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play o What is Access to Work ( AtW) o - PowerPoint PPT Presentation o What is Access to Work ( AtW) o Who can get help o What support can be available o How to apply and where to go for more advice o 2017 Statistics What is Access to Work? Access to Work supports people with a


  2. o What is Access to Work ( AtW) o Who can get help o What support can be available o How to apply and where to go for more advice o 2017 Statistics

  3. What is Access to Work? • Access to Work supports people with a health condition or disability and their employers . • Provides individual practical support and advice to help to overcome barriers to work. • Grants may help with additional costs beyond “Reasonable Adjustments”

  4. AtW helps people with all types of disabilities including: • Physical • Mental Health • Dyslexia • Autism • Sight • ADHD • Hearing • Learning Disability

  5. Some Benefits of Access to Work : • enables employers to find and retain valued workers • can help people to realise their full potential • is good for everyone, by helping people to get into and stay in work

  6. Pre Work Support • People looking for work who think they need help, can check whether they are eligible and download an AtW introduction letter to give to potential employers • Support to attend an interview may be available such as BSL interpreter

  7. What may be applied for Support is offered based on needs. A grant can help pay for items or services including: • Special equipment or software or adaptions • BSL interpreters, video relay support, lip speakers & note takers • Vehicle Adaptations • Taxi fares or a support worker for using public transport • A support worker or job coach to help in the workplace • Disability awareness training for colleagues and managers • The cost of moving equipment if the location or job changes • A support service if you have a mental health condition (see next slide)

  8. Mental Health Support Service o In permanent or temporary employment (working or signed off sick) o Have a mental health condition that has made you miss work, or is making it difficult to remain in work o No formal diagnosis is necessary Support Provided includes: o Discussing individual challenges and identifying coping strategies o Employer engagement where required o Measuring self-esteem and wellbeing o 9 months of support including 3 face to face meetings (although much of the work is done on the phone).

  9. What Access to Work will not cover You will not get an Access to Work grant to pay for: • Changes that your employer has to make (reasonable adjustments) • Items that would normally be needed to do the job whether a person is disabled or not • Support that your employer used to provide but has stopped

  10. Eligibility To get help from Access to Work you must: • Have a disability or health condition (physical or mental) that makes it hard for you to do parts of your job or get to and from work • Be 16 or over • Live & Work in England, Scotland or Wales • Have a paid job, or be about to start or return to one. A paid job could include: self-employment, an apprenticeship, a work trial or work experience, an internship, an interview for a job • You cannot get a grant for voluntary work.

  11. How to Apply Customers need to refer themselves to AtW, but anyone can tell the customer about the AtW programme and give them the AtW customer service team’s phone number and email address. You can also signpost the customer to for more information. You will be asked for information Regarding: • disability • how you travel to work • how your condition affects you at work • what help you’re already getting • what else could help you

  12. SUPPORT WITH CLAIM Access to Work Operational Support Unit Harrow Jobcentre Mail Handling Site A Wolverhampton WV98 1JE • A provider working alongside Telephone: 0345 268 8489 Textphone: ACCESS TO WORK the person can apply for a THIRD PARTY CONSENT FORM Name: third party referral form Unique Reference Number (URN): Date of Birth: I give my permission for Telephone Number • This allows the advisor to to act as my representative in relation to my Access to Work application and any ongoing support. I understand that I may withdraw my consent by notifying Access to Work in writing. offer more information on Signed: their clients behalf directly to Date: Third Party Signature: Access to Work advisors Date: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official use only: Region:

  13. The Characteristics of Access to Work Customers

  14. The Characteristics of Access to Work Customers

  15. The Characteristics of Access to Work Customers


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