
CD Kiri Industries Limited C dc. UY. {i:ft December 27, 2018 To, - PDF document

~ ~- ~ ~ CD Kiri Industries Limited C dc. UY. {i:ft December 27, 2018 To, To, BSE Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited l't Floor, Rotunda Building, Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, B.S. Marg, Fort, Mumbai - 400

  1. ~ ~- ~ ~ CD Kiri Industries Limited C dc. UY. •••• {i:ft December 27, 2018 To, To, BSE Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited l't Floor, Rotunda Building, Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, B.S. Marg, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001 Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051 Scrip Code: 532967 Scrip 10 - KIRIINOUS Dear Sir /Mad am, Sub: Investor Presentation of the Company. In Compliance with Regulation 30 and Part A of Schedule III of SEBI (Listing Obligations and disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, Please find attached herewith the Investor Presentation of the Company. The said presentation is also available on website of the Company at You are requested to kindly take the same on record. Thanking you For Kiri Industries Limited Suresh Gondalia Company Secretary Encl: as stated DYES INT E RMEDIAT ES CH E MICALS Plot No : 5S2-A. 566, 567, 569-71 , Village: Dudhwada, Ta l.: Padra. 'lot No : 299/1/A& B, Phase- II , Nr . WalerTank, GI OC. Va l va, Plot No: 396/399/403/404. EPC Cana l Road, Village : Dudhwada, Tal. : Padra, Dis!. : Vadodara - 391450. Gujara!, I ndia. Disl .: Vadodara- 391450Gujarat • Indi a. Ulmedabad - 382445, GuJara!, India. 'hon e: +91-79-25894477 P ho n e: +91 -2662 -273 444 Ph one : +91-2662-273724, 25 Fax : +91 -2662-273726 ' ax : +91 -79-25834960 F ax: +91-2662 -273444 Email : Web : Ema il: Web : www :mall : Web : , EGISTERED OFFICE : 7th Floor , Hasubhai Chamb er , Opp , Town Hall , Ellisbridge , Ahmedabad - 380 006 , Gujarat Ondia) , Phone : + 91 - 79 -2 6574371 - 72 - 73 Fa x: + 91 - 79 - 26574 37 4 CINNo.:L24231GJ1998PLC034094

  2. Kiri Industries Limited (CIN:L24231GJ1998PLC034094) INVE NVESTOR R PR PRESE SENTATION | DECEMBER 2018 2018

  3. Executive Summary 2 PRO PRODUCTS IND NDUST STRIES CATERE RED FINANCIAL HI HIGHLIGHTS* S* For or Dy Dyes inte ntermediates Dy Dyes Inte ntermediates TOTAL REVENUE H-acid • Various INR 11,368 Mn Mn Vinyl Sulphone manufacturers of Specialty Intermediates reactive dyes across 3 Year - CAGR the globe. 4.41% Dy Dyes Reactive dyes EBITDA OVERVIEW Acid Dyes For or Dy Dyes INR 1,826 Mn Mn Direct Dyes • • Kiri Industries Limited (KIL) is one of the largest manufacturers Textile Disperse Dyes and exporters of a wide range of Dyes, Dyes Intermediates and manufacturers, 3 Year - CAGR 3 Basic Chemicals from India. including 20 20.67% manufacturers of • KIL is an accredited and certified Key Business Partner with the cotton fabrics, dress world’s top Dyestuff majors across Asia-Pacific, the EU and material, papers, Basic Che hemica cals America. carpets, bed sheets, Sulphuric Acid • PAT It has sophisticated quality control practices and procedures, etc. Oleum 65% and 23% modern manufacturing facilities and ERP driven enterprise • Leather INR 3,581 Mn Mn management that enabled KIL to offer internationally recognized Chloro Sulphonic Acid manufacturing, dying, quality products and services. finishing, etc. Thionyl Chloride 3 3 Year - CAGR • 35.25% KIL is listed on both the BSE and NSE exchanges and has market capitalisation of approximately INR 15,770 Mn as on 30 th September, 2018. * Consolidated (FY18)


  5. 4 Company Overview • Consolid idated Revenue Break ak-up (INR Mn Mn) ) Based out of Gujarat since 1998, Kiri Industries Limited (KIL), has emerged as one of the largest manufacturers and exporters of a wide range of Dyes, Dyes Intermediates and Basic Chemicals 4,517 from India. 4,722 3,681 4,117 • It is also considered amongst the fastest growing 3,377 companies in the Dyestuffs & Dyes Intermediates 7,353 6,746 6,473 space in the country. 5,211 3,544 • It provides products and services across the whole value chain in numerous industrial sectors FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 (apparel, hosiery, automotive, carpets, leather, paper, home upholstery, industrial fabrics, etc.) Domestic International • In its 20 years of corporate journey, KIL has been focusing on providing products of high quality standards, executing collaborations and strategic acquisition, implementing Revenue Break-up (H1-FY19) environment aligned R&D, finding innovative solutions and all-encompassing customer care. Basic Chemicals • All initiatives taken by KIL has enabled it to set its footprints in over 50 countries across 7 3% continents. • The Company has the sizeable manufacturing facility of Dyes Intermediates and Basic Dyes chemicals at, Padra (Vadodara, Gujarat). Dyes 43% • To strengthen its competitive edge in dyes vertical, KIL formed a joint venture with Intermediates Longsheng (China) and set up a manufacturing facility for dyes at Padra (Vadodara, Gujarat). 54% • KIL has built a strong and differentiated business model with focus on Green Manufacturing (ISO 9001 & 14001 certification).

  6. 5 Management Team Pravin Kiri Pr ri (Chairman) • He is a science graduate from Gujarat University and started his career in the year 1966 by associating himself with Jai Chemical Industry (Kharawala Group) as a partner and was responsible for all the technical matters of the group. • He has a wide interest and knowledge in the areas of synthesizing organic structures of Dyes and Intermediates. • He looks after the manufacturing activities and is focused on operational strategy, quality control and research & development activities. Manish Kiri Ma ri (Man Managing Di Direct ctor) Keyur Bakshi (Ind ndependent Di Directo tor) r) • He has a Bachelors of Engineering • He is a practicing Company Secretary and holds degrees in Commerce and Law from Gujarat University. (Electronics & Communication) from • He is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and had served as the President Gujarat University and a Master’s of Institute of Company Secretaries of India in the year 2008. Degree in Business Management from • Actively involved in various assignments relating to Corporate Laws, Finance, amalgamations, mergers / Wayne State University, USA. de-mergers, acquisitions and takeovers, corporate restructuring and planning. • He envisions the company’s operational strategies and its future forays and expansions. He also designs its marketing strategies and Mu Mukesh De Desai (Ind ndependent Di Director) commandeers their implementation. • He has an engineering background with more than 35 years of techno commercial management He oversees the overall sales and experience in multi -product, multi location project installation and operation. exports, customer relationship management and expansions, ensuring a sustainable growth of the company. • He was the force behind the Veena Pa Ve Padia (Independent Di Direct ctor) Company’s JV (Lonsen Kiri Chemical • She has a Masters of Economics from M. S. University and has a vast leadership experience in providing Industries Ltd.), and acquisition of strategic advisory expertise and directing development and implementation of widespread programmes DyStar. and organisations through insights into livelihood, education, microfinance, gender, and health relating • He was awarded ‘Outstanding to gender and marginalised and socially excluded communities. Entrepreneur’ by Ahmedabad • She has worked with private-sector CSR divisions, government agencies and international donors and Management Association in year 2011. NGOs such as World Bank, CARE, etc.

  7. 6 Key Milestones Two-Star Export Achieved highest Entered into a House PAT since JV Agreement Commercial Filed inception with Well Obtained production minority Prospering Environmental of Singapore Court oppression Incorporat Ltd. for Clearance for backward Acquisition of DyStar delivered suit against ion of Kiri manufacturing further expansion integrated assets of became 1998 2004 2006 2008 2010 2013 2015 2018 milestone Senda and Dyes and facility for project with DyStar profitable judgement in DyStar in Chemicals Conversion of Dyestuff respect to favour of KIL for Singapore Pvt. Ltd manufacturing Vinyl buyout of KIL’s Court unit into a 100% Sulphone Successfully Stake in DyStar Export Oriented completed IPO by Senda Unit Completed Successfully expansion of completed JV Intermediate Project. Started Project and Started Changed Successfully Successfully Started Backward KIL became strategic the Name repaid completed export to Integration the largest VS 1999 2005 backward 2007 2009 2011 to ‘Kiri 2014 2017 majority of installation of USA and project for manufacturer integration Industries restructured basic chemical Taiwan production in India project Ltd’ debts plant and of H Acid started Restructured commercial debts of the production Company
