cardiology palpitations pathway

Cardiology: Palpitations Pathway 31 st January 2018 Emma - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Cardiology: Palpitations Pathway 31 st January 2018 Emma Hollingsworth Project Manager . Purpose of Presentation To inform about the CCGs new palpitation pathway To seek advice about patient information requirements

  1. Cardiology: Palpitations Pathway 31 st January 2018 Emma Hollingsworth Project Manager .

  2. Purpose of Presentation To inform about the CCG’s new palpitation pathway To seek advice about patient information requirements

  3. CARDIOLOGY Referral to Treatment Time Referrals: A high number of (RTT): Patients waiting a number of referrals from GPs to Lister Hospital cardiology team weeks for their outpatient appointment Discharge: A high number of patients discharged after their 1 st Outpatient Appointment

  4. Palpitation Pathway “Heart palpitations are heartbeats that suddenly become more noticeable. Your heart may feel like it’s pounding, fluttering or beating irregularly, often for just a few seconds or minutes. You may also feel these sensations in your throat or neck. Palpitations may seem alarming, but in most cases they’re harmless and aren’t a sign of a serious problem.”

  5. Current Pathway

  6. New Pathway Referral Form

  7. Benefits  Patients will only need to attend an outpatient cardiology appointment if it is clinically required  The pathway will enable cardiologists to see moderate-high risk patients more quickly; patients will be put on the optimum care pathway at the earliest opportunity  Improved waiting times for a cardiology outpatient NB: There is flexibility in the pathway so that low-risk patients discharged back to the GP can still have an outpatient appointment if required

  8. Next Steps ENHCCG: Implementation • Communication to primary STP: Sustainability & care Transformation Partnership • Referral forms  Herts Valleys CCG & West • Implementation Essex CCG • Review of impact  Developing pathway for • Patient satisfaction implementation • Patient information?

  9. New Pathway: Patient Information


  11. <<<END>>>


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