cartographic visualization

Cartographic Visualization Generally: using InfoVis techniques to - PDF document

Cartographic Visualiztion Cartographic Visualization Generally: using InfoVis techniques to stretch cartography to new and interesting horizons Visualization involving geographic information and layout OR Visualization informed by the

  1. Cartographic Visualiztion Cartographic Visualization � Generally: using InfoVis techniques to stretch cartography to new and interesting horizons � Visualization involving geographic information and layout � OR Visualization informed by the rules and conventions of cartography From Metaphor to Method: Cartographic Key Cartographic Techniques for InfoVis Perspectives on Information Visualization (Skupin 2000) � The Distance Model � InfoVis often uses mapping and landscape � Map Projection metaphors � Cartographic Generalization � But, tends to ignore history of cartographic ideas already in existence � Skupin is a Geography professor… The Distance Model Distance Model (con’t) � First Law of Geography : “Everything is � Scale: different features are evident at related to everything else, but closer things different scales are more closely related” (Waldo Tobler) � Dependant on sample resolution � The power of spatial positioning is well � Content: proximity can mean a lot of things discussed in InfoVis � Similarity � Functional Distance (eg, travel time) 1

  2. Map Projection Mercator Projection � How to fit multi-dimensional data into 2D space? � InfoVis has many methods available, eg. Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) � But all projection distorts! Beware! Gall-Peters Projection Robinson Projection Cartographic Generalization Geographic Visualization: Designing Manipulable Maps for Exploring Temporally Varying Georeferenced Statistics (MacEachren et al 1998) � Maintaining meaning over range of scales � How to display time-dependant geographic � University courses taught on just this subject! data informatively? � Not too many general rules provided � Specifically regional health data (mortality rates etc) for series of years � Informed by cartographic principles 2

  3. Cartographic Principles in Design HealthVis � Can control type of � Animation of maps to show time series data data and method of � Representing multiple non-geographic display variables on a map � Can step through or � Problem: spatial location is already taken! play data for change � Interactivity over time Evaluation of System Problems with Cartographic Visualization � Usability analysis somewhat unusual: � The history of cartography is not a scientific comparison of exact number of times each one (for the most part) action done � Largely based on intuition & rules of thumb � Overall result: if right setting used, useful � Good for making a single map, for a few main patterns in data were found purposes � System left too much to the user, had to � Very hard for automatically created dynamic fiddle with parameters to find useful patterns maps Advantages of Cartographic Visualization Conclusion � We intuitively understand the metaphor � A lot of useful knowledge to be found in cartography � Easy to leverage familiar cartographic conventions & users pre-existing knowledge � But work has to be done to apply it properly to InfoVis problems � As we already know, spatial position is where it’s at! 3

  4. References � MacEachren, A.M. Boscoe, F.P. Haug, D. Pickle, L.W. (1998). Geographic visualization: designing manipulable maps for exploring temporally varying georeferenced statistics Information Visualization. Proceedings 1998 , 87 – 94. Found at � <> Skupin, Andre. (2000). From Metaphor to Method: Cartographic � Perspectives on Information Visualization. Proc. InfoVis 2000 , 91-97. Questions? 4


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