FLACOS'08 - Second Workshop on Formal Languages and Analysis of Contract-Oriented Software, Malta, November 26-27, 2008 Cc-Pi: A Constraint-Based Language for Contracts with Service Level Agreements Ugo Montanari Dipartimento di Informatica Università di Pisa November 27, 2008 Work in collaboration with Marzia Buscemi, IMT Lucca FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 1
Roadmap Service Level Agreements (SLA) Constraint semirings Syntax Reduction semantics Examples Open semantics Mapping Pi-F calculus on Cc-Pi Conclusion and future work FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 2
Roadmap Service Level Agreements (SLA) Constraint semirings Syntax Reduction semantics Examples Open semantics Mapping Pi-F calculus on Cc-Pi Conclusion and future work FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 3
Service Level Agreements FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 4
Aims I FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 5
Aims II FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 6
Roadmap Service Level Agreements (SLA) Constraint semirings Syntax Reduction semantics Examples Open semantics Mapping Pi-F calculus on Cc-Pi Conclusion and future work FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 7
Constraint Semirings FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 8
Named Constraint Semirings FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 9
Roadmap Service Level Agreements (SLA) Constraint semirings Syntax Reduction semantics Examples Open semantics Mapping Pi-F calculus on Cc-Pi Conclusion and future work FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 10
CcPi-Calculus (syntax) FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 11
Roadmap Service Level Agreements (SLA) Constraint semirings Syntax Reduction semantics Examples Open semantics Mapping Pi-F calculus on Cc-Pi Conclusion and future work FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 12
CcPi-Calculus (semantics) FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 13
Roadmap Service Level Agreements (SLA) Constraint semirings Syntax Reduction semantics Examples Open semantics Mapping Pi-F calculus on Cc-Pi Conclusion and future work FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 14
CcPi-Calculus (example I) FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 15
CcPi-Calculus (example II) FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 16
A CallBySms Service Scenario, I FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 17
A CallBySms Service Scenario, II FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 18
CallBySms Specification in cc-pi FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 19
Roadmap Service Level Agreements (SLA) Constraint semirings Syntax Reduction semantics Examples Open semantics Mapping Pi-F calculus on Cc-Pi Conclusion and future work FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 20
Labelled Transition System = FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 21
Open Bisimilarity FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 22
Symbolic Semantics = max = FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 23
Symbolic Bisimilarity FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 24
Main Result FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 25
Roadmap Service Level Agreements (SLA) Constraint semirings Syntax Reduction semantics Examples Open semantics Mapping Pi-F calculus on Cc-Pi Conclusion and future work FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 26
Pi-F Calculus FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 27
Bisimilarity FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 28
Mapping Pi-F Calculus into Cc-Pi Calculus FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 29
Roadmap Service Level Agreements (SLA) Constraint semirings Syntax Reduction semantics Examples Open semantics Mapping Pi-F calculus on Cc-Pi Conclusion and future work FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 30
Conclusion and Future Work Cc-Pi part of EU FET GC2 project Sensoria Reduction semantics at ESOP 2007 and symbolic semantics at ESOP 2008 Names as keys for secure retract Efficient evaluation of constraints via locality restrictions and dynamic programming Connection with work by Bonchi and Montanari about symbolic semantics via a normalization functor FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 31
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