cc pi a constraint based language for contracts with

Cc-Pi: A Constraint-Based Language for Contracts with Service Level - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

FLACOS'08 - Second Workshop on Formal Languages and Analysis of Contract-Oriented Software, Malta, November 26-27, 2008 Cc-Pi: A Constraint-Based Language for Contracts with Service Level Agreements Ugo Montanari Dipartimento di Informatica

  1. FLACOS'08 - Second Workshop on Formal Languages and Analysis of Contract-Oriented Software, Malta, November 26-27, 2008 Cc-Pi: A Constraint-Based Language for Contracts with Service Level Agreements Ugo Montanari Dipartimento di Informatica Università di Pisa November 27, 2008 Work in collaboration with Marzia Buscemi, IMT Lucca FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 1

  2. Roadmap  Service Level Agreements (SLA)  Constraint semirings  Syntax  Reduction semantics  Examples  Open semantics  Mapping Pi-F calculus on Cc-Pi  Conclusion and future work FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 2

  3. Roadmap  Service Level Agreements (SLA)  Constraint semirings  Syntax  Reduction semantics  Examples  Open semantics  Mapping Pi-F calculus on Cc-Pi  Conclusion and future work FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 3

  4. Service Level Agreements FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 4

  5. Aims I FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 5

  6. Aims II FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 6

  7. Roadmap  Service Level Agreements (SLA)  Constraint semirings  Syntax  Reduction semantics  Examples  Open semantics  Mapping Pi-F calculus on Cc-Pi  Conclusion and future work FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 7

  8. Constraint Semirings FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 8

  9. Named Constraint Semirings FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 9

  10. Roadmap  Service Level Agreements (SLA)  Constraint semirings  Syntax  Reduction semantics  Examples  Open semantics  Mapping Pi-F calculus on Cc-Pi  Conclusion and future work FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 10

  11. CcPi-Calculus (syntax) FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 11

  12. Roadmap  Service Level Agreements (SLA)  Constraint semirings  Syntax  Reduction semantics  Examples  Open semantics  Mapping Pi-F calculus on Cc-Pi  Conclusion and future work FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 12

  13. CcPi-Calculus (semantics) FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 13

  14. Roadmap  Service Level Agreements (SLA)  Constraint semirings  Syntax  Reduction semantics  Examples  Open semantics  Mapping Pi-F calculus on Cc-Pi  Conclusion and future work FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 14

  15. CcPi-Calculus (example I) FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 15

  16. CcPi-Calculus (example II) FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 16

  17. A CallBySms Service Scenario, I FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 17

  18. A CallBySms Service Scenario, II FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 18

  19. CallBySms Specification in cc-pi FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 19

  20. Roadmap  Service Level Agreements (SLA)  Constraint semirings  Syntax  Reduction semantics  Examples  Open semantics  Mapping Pi-F calculus on Cc-Pi  Conclusion and future work FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 20

  21. Labelled Transition System = FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 21

  22. Open Bisimilarity FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 22

  23. Symbolic Semantics = max = FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 23

  24. Symbolic Bisimilarity FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 24

  25. Main Result FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 25

  26. Roadmap  Service Level Agreements (SLA)  Constraint semirings  Syntax  Reduction semantics  Examples  Open semantics  Mapping Pi-F calculus on Cc-Pi  Conclusion and future work FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 26

  27. Pi-F Calculus FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 27

  28. Bisimilarity FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 28

  29. Mapping Pi-F Calculus into Cc-Pi Calculus FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 29

  30. Roadmap  Service Level Agreements (SLA)  Constraint semirings  Syntax  Reduction semantics  Examples  Open semantics  Mapping Pi-F calculus on Cc-Pi  Conclusion and future work FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 30

  31. Conclusion and Future Work  Cc-Pi part of EU FET GC2 project Sensoria  Reduction semantics at ESOP 2007 and symbolic semantics at ESOP 2008  Names as keys for secure retract  Efficient evaluation of constraints via locality restrictions and dynamic programming  Connection with work by Bonchi and Montanari about symbolic semantics via a normalization functor FLACOS’08, Malta - Ugo Montanari, Cc-Pi for Contracts with SLAs, November 27, 2008 31


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