Cam eroon Coalition Against Malaria CAMEROON COALI TI ON CAMEROON COALI TI ON AGAI NST MALARI A, CCAM AGAI NST MALARI A, CCAM BY BY ESTHER TALLAH ESTHER TALLAH MANAGER, CCAM MANAGER, CCAM To decide decide is is to to win win, , Together Together lets lets make make malaria a malaria a disease disease of of the the past past To Paris, Sept 10, 2008 Paris, Sept 10, 2008
INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Cameroon affiliate of Malaria Malaria Cameroon affiliate of Consortium, thanks to thanks to Consortium, GlaxoSmithKline funds. GlaxoSmithKline funds. Is a non- - political, non political, non- - governmental, governmental, Is a non and not - - for for- - profit organization, profit organization, and not registered in Cameroon as an registered in Cameroon as an association. association. www.cameroon- www.cameroon -coalition coalition-
Vision Vision A Cameroon in which people no longer A Cameroon in which people no longer suffer and die of malaria due to lack suffer and die of malaria due to lack of access to malaria education, of access to malaria education, prevention and treatment . . prevention and treatment www.cameroon- www.cameroon -coalition coalition-
Goal Goal Reduce deaths and suffering Reduce deaths and suffering attributable to malaria in Cameroon attributable to malaria in Cameroon by increasing mobilizing efforts to by increasing mobilizing efforts to secure a comprehensive and secure a comprehensive and sustained response to malaria. sustained response to malaria. www.cameroon- www.cameroon -coalition coalition-
Objectives Objectives Strengthen the capacity of civil society and Strengthen the capacity of civil society and partners to mobilize political support and increase partners to mobilize political support and increase resource allocations for malaria, resource allocations for malaria, Enhance the capacity of Civil Society Civil Society Enhance the capacity of Organizations ( ( CSOs CSOs) involved in the fight ) involved in the fight Organizations against malaria in Cameroon with strengthened against malaria in Cameroon with strengthened links for coordinated advocacy and resource links for coordinated advocacy and resource mobilization, mobilization, Increase media coverage and policy debates on Increase media coverage and policy debates on malaria, malaria, Unify CSO/ NGO actions at country level using Unify CSO/ NGO actions at country level using effective technical approaches, and effective technical approaches, and Enable and support malaria activists. Enable and support malaria activists. www.cameroon- www.cameroon -coalition coalition-
Structure Structure www.cameroon www.cameroon- -coalition coalition-
Membership Membership 6 1 organisations signed in as 6 1 organisations signed in as m em bers of CCAM, ranging from m em bers of CCAM, ranging from UN agencies, international NGOs, UN agencies, international NGOs, national organisations som e of national organisations som e of them netw orks, and grassroots them netw orks, and grassroots organisations organisations Aslo 9 6 individuals 9 6 individuals Aslo www.cameroon- www.cameroon -coalition coalition-
Context Context The project took off with funding The project took off with funding from pharmaceutical giant, from pharmaceutical giant, GlaxoSm ithKline under its under its Africa Africa GlaxoSm ithKline Malaria Partnership Programme Programme. The . The Malaria Partnership project is implemented project is implemented internationally by Malaria Consortium Malaria Consortium internationally by under its Mobilizing For Malaria Mobilizing For Malaria under its initiative, in Cameroon and other Cameroon and other initiative, in countries . . countries www.cameroon- www.cameroon -coalition coalition-
Highlights Of CCAM Highlights Of CCAM Achievements: Initiation Achievements: Initiation Effective take off CCAM project activities Effective take off CCAM project activities as from January 2007 after the creation of as from January 2007 after the creation of the Association in September 2006 the Association in September 2006 Creation of work groups through which Creation of work groups through which members volunteer services to support members volunteer services to support the work of CCAM the work of CCAM Creation and strengthening of ties with Creation and strengthening of ties with stakeholders in the fight against malaria stakeholders in the fight against malaria www.cameroon- www.cameroon -coalition coalition-
Highlights Of CCAM Highlights Of CCAM Achievements: Partnership Achievements: Partnership membership of 61 organisations organisations and 96 and 96 membership of 61 individuals individuals Creation of the Cameroon Media Against Malaria Cameroon Media Against Malaria , , Creation of the (CAMAM). It has since gone operational with (CAMAM). It has since gone operational with chapters active in all 10 provinces of Cameroon chapters active in all 10 provinces of Cameroon CCAM has since offered office equipment and CCAM has since offered office equipment and malaria advocacy training to CAMAM members to malaria advocacy training to CAMAM members to enable them carry out their work enable them carry out their work Great coverage by CAMAM members of the Great coverage by CAMAM members of the official presentation of the new malaria treatment official presentation of the new malaria treatment option and the 2007/ 2008 Africa/ World Malaria 2007/ 2008 Africa/ World Malaria option and the Day following invitation by the NMCP following invitation by the NMCP Day www.cameroon- www.cameroon -coalition coalition-
Highlights Of CCAM Highlights Of CCAM Achievements: Partnership Achievements: Partnership Designation of two fam ous artists, Grace Decca and Designation of two fam ous artists, Grace Decca and Ottou Ottou Marcelin as as Malaria Ambassadors Malaria Ambassadors to boost the fight against to boost the fight against Marcelin the disease the disease Co- - Organization of a two Organization of a two- - day scientific congress of day scientific congress of Co stakeholders at which researchers shared findings on stakeholders at which researchers shared findings on malaria. These findings were shared with the wider public malaria. These findings were shared with the wider public during celebrations marking Africa Malaria Day Africa Malaria Day while the while the during celebrations marking local media also gave them a lot of publicity. local media also gave them a lot of publicity. Participation/ member of Central African Roll Back Malaria Central African Roll Back Malaria Participation/ member of Network (CARN) (CARN) Network Member National RBM Committee Member National RBM Committee Partnership with NMCP: a. GFR7/ 8 proposal development, Partnership with NMCP: a. GFR7/ 8 proposal development, b. capacity building Home Based Management of malaria b. capacity building Home Based Management of malaria nd generation GFR5 implementation, c. development of 2 nd generation GFR5 implementation, c. development of 2 National Strategic plan for malaria, etc, etc National Strategic plan for malaria, etc, etc www.cameroon- www.cameroon -coalition coalition-
Highlights Of CCAM Highlights Of CCAM Achievements: Partnership Achievements: Partnership Strides made in supporting partners to integrate Strides made in supporting partners to integrate malaria in their respective programs with great malaria in their respective programs with great success through capacity building and support success through capacity building and support ( InterNAP InterNAP, CASA, AAA, , CASA, AAA, ReCAP ReCAP+ , etc + , etc ( CCAM participation at different national and CCAM participation at different national and foreign forums at which experiences were shared foreign forums at which experiences were shared and a lot of knowledge acquired (National RBM and a lot of knowledge acquired (National RBM committee meetings, GF Board meeting, committee meetings, GF Board meeting, international advocacy meetings Zambia/ Mali, etc international advocacy meetings Zambia/ Mali, etc Hosting of study tour on malaria by European Hosting of study tour on malaria by European Parliamentary Forum (EPF) delegation to Parliamentary Forum (EPF) delegation to Cameroon. Cameroon. Parliamentary working group on malaria, and the Parliamentary working group on malaria, and the orientation of members on malaria orientation of members on malaria www.cameroon- www.cameroon -coalition coalition-
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