case presentation

Case Presentation Dr Howard Gluckman Main Complaint: The molar has - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

International Multi-Center Study for the Megagen Anyridge Implant System Case Presentation Dr Howard Gluckman Main Complaint: The molar has broken down and she would like to have it sorted out and would like to fill the gap Clinical

  1. International Multi-Center Study for the Megagen Anyridge Implant System Case Presentation Dr Howard Gluckman

  2. Main Complaint: The molar has broken down and she would like to have it sorted out and would like to fill the gap Clinical Examination: The 16 has caries that extends deep subgingival and close to the furcation. Restoration difficult and an implant solution was preferred. Ridge collapse in the 15 area.

  3. Radiographic Diagnosis Deep Sub-gingival caries making the tooth unrestorable

  4. Treatment Plan • Extraction of the 16 • Placement of an immediate implant in the 16 area • Placement of an implant in the 15 area • Contour augmentation of the 15 area to imporve the emergence profile of the 15.

  5. A full flap is raised to get access to the buccal defect in the 15 area. Excellent primary stability is achieved with both implants. a 5,5x8,5mm Anyridge is placed in the 16 area and a 4x10mm Anyridge is placed in the 15 area

  6. The jump gap on the 16 is filled with porcine xenograft and the buccal defect of the 15 is given a contour augmentation using the same material.

  7. Suture removal after 1 week 1 Month follow up Occlusal view of 1 month follow up showing excellent 3 month follow up showing excellent soft tissue healing and health as well as outstanding buccal contours in the 15 area soft tissue healing

  8. Radiographic follow up immediate post op 1 month post op

  9. Closed Tray Impression Final crowns before try-in copings in place

  10. Final Crowns in position showing excellent tissue integration and emergence profile

  11. Radiographic follow up Immediate Post op one year post op


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