care 6 patents 1 patent 5 new compan. Large industry >100 sc publ 15 PhD-stud, since 2000 10 Senior fac CMTF BD Co Ltd
Establish company From idea to innovation Partner search Marketing Patent application CMTF BD Co Ltd. Economy advice Leagal advice Financing Project plan Co-operation agreement Market surveigh New and patentable Analysis Idea
Seventeen projects - Methods for early detection and localization of prostate cancer - Instruments, methods and models for detection of prostate cancer - Material properties of piezoelectric sensors for biomedical applications -Tactile Video, visualization and interpretation aid for blind persons - E-health and distant spanning health care. - Spectroscopic methods for diagnosis within odontology and medicine - Adaptive image optimized cancer treatment MRI development - Opto acoustic 3D imaging of human tissue. - Multifunctional measurement methods for nerve cell analysis - Palpation on distance - Multimodal methods for detection of muscle disorders - Hydrodynamics of the brain. Alzheimer, hydrosephalus. - Statistical methods for nerve diseases - Heart and stress monitoring. - Pre and post surgery measurements of joint movements. - Diagnostic methods for eye pressure monitoring. - 3DSCB ( 3D-sensor and visualizing system for blind persons)
CMTF opens up for new projects for future applications. If you have a interesting project within biomedical engineering or just an idea do not hesitate to contact us. To be part of the centre gives the benefit to be part of the platform of competencies as well as connections.
http://www.cmtf.umu.se/ Kerstin.ramser@ltu.se Olof.lindahl@ltu.se Contacts:
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