can ulc s1001 11 integrated systems testing of fire

CAN/ULC S1001-11 Integrated Systems Testing of Fire Protection and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CAN/ULC S1001-11 Integrated Systems Testing of Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems and Fire Protection Commissioning Presentation To: Canadian Fire Alarm Association (CFAA) Alberta Technical Seminar Edmonton, Alberta 8 October 2014

  1. CAN/ULC S1001-11 Integrated Systems Testing of Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems and Fire Protection Commissioning Presentation To: Canadian Fire Alarm Association (CFAA) –Alberta Technical Seminar Edmonton, Alberta 8 October 2014

  2. PRESENTED BY Bill Fremis Technical S pecialist – Fire Protection Engineering Defence Construction Canada Working Group Chair ULC S 1001-11 Integrated S ystems Testing of Fire Protection and Life S afety S ystems 2


  4. WHY COMMISSIONING?  Requirement included as a Technical Change to the 2010 NBCC & NFCC – 2010 NBCC Article – 2010 NFCC Article Where life safet y and fire prot ect ion syst ems are inst alled t o comply wit h t he provisions of t he NBC or t he NFC, t he commissioning of t hese int egrat ed syst ems must be performed as a whole t o ensure t he proper operat ion and int er-relat ionship bet ween t he syst ems. 4

  5. WHAT IS COMMISSIONING?  S ubcommittee discussions as to what “ commissioning” is  Two different processes identified: – Commissioning – Owners Process – Integrated S ystems Testing – Code Requirement Intent of the NBCC / NFCC reviewed with NRC to ensure S tandard in-line with Codes 5

  6. COMMISSIONING VS INTEGRATED SYSTEMS TESTING • Commissioning A process of document at ion, adj ust ment , t est ing, verificat ion and t raining, performed specifically t o ensure t hat t he finished facilit y operat es in accordance wit h t he Owner’s document ed proj ect requirement s and t he const ruct ion document s • Integrated S ystems Testing A met hodology for verifying and document ing t hat all int erconnect ions bet ween syst ems provided for fire prot ect ion and life safet y are inst alled and operat ing in conformance wit h t heir design crit eria 6

  7. COMMISSIONING  Highlights  Owner Driven and Quality Focused • Ensures Owners get what they paid for  Process from Pre-Design to Turn-Over • Develop Owner’s Proj ect Requirements • Develop Commissioning S cope and Plan • Review of Design Documents • Construction Checklists and S ubmittals • Review Construction and Testing • Training and Closeout Documents and Activities 7

  8. COMMISSIONING  Highlights  Documentation of Design Changes and Resolutions, Verifications, and Acceptance Testing  Owner gets more out of their investment • Better Operating S ystems • Properly Maintained S ystems • Properly Training Building S taff  Fire Commissioning is the fire protection and life safety component of Building Commissioning 8

  9. INTEGRATED SYSTEMS TESTING  Highlights  Code Driven Process  Minimum testing required to prove integrations • S ystem A works with S ystem B  Testing of the integrations between systems in situ  One input device per integration activated to confirm corresponding outputs  Documentation of the testing 9

  10. INTEGRATED SYSTEMS TESTING  Address “ gaps” in existing S tandards  S ystems typically tested and verified independently  No requirements to test systems together • Example – Door Hold-Open Devices  Fire alarm relays tested and doors confirmed as operating  Testing by separate contractors  Integrated S ystems Testing requires a coordinated test • Example – Fire Pumps  Fire pump installed and tested to confirm relays work  Fire alarm verification to confirm inputs  Integrated S ystems Testing requires a coordinated test 10

  11. INTEGRATED SYSTEMS TESTING  Integrated S ystems Testing is not  Replacement of Design Professionals review and acceptance of systems  Review of system designs or installations, only system integrations  Duplication of existing inspection, testing, and verification requirements 11

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  13. CAN/ULC S1001-11 Integrated Systems Testing of Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems 13

  14. ULC-S1001 CODE ADOPTION  Reference S tandard S tatus  Code Changes submitted to the NRC  Inclusion in the 2015 National Building and Fire Codes of Canada  Reviewed by Reference S tandards Working Group  Recommendations to the S tanding Committees 14

  15. NATIONAL BUILDING CODE  2015 Edition Tentative Changes  New S ubsection 3.2.9  Removes 2010 NBC Article  New S entence Requirements • Testing of integrations between fire protection and life safety systems, and systems with fire protection and life safety functions • S ystems and integrations to be tested as a whole • ULC-S 1001 Reference S tandard for Integrated Testing 15

  16. NATIONAL BUILDING CODE  Appendix Note A-  Testing of Integrated S ystems • Owners must ensure fire protection and life safety systems are functioning in accordance with their design, including interconnections with other building systems • CAN/ ULC-S 1001 provides the methodology for verifying and documenting that interconnections between building systems satisfy the intent of their design 16

  17. NATIONAL FIRE CODE  2015 Edition Tentative Changes  Construction requirements in Article  New S ection 6.8 on testing of integrations  Article • References the NBC for installation of system integrations  S ection 6.8 • Integrations between fire protection and life safety systems to be tested and maintained in confirmation with ULC-S 1001 17

  18. ULC-S1001 CODE ADOPTION  S tanding Committees  Proposed Change reviewed by S tanding Committees • Use and Egress • Fire Protection • Housing and S mall Buildings  Proposed changes accepted by all three standing committees  Changes will be circulated for public comment during next review phase 18

  19. 19

  20. ULC S1001 MAJOR SECTIONS  Integrated S ystems Testing Requirements  Qualifications  Process  Testing Requirements  Documentation  Periodic Integrated S ystems Testing  Retro Integrated S ystems Testing  Integrated S ystems Testing for Modifications 20

  21. QUALIFICATIONS  Participants in the Integrated Testing Plan  Design Professionals, Installing Contractors, Verifying Parties  Knowledge and experience in the design, installation, and operation of their relevant systems  Regulations may exist for licensing and/ or certification of these individuals 21

  22. QUALIFICATIONS  Integrated Testing Coordinator  Maybe a person, firm, or corporation  Knowledge and experience of integrated systems, operation under normal and fire conditions, and methods of validation  Licenses and Certifications? • S tandard can’ t dictate professional qualifications • To be part of the adoption in Regulations • Could also be in Owner’s contractual requirements 22

  23. PROCESS  Planning Phase  Informat ion gat hering from Design Professionals • Building Floor Plans • Fire Protection / Life S afety S ystem Design Documents • S equencing descriptions and coordination of systems • M&E Riser Diagrams • Operating and Testing Instructions • Alternative S olutions • Miscellaneous 23

  24. PROCESS  Planning Phase  Preparation of the Integrated Testing Plan • Functional Obj ectives of S ystem Integrations • S equences of Operation • Integrated Testing Protocols and Procedures • Occupant Notification Procedures • Alternative Measures  Appendix B Guidelines 24

  25. PROCESS  Planning Phase  Int egrat ed Test ing Plan • Consider safety of personnel • Consider safe operation of systems • Consider Phased Occupancy, where applicable • Approved by the Design Professionals • Reviewed by the AHJs, where required • Revised when changes to systems are made 25

  26. PROCESS  Implementation Phase  Prior to implementing the Integrated Testing Plan • Confirmation from Design Professionals and Installing Contractors that systems are ready for testing • Verification documentation from Verifying Parties • Inspection Certificates from Local Authorities • Occupant notification procedures implemented • Alternate measures implemented • Notify AHJs, where required 26

  27. PROCESS  Implementation Phase  Implementation of Test Protocols • As per the Integrated Testing Plan • Design Professionals, Installing Contractor, and Verifying Party participation required  Retesting of Failed Tests  Documentation of Tests 27

  28. TESTING REQUIREMENTS  Proj ect S pecific Testing  Procedures to demonstrate proper operation of integrated systems based on design criteria  Functional operation of input devices • S imulated operation permitted for non-restorable devices or where tests could harm persons or damage systems  Acceptance of other documented testing at the discretion of the Integrated Testing Coordinator  Performance Based Testing Requirements 28


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