canadian iphys keeping the body in mind in youth with

Canadian iphYs - Keeping the Body in Mind, in Youth with Psychosis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Canadian iphYs - Keeping the Body in Mind, in Youth with Psychosis Satellite Symposium f Improving Health Outcomes in Youth with First Episode Psychosis May 21, 2015 Toronto #caniphys2015 Learning Objectives Participants are gathered

  1. Canadian iphYs - ‘Keeping the Body in Mind, in Youth with Psychosis’ Satellite Symposium f Improving Health Outcomes in Youth with First Episode Psychosis May 21, 2015 Toronto #caniphys2015

  2. Learning Objectives Participants are gathered today to learn: • About the need for early, regular metabolic monitoring and lifestyle approaches to preserve the physical and mental health and wellbeing of individuals with psychosis. • How weight gain and metabolic abnormalities develop in youth starting antipsychotic medications. • Lifestyle and skills interventions that can help reduce weight gain in people starting antipsychotic medication. • Strategies to improve collaboration with primary care providers. • Neutraceutical approaches that improve the metabolic status of individuals with psychosis. #caniphys2015 2

  3. Agenda #caniphys2015 3

  4. Housekeeping Items Washrooms are located past the registration tables, to the right. Planning Committee members have purple ribbons drawn on their name tags – they will assist you with your needs. Please note this symposium is being recorded. #caniphys2015 4

  5. Let’s keep the conversation going! Tweet with us using #caniphys2015 Join the EPION Group on #caniphys2015 5

  6. Help us evaluate this symposium The evaluation form is in your package. Please fill out the form as you move through the sessions. This will help us make future symposiums better for you! #caniphys2015 6

  7. Introduction to the HeAL Declaration Dr. Jackie Curtis and Dr. David Shiers #caniphys2015 7

  8. Antipsychotic-related risk for weight gain and metabolic abnormalities during development Dr. Christoph Correll #caniphys2015 8

  9. Young people with schizophrenia: A high-risk group for diabetes: opportunities for prevention and early intervention from an endocrinological perspective. 2 Dr. Katherine Samaras #caniphys2015 9

  10. STRETCH BREAK We will resume at 11:30am. #caniphys2015 10

  11. Early lifestyle intervention attenuates antipsychotic-induced weight gain in first episode psychosis. Dr. Philip Ward #caniphys2015 11

  12. NETWORKING LUNCH We will resume at 1pm. #caniphys2015 12

  13. Materials and strategies for liaising with primary care. Dr. David Shiers and Dr. Sharman Robertson #caniphys2015 13

  14. A neutraceutical approach to metabolic management. Dr. Tony Cohn #caniphys2015 14

  15. Stretch Break We will resume at 2:30pm. #caniphys2015 15

  16. World Café Instructions • There are 5 questions to choose from. • Go to the table with the question you are most interested in. • Discussion will take place for 30 minutes. • When 30 minutes is up, go to a NEW table, with a NEW question and to meet NEW people! • In this second round, table participants will be briefed on what was discussed in the first round at that table, then new participants will have a chance to add to it. • This repeats for a total of 3 rounds, so each participant will contribute to their top 3 questions . #caniphys2015 16

  17. World Café Questions 1. What are the current Canadian best practice metabolic monitoring and treatment guidelines for individuals with serious mental illness? 2. What are strategies for engagement, metabolic monitoring and intervention in minimally resourced and or rural areas? 3. How can we creatively engage youth in improving /maintaining their physical health as part of recovery from psychosis? 4. How can we link with primary care? How can we evaluate collaboration, monitoring and intervention? 5. What are exercise options, strategies and resources for youth with psychosis? #caniphys2015 17

  18. World Café Etiquette • Focus on what matters • Contribute your thinking • Speak your mind and heart • Listen to understand • Link and connect ideas • Listen together for insights and deeper questions • Play, Doodle, Draw – writing on post-it notes and sticking on flipchart paper is encouraged Have fun! #caniphys2015 18

  19. World Café Guidelines #caniphys2015 19

  20. Report backs from World Café • Each table moderator will provide highlights from the discussions at their tables. • Webinar participants are invited to type in comments in the chat box. #caniphys2015 20

  21. Save the Date! EPION’s 10th Anniversary Conference October 14 & 15, 2015 (Pre-conference October 13, 2015) Keynote speakers include: • Dr. Patrick McGorry -- Executive Director of Orygen The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health and Professor of Youth Mental Health at University of Melbourne. • Dr. David Shiers -- Fierce advocate as a GP and father in the UK and internationally for reform in the approach to care for young people with psychosis. Dr. Ashok Malla -- Director, Prevention and Early Intervention Program for Psychosis • PEPPMontréal), Douglas Institute Professor, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University. ⇒ Choose from over 40 workshops and presentations Be Informed ⇒ Debate emerging practices ⇒ Hear about the new research and what it means for young people with psychosis ⇒ Consider political, economic, social and cultural influences on the future of EPI ⇒ Benefit from the professional development opportunity ⇒ Connect with individuals with lived experience of psychosis, family members, front line Network clinicians, program managers and team leaders, psychologists, psychiatrists, researchers and policy makers ⇒ Share clinical experiences and strategies to strengthen service delivery ⇒ Draw from the experience of others ⇒ Embrace evidence based practices Take Action #caniphys2015 ⇒ Equip yourself to meet practical challenges ⇒ Inspire those around you 21

  22. THANK YOU FOR ATTENDING! #caniphys2015 22

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