caribbean integrated coastal ocean observing system

Caribbean Integrated Coastal Ocean Observing System USNFRA Product - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Caribbean Integrated Coastal Ocean Observing System USNFRA Product Developers Workshop Damin Ruiz Christian Sueiras May 17-19 The IT Team Christian Sueiras Lead product developer Computer Science undergrad 2 years

  1. Caribbean Integrated Coastal Ocean Observing System USNFRA Product Developers Workshop Damián Ruiz Christian Sueiras May 17-19

  2. The IT Team • Christian Sueiras – Lead product developer – Computer Science undergrad – 2 years with Caricoos • Damián Ruiz – IT Coordinator & Sys. Admin – Information Systems Graduate – 2 years with Caricoos Recently hired two undergrads for product development

  3. The Goal • Provide observational and forecast data, as required by stakeholders • User friendly products for all user groups

  4. CarICOOS - Scope

  5. CarICOOS - Assets 12 Wind 1 Data Buoy Stations deployed 1 Pending deployment

  6. CarICOOS - Assets

  7. Model Assessment Tool • National Weather Service – San Juan – NWS and CarICOOS forecasts products against observations (including CarICOOSmesonet) – Provide a quick assessment of forecast performance

  8. Model Assessment Tool

  9. Model Assessment Tool

  10. 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games • Sailing events coordinator approached CarICOOS – Wind forecast needed for sail events – Forecast points selected on sail courses • Numerical product – No maps – No animations

  11. 2010 Central American and Caribbean Games

  12. AIS - Shiptracker • Port managers approached Caricoos – Better AIS coverage – Easy, graphical way to interpret AIS signals

  13. AIS - Shiptracker

  14. Lets get technical

  15. Our shop… • Modelo1: 2.8Ghz x2 dual core AMD Opteron (4 cores), 16GB Ram • Modelo2: 2.6Ghz x8 quad core AMD Opteron (32 cores), 32GB Ram • Modelo3: 2.0Ghz x8 quad core AMD Opteron (32 cores), 32GB Ram

  16. CarICOOS Data Access Architecture

  17. Data Acquisition and Processing • Data is mostly acquired and processed by Python scripts running in cron-jobs in various machines. • Some simpler data that does not need heavy parsing/processing is usually processed by small Bash scripts.

  18. Web Applications • Web applications/online visualization is usually coded in PHP. • Lately we have been making heavy use of the CakePHP Framework. • The Model Assessment Tool (MAT) was built with Flex 3

  19. Visualization • We are now experimenting with Matplotlib for visualization of gridded data, and others.

  20. Google Maps + Matplotlib +

  21. Voila!

  22. Questions? Damián Ruiz: Christian Sueiras:


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