castle secondary

Castle Secondary Our Secondary Curriculum focuses on learning and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Castle Secondary Our Secondary Curriculum focuses on learning and strives to provide an exciting and stimulating environment, be creative and fun whilst setting a standard for all the children. The students are organised within teaching groups

  1. Castle Secondary

  2. Our Secondary Curriculum focuses on learning and strives to provide an exciting and stimulating environment, be creative and fun whilst setting a standard for all the children.

  3. The students are organised within teaching groups based upon their ability and learning style. The students are taught by subject specialists and transition to different teaching places around the School or are based in a particular classroom.

  4. Key stage 3…… The Key Stage 3 curriculum is based upon a highly differentiated National Curriculum with a wealth of enrichment learning opportunities to support pupil’s individual achievement.

  5. Extending opportunities… We also work in partnership with a range of agencies and with our local community. We believe that learning should take place within context and have many opportunities to explore the functionality and application of what they have learnt in real life situations. An extensive range of lunchtime and afterschool clubs enhance the development of personal and social skills and raise the self esteem of pupils.

  6. The Key Stage 4 curriculum is based upon a highly differentiated National Curriculum with a wealth of enrichment learning opportunities to support pupil’s individual achievement. Students access a range of subjects which lead to external accreditation Include some photos of KS4 lessons · Science · English · Technology · Maths · Art -Computing -PE

  7. Work experience….. Students in year 10 attend two work experience placements of 2 days and 3 days. Within Year 11 the students attend a work experience for one day each week.

  8. Transition….. Students are well supported in their subsequent placements whether it be at Castle sixth form or to a local Sixth form college. Students attend bespoke sessions at their new placements which are supported by familiar staff from Castle School.

  9. Children’s views………. ‘’I like going to ‘’I like all my music club lessons they and boys are fun’’ club ’’ ’’I like Castle School lunchtimes. The staff are nice and they help me make good choices!’’


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